Geschichte der Kunst (Leseprobe)

Leseprobe zu: Geschichte der Kunst (Art Essentials) – Von der Steinzeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert Autorin: Janetta Rebold Benton 176 Seiten, Paperback, Euro (D) 17.90 | Euro (A) 18.50 | CHF 25 ISBN 978-3-03876-236-2 (Midas Collection) Ein prägnanter, reich bebilderter Überblick über die Geschichte der westlichen Kunst und Architektur von der Steinzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Architektur, Malerei, Bildhauerei und dekorative Künste spiegeln die Kultur und Gesellschaft ihrer Zeit wider. Dieser neueste Band der »Art-Essentials«-Reihe lädt dazu ein, die Kunst in ihrer Gesamtheit zu erleben und zu schätzen. Leseprobe zu:
Geschichte der Kunst (Art Essentials) – Von der Steinzeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert
Autorin: Janetta Rebold Benton
176 Seiten, Paperback, Euro (D) 17.90 | Euro (A) 18.50 | CHF 25
ISBN 978-3-03876-236-2 (Midas Collection)

Ein prägnanter, reich bebilderter Überblick über die Geschichte der westlichen Kunst und Architektur von der Steinzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Architektur, Malerei, Bildhauerei und dekorative Künste spiegeln die Kultur und Gesellschaft ihrer Zeit wider. Dieser neueste Band der »Art-Essentials«-Reihe lädt dazu ein, die Kunst in ihrer Gesamtheit zu erleben und zu schätzen.

