04.02.2023 Aufrufe

CHECK Magazin - Gesundheitsmagazin für Männer No.12

Wenn wir, nicht erst seit gestern, von Ressourcen sparen reden, fällt oft die am nächsten liegende Ressource unter den Tisch: der Mensch. Auch wir sind nicht unerschöpflich belastbar, auch wir haben Grenzen. Mit dieser Ausgabe wollen wir uns daher ein bisschen befreien: Von Keimen, negativen Gedanken, dem Gefühl, nicht gehört zu werden, unnötigem Körperfett, Nahrung, die uns gestresster und ängstlicher macht, Krankheitsrisiken oder auch Scham.

Wenn wir, nicht erst seit gestern, von Ressourcen sparen reden, fällt oft die am nächsten liegende Ressource unter den Tisch: der Mensch. Auch wir sind nicht unerschöpflich belastbar, auch wir haben Grenzen. Mit dieser Ausgabe wollen wir uns daher ein bisschen befreien: Von Keimen, negativen Gedanken, dem Gefühl, nicht gehört zu werden, unnötigem Körperfett, Nahrung, die uns gestresster und ängstlicher macht, Krankheitsrisiken oder auch Scham.


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<strong>CHECK</strong> MAG #12<br />

Weight Watchers<br />

The Weight Watchers method requires proper<br />

counting. Certain points are assigned to each<br />

food. The scoring system is based on the number<br />

of calories in each food. The individual daily<br />

number of points must not be exceeded.<br />

Everything is allowed, but if you want to eat a piece<br />

of cake during lunch break, you have to save points<br />

on the other meals. In the supermarket there<br />

are ready-made Weight Watchers products with<br />

points on the packages. According to Weight<br />

Watchers, you should be able to lose a pound a<br />

week with this method.<br />

Detox cure<br />

With the detox diet, solid food is avoided for a<br />

few days. But instead of boring broths, you consume<br />

healthy and delicious vegetable and fruit juices.<br />

The body detoxifies and you lose weight within a<br />

few days. The goal is to cleanse the body from the<br />

inside – and to achieve a new, liberated body feeling.<br />

A good detox also includes avoiding alcohol, sweets,<br />

coffee and getting enough sleep. Disadvantages of<br />

this diet: muscle cramps, cardiac arrhythmia and<br />

circulatory disorders with dizzy spells can occur<br />

when fasting for several days.<br />

Foto: ©mwabonje<br />

Basically…<br />

...it’s very simple. If you want to lose weight, you<br />

must not consume more energy than you use.<br />

Physical activity has been shown to burn more<br />

calories than sitting, standing or lying down. So if<br />

you burn more calories than you take in, you create<br />

a calorie deficit. The body then has to access its own<br />

energy reserves, the fat cells. And you guessed it, by<br />

using up the fat cells, you lose weight.<br />

Finally, a few personal tips:<br />

· Losing weight starts in the mind:<br />

never say never! Expect setbacks, that’s OK.<br />

· Set yourself realistic goals: Healthy and slow<br />

weight loss is better. After a crash diet, the yo-yo<br />

effect usually follows, because if you continue to eat<br />

as usual and do not move, you will quickly regain the<br />

pounds.<br />

· Learn the difference between hunger and<br />

appetite: Have you already eaten enough or do you<br />

just feel like eating something?<br />

· Do it for yourself and not for others:<br />

So nothing stands in the way of the planned summer<br />

body. And you don’t stress yourself that much. If it<br />

takes a little longer, you will still be happy about your<br />

new body feeling in winter 2023.<br />


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