15.10.2022 Aufrufe

Full PDF Isa Genzken: Fuck the Bauhaus (Afterall Books / One Work)

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yp/184638253X ===========================*=========================== A strikingly original analysis of Isa Genzken&#8217s move towards merging sculptural and architectural morphologies into the critique of commodity culture.Fuck the Bauhaus, made in the year 2000 out of quotidian objects and cheap materials foraged from New York City by the German artist Isa Genzken, marked a poetic and provocative departure from Genzken&#8217s earlier work. Since the

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yp/184638253X

A strikingly original analysis of Isa Genzken&#8217s move towards merging sculptural and architectural morphologies into the critique of commodity culture.Fuck the Bauhaus, made in the year 2000 out of quotidian objects and cheap materials foraged from New York City by the German artist Isa Genzken, marked a poetic and provocative departure from Genzken&#8217s earlier work. Since the

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