19.09.2022 Aufrufe

CHECK Magazin - Gesundheitsmagazin für Männer No.9

Alkoholmissbrauch und dessen Folgen sind die zweithäufigste Ursache für Krankenhausbehandlungen in Deutschland. Mehr als 150 internistische, neurologische und psychiatrische Diagnosen werden mit Alkoholmissbrauch assoziiert. Doch eine Gruppe fällt beim Thema Alkoholkonsum besonders auf: Queere Menschen, darunter insbesondere schwule und bisexuelle Männer.

Alkoholmissbrauch und dessen Folgen sind die zweithäufigste Ursache für Krankenhausbehandlungen in Deutschland. Mehr als 150 internistische, neurologische und psychiatrische Diagnosen werden mit Alkoholmissbrauch assoziiert. Doch eine Gruppe fällt beim Thema Alkoholkonsum besonders auf: Queere Menschen, darunter insbesondere schwule und bisexuelle Männer.


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Psychology<br />


Interview: Torsten Schwick<br />

Negative events can lead to worry<br />

and anxiety, whether in personal or<br />

professional life. Recent studies show<br />

that the population in Germany is<br />

currently particularly afraid of recurring<br />

corona waves, tax increases, serious<br />

illnesses, economic problems, but also<br />

climate change and conflicts abroad.<br />

But what can you do about feelings of<br />

fear and insecurity? We asked the work<br />

psychologist Michelle Müller.<br />


Psychologist Paul Ekman describes fear as<br />

one of the seven basic emotions or feelings<br />

found in all cultures around the world,<br />

along with joy and sadness. Even though<br />

it is a global emotion, we always feel it<br />

individually. For example, during the pandemic,<br />

some worried more and others less<br />

about their health. Fear is also very useful<br />

because it warns us not to take risks in dangerous<br />

situations. But it becomes problematic<br />

when it gains the upper hand and leads to<br />

irrational behaviour or blocks us.<br />


In the corona pandemic, but also now during<br />

the Ukraine crisis, people tend to consume<br />

even more media out of fear. But that can<br />

lead to even more anxiety. Of course, you<br />

should follow current developments, but<br />

excessive media consumption does not help.<br />

Therefore, it is recommended to consume<br />

general news and other media moderately<br />

and to ensure that it is qualitatively wellresearched<br />

reporting in order not to increase<br />

the state of tension.<br />

“You‘re not doing your body any good if you‘re constantly on alert.<br />

Always following the news coverage and social media isn‘t really a way to<br />

unwind. It leads to stress and an intensification of negative feelings. The<br />

consequences are often lack of sleep, restlessness and the associated<br />

discomfort, since the necessary recovery phases are not taken.”<br />

16 <strong>CHECK</strong> BERLIN #9

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