15.11.2022 Aufrufe

- d i e geschic h t e d e r kunst - INDEX Illustrationen sind kursiv. Abramovic, Marina 156 Abstrakte Kunst 137—8 Abstrakter Expressionismus 154—6 Action Painting 155—6 Ägäische Kunst 22, 24—6 Echnaton 21, 22 Amerikanischer Bürgerkrieg 125—6 Amiens, Kathedrale 72 Amphitheater 40—41 Andokides Maler: Herakles beim Gelage 28, 28, 29, 29 Anguissola, Sofonisba 84 Anthemios von Tralleis und Isidor von Milet: Hagia Sophia 49—51, 50—51 Anuszkiewicz, Richard 158 Aphrodite of Knidos 31 Apollodorus of Damascus Column of Trajan 43 Pantheon 41—2, 42 Archaic art 27—30 arches 40, 41, 64, 67 architectural orders 33, 35, 38, 41 architecture Baroque 63, 94—6, 104, 106 Byzantine 48—51 early Christian 47—8 Egyptian 18—19 Etruscan 34—5 Gothic 64, 65—9, 72 Greek 32—3 Minoan 25—6 Mycenaean 26 Neoclassical 117 Palladian 116—17 prehistoric 12—13 Renaissance 79—80, 88—9 Roman 36, 38, 40—43; see also Rome Romanesque 58—60, 62—3, 65—6 20th—21st century 143—4, 149—51, 165—7 Ashurnasirpal II Besieging a City 16, 16 Assyrian art 16, 85 Athens 28, 30 Parthenon 32—3, 33 Augustus 26, 37, 38 Augustus of Primaporta 37—8, 39 Aurelius, Marcus 43 Babylonian art 14—15, 15 Banksy 162—3 Banqueting Scene 34, 35 Baroque style 94—107 basilicas 47, 47—8 Bayeux Tapestry 4, 62, 62 Benedict’s Rule 56 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo Pluto and Proserpina 96, 96 St Peter’s 95—6 Books of Hours 64, 65, 68 Botticelli, Sandro: Birth of Venus 80, 81 Boucher, François 109 Venus Consoling Love 108, 109, 111 Bourgeois, Louise 163 Maman 162, 163 Bramante, Donato 95 Braque, Georges 133, 139 Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder 91—2 Peasant Dance 91, 92 Brunelleschi, Filippo: Florence Cathedral 78, 79—80 Bubonic plague 65 Burlington, Lord 116 Chiswick House 116—17, 117 Buscheto: Pisa Cathedral 63 buttresses, flying 64, 67, 68 Byzantine Empire 48—52 Byzantium 43, 48 Calatrava, Santiago: Milwaukee Art Museum 166 Calder, Alexander 163 Canterbury Cathedral 58 Caravaggio 97 Entombment of Christ 97, 97—8 Carolingian art 56 Cassatt, Mary 128, 129 Mother About to Wash Her Sleepy Child 129, 130 Cerveteri: tombs 35 Cézanne, Paul 132—3, 140 Mont Sainte-Victoire with Large Pine 132, 132—3 Chagall, Marc 144 Violiniste 144, 145 Chambord, Château of 88—9, 88—9, 91 Charlemagne 55, 56 Chartres Cathedral 67, 67—8 Chauvet Cave paintings 11, 11—12 Chicago, Judy 165 Christians, early 46—8 Christo 163 Cimabue 74 Civil Rights Act 160 Claudel, Camille 129, 131 Cold War 153 Composite order 38 Computer Art 165 Conceptual Art 158 concrete, Roman 41—2 Conques: Sainte-Foy 60, 60 Constantine I 43, 46—7, 48 Constantinople 43, 48, 52, 78 Constructivism 143—4 Corbusier, Le 149 Villa Savoye 149—50, 150 Corinthian order 33, 38, 41 Council of Trent 91, 95 Coysevox, Antoine: Hall of Mirrors, Versailles 106, 106 Cubism 133, 139—40 Cycladic figures 24, 25 Dada 142, 146 Dalí, Salvador 146, 147 Apparition of a Face… 2, 146, 146 Dark Ages 55 David, Jacques-Louis 115 Oath of the Horatii 115, 115 Degas, Edgar 128, 129 L’Absinthe 128, 129 Delacroix, Eugène 122 Liberty Leading the People 122, 122 Derain, André 137 Digital Art 165 Divisionism 133 Domenico da Cortona (?): Château of Chambord 88—9, 88—9 domes 42, 48, 49—51, 79—80, 106 Donatello 80 David 80 Mary Magdalene 80 Doric order 33, 35, 38 Doryphoros 30, 31 Duchamp, Marcel 142 Fountain 142 Dürer, Albrecht 86—8 Rhinoceros 87, 87—8 Dutch wars 102 Egypt, ancient 16—23 Enlightenment, The 104, 108—9 Enthroned Madonna and Child… 52, 53, 83 Environmental Art 161—2 Etruscans 34, 34—5, 38 Expressionism 144 Eyck, Jan van 81, 91 Ghent Altarpiece 82 Madonna of Chancellor Rolin 81—2, 82 Fascism 141 Fauvism 137 Feminist Art 163, 165 First World War 136, 139—41 Florence 79, 80 Cathedral 78, 79—80 Fluxus 158 Fontainebleau, Château of 93, 93 Fontana, Lavinia 84 Franco-Prussian War 122 François I, of France 86, 88—9, 91, 93 French Revolution 109—10 Friedrich, Casper David 123 Futurism 140—41 Gainsborough, Thomas 113—14 Elizabeth Stephen and William Hallett 114, 114 Gauguin, Paul 132, 133—4 Nafea Faa Ipoipo 134, 135 Gehry, Frank 166 Biomuseo 166, 167 Gentileschi, Artemisia 98—9 Judith...with the Head of Holofernes 98, 98 172

