27.02.2023 Aufrufe

read ebook On Being a Scholar-Practitioner: Practical Wisdom in Action (Wisdom of

Link Download >> https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/B07LC2DG2H =============================== This book challenges the traditional dichotomy between scholars and practitioners and argues that Scholar-Practitioner is a mindset that educators bring to their work. This mindset comprises six qualities that can be cultivated over the course of one's professional life: Pedagogical Wisdom, Theoretical Understanding, Contextual Literacy, Ethical Stewardship, Metacognitive Reflection and Aesthetic Im

Link Download >> https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/B07LC2DG2H
This book challenges the traditional dichotomy between scholars and practitioners and argues that Scholar-Practitioner is a mindset that educators bring to their work. This mindset comprises six qualities that can be cultivated over the course of one's professional life: Pedagogical Wisdom, Theoretical Understanding, Contextual Literacy, Ethical Stewardship, Metacognitive Reflection and Aesthetic Im

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