31.10.2022 Aufrufe

CHECK Magazin - Gesundheitsmagazin für Männer No.11

Das Streben nach Leistung, Produktivität und Gewinnmaximierung steht im Fokus unserer modernen Arbeitswelt. Im heutigen Arbeitsalltag wird ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität, Kreativität, Anpassungsvermögen sowie ständige Verfügbarkeit und zugleich emotionale Belastbarkeit verlangt. Kognitiv und psychosozial werden wir stark herausgefordert. Es ist schwer, die Balance zwischen Über- und Unterforderung zu finden – beides ist gesundheitlich schädlich.

Das Streben nach Leistung, Produktivität und Gewinnmaximierung steht im Fokus unserer modernen Arbeitswelt. Im heutigen Arbeitsalltag wird ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität, Kreativität, Anpassungsvermögen sowie ständige Verfügbarkeit und zugleich emotionale Belastbarkeit verlangt. Kognitiv und psychosozial werden wir stark herausgefordert. Es ist schwer, die Balance zwischen Über- und Unterforderung zu finden – beides ist gesundheitlich schädlich.


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Alternative Medicine<br />

common purpose beyond work. Of course,<br />

interest groups or friend ships can develop<br />

from this, but the big difference is the individual<br />

work, which does not take the form<br />

of a confession and absolution by a spiritual<br />

representative such as a priest or imam.<br />

The shaman is a mediator between the inner<br />

and outer processes of the participants. The<br />

shamanic work takes place within.<br />

Which rituals are used?<br />

What I like to do are dream journeys. This is very<br />

exciting work, in which you do a form of autosuggestion,<br />

enter a phase of relaxation and go<br />

into your own dream world. I start by finding<br />

my own power animal, which actually supports<br />

every human being. The early ethnic religions<br />

were generally animistic, they worked with<br />

animal symbols and animal spirits, because<br />

of course we were hunters. During the dream<br />

journeys one also encounters angels or other<br />

spiritual beings, motifs and<br />

symbols. The journey itself<br />

lasts about 30 minutes, after<br />

which you can talk about<br />

what you have ex perienced,<br />

if you wish. So we work with<br />

the unconscious to see if we<br />

should do some inward research in this or that<br />

direction. Sometimes things come up that you<br />

have never looked at, or at least not in a specific<br />

context.<br />

It’s also about getting out of your own drama<br />

and letting your power animal show you how<br />

things are and then asking yourself what to do<br />

with the information.<br />

How could a shaman, specifically in our community,<br />

help make things better for us?<br />

Even though I like working with and for the<br />

community because I’m a part of it, shamanic<br />

work doesn’t necessarily have anything to<br />

do with community per se. I know about the<br />

issues that are omnipresent here: not being<br />

loved, being rejected, not being accepted. It<br />

leads to being separate. This feeling comes up<br />

again and again. But especially being separate<br />

from yourself.<br />

Here, of course, shamanic work is particularly<br />

interesting and important in order to be able<br />

to assert oneself out there again and again,<br />

“Shamanic work is not<br />

about being different, it’s<br />

about shining your light.“<br />

to find one’s own light. It’s not about being<br />

different, it’s about shining your light.<br />

What exactly do you mean by “separated”?<br />

If you’re gay, queer or trans, you’re more likely<br />

to be classified as segregated because you’re<br />

not part of mainstream society. This always<br />

brings difficulties, because as a herd animal<br />

we are of course dependent on the community,<br />

on the clan. This then carries over into the<br />

interior because this supposed truth, which is<br />

conveyed to us from the outside, is automatically<br />

internalised. There is no other way. Many<br />

then perceive this as bad or as a deficiency.<br />

The community is not about asserting oneself<br />

externally, but internally. It’s about finding<br />

your roots and realising that you are part of<br />

the whole, even if you are “different”. Through<br />

shamanic rituals, the self is strengthened and<br />

with it the ability of the self to recognize and<br />

accept this overarching affiliation. We don’t<br />

always see them because<br />

we learn different things<br />

about ourselves in the here<br />

and now. The separation<br />

between heart and mind is<br />

also symptomatic of this<br />

“being separate”.<br />

Would you say that as a community we also<br />

suffer collectively and can therefore also<br />

heal collectively?<br />

What I’m experiencing now is that fragmentation<br />

is taking place and the danger is that<br />

we get lost in it. This is counterproductive,<br />

since we are looking for the opposite. Community<br />

is created through connectedness.<br />

But that assumes that you are connected to<br />

yourself.<br />

It sounds very pompous now, but I believe<br />

that we can do more by changing internally<br />

than by trying to change everything externally.<br />

Stepping out to be loved or accepted<br />

by everyone is incredibly exhausting. Visibility<br />

is of course important, in the big parades and<br />

also in everyday life. But it seems a bit of a<br />

Sisyphus job to me until we really find love<br />

and acceptance for ourselves.<br />

You can find more about Olaf’s work at<br />

www.die-lichtarbeiter.de<br />

60 <strong>CHECK</strong> BERLIN #11

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