- i n d e x - Gero Crucifix 46—7, 57 Gillray, James: The Cow- Pock... 112—13, 113 Giotto di Bondone 74 Arena Chapel frescoes 74, 74—5 Gogh, Vincent van 87, 132, 133, 134, 137 The Red Vineyard at Arles 133, 134 Goldsworthy, Andy 161 Wood Through Wall 161, 161 Good Shepherd, The (fresco) 46, 47 Gospel Books 56, 57 Gothic style 64—72 Goya, Francisco 121 The Second of May 1808 120, 121 The Third of May 1808 121 graffiti 162 Grand Manner 113—14 Great Depression 141 Great Migration 147, 149 Greece, ancient 26—33, 36, 37, 38 Gudea, Prince 13, 14 Guerrilla Girls 163 Benvenuti alla biennale femminista! 164 Hadid, Zaha 165 Papellón Puente, Zaragoza 165, 166 Hammurabi, Law Code of 14—15, 15 Hardouin-Mansart, Jules: Hall of Mirrors, Versailles 106, 106 Harlem Renaissance 147, 149 Haussmann, Georges- Eugène 122 Havel, Ambroise 68 Henry VIII 90, 91 Herculaneum 36, 37, 109, 115 Hirst, Damien 158 Hogarth, William 111—12 Marriage à la Mode 112, 112 Holbein, Hans, the Younger 91 Henry VIII at 49 90 Homer, Winslow 126 Home Sweet Home 126, 126 Houdon, Jean-Antoine 115—16 Washington 116, 116 humanism 78—9, 87, 95, 108 Iconoclastic Controversy 52 Iktinos and Kallikrates: Parthenon 32—3, 33 Impressionism 126—31 Industrial Revolution 111, 123 Installation Art 165 International Style 149 Ionic order 33, 38, 41 Isidorus of Miletus see Anthemius of Tralles Istanbul 43, 48, 52, 78 Hagia Sophia 49—51, 50—51 Jeanne-Claude 163 Jefferson, Thomas 115 Monticello 117 Julius II, Pope 47, 82, 84, 85, 95 Justinian I 48, 49, 51 Justinian and Attendants 44, 49, 49 Kallikrates see Iktinos Kandinsky, Wassily 138 Kells, Book of 54, 55 Kent, William 116—17 Chiswick House 116—17, 117 Klint, Hilma af 137—8 Primordial Chaos 138 Knossos 25—6, 26 korai and kouroi 30 Kritios Boy 30 Land Art 162 Lawrence, Jacob 147 The Migration of the Negro 147, 149, 149 Le Brun, Charles: Hall of Mirrors, Versailles 106, 106 Leo X, Pope 82, 86 Leonardo 83, 84, 87, 89 Madonna and Child with Saint Anne 76, 83, 83—4, 89 Mona Lisa 84, 89 LeWitt, Sol 158 Wall Drawing 289 158 Lichtenstein, Roy 157 London 106 Chiswick House 116—17, 117 Hampton Court 91 St Paul’s 106, 107 Westminster Abbey 72, 73 Long, Richard 162 White Water Line 162 Louis IX, of France 68 Louis XIV, of France 94, 104, 109 Louis XV, of France 109 Lovejoy, Margot 165 Luther, Martin 88, 91 McLeod, David 165 Maderno, Carlo: St Peter’s, Rome 94, 95 Madonna and Child (Book of Kells) 54, 55, 61 Madonna and Child Enthroned 60—61, 61 Malevich, Kazimir 138 mandorlas 60 Manet, Édouard 125 Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe 124, 125 Mannerism 92—3 manuscript illumination 54, 55, 57, 64, 65, 68 Marinetti, Filippo 140 Martin, Agnes 156 Masaccio: The Tribute Money 79 Matisse, Henri 137 Le Bonheur de vivre 136, 137 Medici, Marie de’ 101, 103 Medici family 79 memento mori 103 Michelangelo 84—5 Creation of Adam 85 Moses 85, 86 St Peter’s, Rome 95 tomb of Julius II 85 Migration period 55 Minoan art 25—6, 26, 85 Modernism, American 152 monasteries/monasticism 51—2, 56 Monet, Claude 127—8 Impression, Sunrise 127, 127 Morisot, Berthe 128 mosaics 44, 49, 49, 52 murals 25, 35, 37, 39 museums 151, 151, 165—6 Mycenaeans 26, 27 Mycerinus… 19, 19—20 Nakht and Lady Tawy Offering 20, 20, 22 Napoleonic Wars 121 Nauman, Bruce 165 Nefertiti 21, 22 Neoclassicism 11417 Nevelson, Louise 163 Nicholas of Ely 72 Nike of Samothrace 32 Nile, River 16, 18 Nîmes: Maison Carrée 38 Notre-Dame-de-Paris 69, 70, 71 O’Keeffe, Georgia 138, 153 Poppies 152, 153 Oldenburg, Claes 157 Op Art 157—8 Ottoman Turks 52, 78 Ottonian art 56—7 Padua: Arena Chapel frescoes 74, 74—5 painting Aegean 22 Baroque 97—9, 101—4 Byzantine 52, 74 early Christian 47 Egyptian 20, 22, 35 Etruscan 35 Greek vases 17, 27—9 Impressionist 126—9 19th—20th-century 137—47 Renaissance 80—5 Post-Impressionist 131—4 prehistoric 11—12 Realist 124—6 Renaissance 79, 80, 81—2, 83—4, 85, 92 Rococo 109, 111, 114, 127 Roman 36—7, 47 Romantic 121—4 Palette of Narmer 8, 17, 17 Palladian style 116—17 Paris 65, 68, 122, 124, 144 Académie Royale… 104, 115 Notre-Dame 66, 66—7 Panthéon 117 Saint-Denis 66 Sainte-Chapelle 68, 69 Versailles 104, 106, 106 173

