19.09.2022 Aufrufe

CHECK Magazin - Gesundheitsmagazin für Männer No.9

Alkoholmissbrauch und dessen Folgen sind die zweithäufigste Ursache für Krankenhausbehandlungen in Deutschland. Mehr als 150 internistische, neurologische und psychiatrische Diagnosen werden mit Alkoholmissbrauch assoziiert. Doch eine Gruppe fällt beim Thema Alkoholkonsum besonders auf: Queere Menschen, darunter insbesondere schwule und bisexuelle Männer.

Alkoholmissbrauch und dessen Folgen sind die zweithäufigste Ursache für Krankenhausbehandlungen in Deutschland. Mehr als 150 internistische, neurologische und psychiatrische Diagnosen werden mit Alkoholmissbrauch assoziiert. Doch eine Gruppe fällt beim Thema Alkoholkonsum besonders auf: Queere Menschen, darunter insbesondere schwule und bisexuelle Männer.


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FOTO: Arthiti / ADOBE STOCK<br />

In Germany, an estimated 1.77 million people between the ages of 18 and<br />

64 are addicted to alcohol and 1.61 million drink excessively. Research<br />

shows that men consume significantly more alcohol than women and<br />

are also more likely to be addicted. In 2015, 29 % of 18- to 59-year-old<br />

men had problematic alcohol consumption that was clinically relevant.<br />

This is compared to 11 % of women.<br />

Alcohol abuse and its consequences are the<br />

second most common cause of hospital treatment<br />

in Germany. More than 150 internal, neurological<br />

and psychiatric diagnoses are associated<br />

with alcohol abuse. It is estimated that around<br />

74,000 people die every year as a result of their<br />

alcohol consumption. Although about three<br />

quarters of those affected are men, there are<br />

hardly any male-specific support concepts.<br />

Although about three quarters<br />

of those affected are men, there<br />

are hardly any male-specific help<br />

concepts.<br />

The categories of alcohol consumption<br />

Risky consumption for men starts on average at<br />

24 g and for women at 12 g of pure alcohol per day<br />

on a maximum of four to five days a week. There<br />

is no health-promoting consumption of alcohol<br />

and consumption is never risk-free.<br />

Drinking larger amounts per drinking episode is<br />

associated with a health risk, regardless of the<br />

average amount of alcohol consumed.<br />

This so-called ”binge drinking“, starts with men<br />

from five glasses with 10 g of alcohol per drinking<br />

unit, for women from four glasses.<br />

These glasses contain about 10 grams of alcohol:<br />

beer wine sparkling liqueur shots<br />

wine<br />

0,2 l 0,1 l 0,1 l 2 × 2 cl 2 × 2 cl<br />

Alcohol abuse or harmful consumption begins,<br />

regardless of the amount drunk, with physical or<br />

psychological damage as a result of consumption.<br />

An addiction exists if at least three of the<br />

following criteria are present at the same time<br />

within the last 12 months:<br />

Craving (compulsion / strong desire for alcohol)<br />

· Decreased ability to control the initiation,<br />

amount, and cessation of use<br />

· Tolerance development<br />

· Withdrawal symptoms<br />

· Neglecting other pleasures or interests in<br />

favour of alcohol consumption, spending<br />

more time on procurement, consumption<br />

and recreation<br />

· Consumption despite harmful<br />

physical, mental- psychological or<br />

social consequences<br />

The Good News: Even if not all physical consequences can be reversed, a cure in the form of complete<br />

abstinence or controlled consumption is possible, even in the case of a severe addiction.<br />

58 <strong>CHECK</strong> BERLIN #9

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