26.02.2023 Aufrufe

Die Zeichen stehen gut

Die Zeichen stehen gut The Signs are good Post-industrial society has lost its grip on notions of work, rest and leisure. The rise of immaterial labour has been met with a growing optimisation of the individual, a continuous variable with multiple presences and temporalities. The prevalence tide of mixed, private-professional engagement forces us to be always, all ways, switched on. What does this mean for our intimate lives, our privacy and our integrity? Our needs and desires are changing, as are our values. Well, the signs, the prospects, the indications are good. Good for what, for whom? Ask the objects that surround us, that serve us and distract us on a daily basis. Objects that perform so that we can too. They help us tend to our delicate, docile bodies so we can stay in the race, multi-tasking and mobile. Carefully compartmentalised, even our tears are ergonomic these days. Kinesio tape on the shoulder replaces a warm hand, a touch helping us keep it together. As technologies of self-regulation and -exploitation are condensed and dispersed through our mental, emotion and physical lives, we’d better stay on the good side of these gadgets and tools. Miriam Stoney

Die Zeichen stehen gut
The Signs are good

Post-industrial society has lost its grip on notions of work, rest and leisure. The rise of immaterial labour has been met with a growing optimisation of the individual, a continuous variable with multiple presences and temporalities. The prevalence tide of mixed, private-professional engagement forces us to be always, all ways, switched on. What does this mean for our intimate lives, our privacy and our integrity? Our needs and desires are changing, as are our values. Well, the signs, the prospects, the indications are good. Good for what, for whom? Ask the objects that surround us, that serve us and distract us on a daily basis. Objects that perform so that we can too. They help us tend to our delicate, docile bodies so we can stay in the race, multi-tasking and mobile. Carefully compartmentalised, even our tears are ergonomic these days. Kinesio tape on the shoulder replaces a warm hand, a touch helping us keep it together. As technologies of self-regulation and -exploitation are condensed and dispersed through our mental, emotion and physical lives, we’d better stay on the good side of these gadgets and tools.

Miriam Stoney


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Luise Marchand

Die Zeichen

stehen gut

Luise Marchand

Die Zeichen

stehen gut



Die Zeichen stehen gut

by Luise Marchand


2. Edition: / 100

ISBN 978-3-948304-03-4

Special Thanks to: Edizione Multicolore, Studio Pandan, G&C Translation, Dana Lorenz, Agnieskza Roguksi,

Miriam Stoney, David Moser, David Baumgarten, Laura Diekmann-Vielmetter, Max Eulitz, Julika, Isabella,

Jenny, Vanessa, Micha, Michael, Marisol,Andrea, Maria, Lukas und Fred

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and the publisher.




Fine Bieler & Dana Lorenz

Gießerstraße 64

04229 Leipzig

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