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d i e geschic h t e<br />

d e r kunst<br />

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INDEX<br />

Illustrationen sind kursiv.<br />

Abramovic, Marina 156<br />

Abstrakte <strong>Kunst</strong> 137—8<br />

Abstrakter<br />

Expressionismus 154—6<br />

Action Painting 155—6<br />

Ägäische <strong>Kunst</strong> 22, 24—6<br />

Echnaton 21, 22<br />

Amerikanischer<br />

Bürgerkrieg 125—6<br />

Amiens, Kathedrale 72<br />

Amphitheater 40—41<br />

Andokides Maler: Herakles<br />

beim Gelage 28, 28,<br />

29, 29<br />

Anguissola, Sofonisba 84<br />

Anthemios von Tralleis und<br />

Isidor von Milet: Hagia<br />

Sophia 49—51, 50—51<br />

Anuszkiewicz, Richard 158<br />

Aphrodite of Knidos 31<br />

Apollodorus of Damascus<br />

Column of Trajan 43<br />

Pantheon 41—2, 42<br />

Archaic art 27—30<br />

arches 40, 41, 64, 67<br />

architectural or<strong>der</strong>s 33,<br />

35, 38, 41<br />

architecture<br />

Baroque 63, 94—6,<br />

104, 106<br />

Byzantine 48—51<br />

early Christian 47—8<br />

Egyptian 18—19<br />

Etruscan 34—5<br />

Gothic 64, 65—9, 72<br />

Greek 32—3<br />

Minoan 25—6<br />

Mycenaean 26<br />

Neoclassical 117<br />

Palladian 116—17<br />

prehistoric 12—13<br />

Renaissance 79—80,<br />

88—9<br />

Roman 36, 38,<br />

40—43; see also Rome<br />

Romanesque 58—60,<br />

62—3, 65—6<br />

20th—21st century<br />

143—4, 149—51,<br />

165—7<br />

Ashurnasirpal II Besieging a<br />

City 16, 16<br />

Assyrian art 16, 85<br />

Athens 28, 30<br />

Parthenon 32—3, 33<br />

Augustus 26, 37, 38<br />

Augustus of Primaporta<br />

37—8, 39<br />

Aurelius, Marcus 43<br />

Babylonian art 14—15, 15<br />

Banksy 162—3<br />

Banqueting Scene 34, 35<br />

Baroque style 94—107<br />

basilicas 47, 47—8<br />

Bayeux Tapestry 4, 62, 62<br />

Benedict’s Rule 56<br />

Bernini, Gian Lorenzo<br />

Pluto and Proserpina<br />

96, 96<br />

St Peter’s 95—6<br />

Books of Hours 64, 65, 68<br />

Botticelli, Sandro: Birth of<br />

Venus 80, 81<br />

Boucher, François 109<br />

Venus Consoling Love<br />

108, 109, 111<br />

Bourgeois, Louise 163<br />

Maman 162, 163<br />

Bramante, Donato 95<br />

Braque, Georges 133, 139<br />

Bruegel, Pieter, the El<strong>der</strong><br />

91—2<br />

Peasant Dance 91, 92<br />

Brunelleschi, Filippo:<br />

Florence Cathedral 78,<br />

79—80<br />

Bubonic plague 65<br />

Burlington, Lord 116<br />

Chiswick House 116—17,<br />

117<br />

Buscheto: Pisa Cathedral<br />

63<br />

buttresses, flying 64,<br />

67, 68<br />

Byzantine Empire 48—52<br />

Byzantium 43, 48<br />

Calatrava, Santiago:<br />

Milwaukee Art Museum<br />

166<br />

Cal<strong>der</strong>, Alexan<strong>der</strong> 163<br />

Canterbury Cathedral 58<br />

Caravaggio 97<br />

Entombment of Christ<br />

97, 97—8<br />

Carolingian art 56<br />

Cassatt, Mary 128, 129<br />

Mother About to Wash<br />

Her Sleepy Child 129,<br />

