15.11.2022 Aufrufe

[PDF] The Meaning of Madness (Ataraxia)

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yupu/1913260038 ============***+***============ Neel Burton succeeds brilliantly... —BMA Book Awards Read more The Meaning of Madness (Ataraxia Book 1) The mad genius, the cracked shaman, the successful psychopath… What if mental disorder were a double-edged sword? This book, written by a psychiatrist and philosopher, aims to open up the debate on mental disorders, to get people interested and talking, and to get them thinking. For example, what is

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yupu/1913260038

Neel Burton succeeds brilliantly... —BMA Book Awards Read more The Meaning of Madness (Ataraxia Book 1) The mad genius, the cracked shaman, the successful psychopath… What if mental disorder were a double-edged sword? This book, written by a psychiatrist and philosopher, aims to open up the debate on mental disorders, to get people interested and talking, and to get them thinking. For example, what is

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