130<br />

Cerveteri: tombs 35<br />

Cézanne, Paul 132—3,<br />

140<br />

Mont Sainte-Victoire with<br />

Large Pine 132, 132—3<br />

Chagall, Marc 144<br />

Violiniste 144, 145<br />

Chambord, Château of<br />

88—9, 88—9, 91<br />

Charlemagne 55, 56<br />

Chartres Cathedral 67,<br />

67—8<br />

Chauvet Cave paintings<br />

11, 11—12<br />

Chicago, Judy 165<br />

Christians, early 46—8<br />

Christo 163<br />

Cimabue 74<br />

Civil Rights Act 160<br />

Claudel, Camille 129, 131<br />

Cold War 153<br />

Composite or<strong>der</strong> 38<br />

Computer Art 165<br />

Conceptual Art 158<br />

concrete, Roman 41—2<br />

Conques: Sainte-Foy<br />

60, 60<br />

Constantine I 43, 46—7,<br />

48<br />

Constantinople 43, 48,<br />

52, 78<br />

Constructivism 143—4<br />

Corbusier, Le 149<br />

Villa Savoye 149—50,<br />

150<br />

Corinthian or<strong>der</strong> 33,<br />

38, 41<br />

Council of Trent 91, 95<br />

Coysevox, Antoine: Hall<br />

of Mirrors, Versailles<br />

106, 106<br />

Cubism 133, 139—40<br />

Cycladic figures 24, 25<br />

Dada 142, 146<br />

Dalí, Salvador 146, 147<br />

Apparition of a Face… 2,<br />

146, 146<br />

Dark Ages 55<br />

David, Jacques-Louis 115<br />

Oath of the Horatii<br />

115, 115<br />

Degas, Edgar 128, 129<br />

L’Absinthe 128, 129<br />

Delacroix, Eugène 122<br />

Liberty Leading the<br />

People 122, 122<br />

Derain, André 137<br />

Digital Art 165<br />

Divisionism 133<br />

Domenico da Cortona (?):<br />

Château of Chambord<br />

88—9, 88—9<br />

domes 42, 48, 49—51,<br />

79—80, 106<br />

Donatello 80<br />

David 80<br />

Mary Magdalene 80<br />

Doric or<strong>der</strong> 33, 35, 38<br />

Doryphoros 30, 31<br />

Duchamp, Marcel 142<br />

Fountain 142<br />

Dürer, Albrecht 86—8<br />

Rhinoceros 87, 87—8<br />

Dutch wars 102<br />

Egypt, ancient 16—23<br />

Enlightenment, The 104,<br />

108—9<br />

Enthroned Madonna and<br />

Child… 52, 53, 83<br />

Environmental Art<br />

161—2<br />

Etruscans 34, 34—5, 38<br />

Expressionism 144<br />

Eyck, Jan van 81, 91<br />

Ghent Altarpiece 82<br />

Madonna of Chancellor<br />

Rolin 81—2, 82<br />

Fascism 141<br />

Fauvism 137<br />

Feminist Art 163, 165<br />

First World War 136,<br />

139—41<br />

Florence 79, 80<br />

Cathedral 78, 79—80<br />

Fluxus 158<br />

Fontainebleau, Château<br />

of 93, 93<br />

Fontana, Lavinia 84<br />

Franco-Prussian War 122<br />

François I, of France 86,<br />

88—9, 91, 93<br />

French Revolution<br />

109—10<br />

Friedrich, Casper David<br />

123<br />

Futurism 140—41<br />

Gainsborough, Thomas<br />

113—14<br />

Elizabeth Stephen and<br />

William Hallett 114, 114<br />

Gauguin, Paul 132, 133—4<br />

Nafea Faa Ipoipo 134,<br />

135<br />

Gehry, Frank 166<br />

Biomuseo 166, 167<br />

Gentileschi, Artemisia<br />

98—9<br />

Judith...with the Head<br />

of Holofernes 98, 98<br />


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