CHECK Magazin - Gesundheitsmagazin für Männer No.5

Beratungs- und Anlaufstellen für Drogennutzer*innen und Abhängige sehen sich einem besonderen Dilemma ausgesetzt. Die meisten Fachkräfte aus dem Bereich der Drogenprävention wissen, dass die Ansage: „Nehmt keine Drogen, weil sie illegal und ungesund sind“, die Menschen nicht vom Konsum abhält. Die Kunst ist hier, Konsum-Strategien zu vermitteln und bei Drogenmissbrauch individuelle Schadensbegrenzung vorzunehmen, etwa in Form von Safer Use. Beratungs- und Anlaufstellen für Drogennutzer*innen und Abhängige sehen sich einem besonderen Dilemma ausgesetzt. Die meisten Fachkräfte aus dem Bereich der Drogenprävention wissen, dass die Ansage: „Nehmt keine Drogen, weil sie illegal und ungesund sind“, die Menschen nicht vom Konsum abhält. Die Kunst ist hier, Konsum-Strategien zu vermitteln und bei Drogenmissbrauch individuelle Schadensbegrenzung vorzunehmen, etwa in Form von Safer Use.

19.09.2022 Aufrufe

CORONA ENGLISH THE MASK TASK POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF WEARING MASKS EVERY DAY We all need to wear FFP2 masks in public spaces - and let‘s be honest, nobody is a big fan of them! The mask bothers and restricts in many ways: lip reading, perceiving a friendly smile, understanding spoken words perfectly. Yet the mask requirement is also a vital means of protection. FFP stands for ”Filtering Face Piece“. They belong to the product category ”Personal Protective Equipment“. The number 2 behind it stands for the filter performance for particles, droplets and aerosols. According to the RKI (Robert Koch Institute), ”the protective effect of an FFP2 mask against the SARS-CoV-2 virus is preferred because of its proven higher filtration performance of potentially virus-containing aerosols and because of its better tight fit.“ It offers - very importantly - both external and internal protection. MASKS REDUCE THE RISK OF INFECTION According to the medical journal Ärzteblatt, wearing an FFP2 mask reduces the risk of infection to approx. 3.1%! But it is at least as important to keep the minimum distance. At a distance of more than one meter, the risk of infection is also reduced to around 2.6%. ATTENTION: Having a beard will affect the level of protection! TIPS FOR EVERYDAY LIFE Wearing a mask not only affects communication. Your skin and the respiratory tract can also suffer from long-term wear of masks. Here are some recommendations if you experience problems with them. Good ventilation, smoke less, drink water or tea regularly Due to the perceived lack of air, many people now breathe more through the mouth. This can dry out the mucous membranes and make them more susceptible to viruses! You also often have to speak louder, which “makes your tongue stick to your palate” at some point, especially in the cooler months of the year when the air humidity is low. Therefore we advise you to ensure good ventilation of rooms. If possible, don’t smoke. If you do, in any case smoke less and drink water or tea regularly. Like a day by the sea You can treat dry mucous by inhaling an isotonic saline solution. Boil a liter of water for two minutes to kill possible germs and bacteria and dissolve about 9 grams of table or sea salt in it. This gives you a 0.9% saline solution. By inhaling the steam over a pot or with an inhaler, comparatively larger droplets are generated that only get into the upper respiratory tract, but still moisten the mucous membranes and bronchi very well! If you do this regularly 1-2 times a day for 5 minutes, you’ll benefit from the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect of the salt. This strengthens both the respirato- 20 CHECK BERLIN/BRANDENBURG #5

CORONA Foto: ry tract and the immune system by promoting blood circulation and the associated better removal of pathogens and pollutants. Salty lozenges or pastilles as well as moisturizing (seawater) nasal sprays provide quick help when you are out and about. A walk in the medicinal plant garden As a precaution, you can of course also use the so-called over-the-counter phytopharmaceuticals, i.e. herbal medicines. These are available without a prescription and relieve mild discomfort. Proven plant ingredients for moistening the mucous membranes are Icelandic moss, hibiscus, primrose root and ribwort plantain. They are available as juices, syrups and lozenges and, among other things, stimulate the flow of saliva and thus form a kind of protective film over the irritated mucous membrane. The ”scratching“ subsides and the inflamed areas are protected. Another simple, effective and inexpensive tip: a steam bath with freshly brewed sage tea. This is really good for the skin, mucous membranes, sinuses and airways thanks to its antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. TREATMENT OF INFLAMMATION If you are feeling any pain, drugs with analgesics or local anesthetics can be used in the short term. However, these have no healing effect on the inflamed tissue. If your sore throat was not caused by pathogens, we would rather advise against using disinfecting agents. SIGHT FOR SORE EYES The German Ophthalmological Society (DOP) has recently received reports of increased cases of eye irritation or eye infections that are connected to wearing masks. This can be caused by irritation from the mask itself or from the air you breathe out, which is directed towards the eye at the top of the mask. We recommend regular application of moisturizing eye drops with the active ingredient hyaluronic acid or mallow, free of preservatives for better tolerability. A first recommendation to those who wear contact lenses would be to switch to glasses. CHECK BERLIN/BRANDENBURG #5 21

CORONA<br />

Foto:<br />

ry tract and the immune system by promoting<br />

blood circulation and the associated better<br />

removal of pathogens and pollutants. Salty<br />

lozenges or pastilles as well as moisturizing<br />

(seawater) nasal sprays provide quick help<br />

when you are out and about.<br />

A walk in the medicinal plant garden<br />

As a precaution, you can of course also use the<br />

so-called over-the-counter phytopharmaceuticals,<br />

i.e. herbal medicines. These are available<br />

without a prescription and relieve mild discomfort.<br />

Proven plant ingredients for moistening<br />

the mucous membranes are Icelandic moss,<br />

hibiscus, primrose root and ribwort plantain.<br />

They are available as juices, syrups and lozenges<br />

and, among other things, stimulate the<br />

flow of saliva and thus form a kind of protective<br />

film over the irritated mucous membrane. The<br />

”scratching“ subsides and the inflamed areas<br />

are protected.<br />

Another simple, effective and inexpensive tip: a<br />

steam bath with freshly brewed sage tea. This<br />

is really good for the skin, mucous membranes,<br />

sinuses and airways thanks to its antimicrobial,<br />

antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.<br />


If you are feeling any pain, drugs with<br />

analgesics or local anesthetics can be<br />

used in the short term. However, these<br />

have no healing effect on the inflamed<br />

tissue. If your sore throat was not<br />

caused by pathogens, we would rather<br />

advise against using disinfecting agents.<br />


The German Ophthalmological Society (DOP)<br />

has recently received reports of increased<br />

cases of eye irritation or eye infections that<br />

are connected to wearing masks. This can be<br />

caused by irritation from the mask itself or<br />

from the air you breathe out, which is directed<br />

towards the eye at the top of the mask. We recommend<br />

regular application of moisturizing<br />

eye drops with the active ingredient hyaluronic<br />

acid or mallow, free of preservatives for better<br />

tolerability. A first recommendation to those<br />

who wear contact lenses would be to switch<br />

to glasses.<br />

<strong>CHECK</strong> BERLIN/BRANDENBURG #5<br />


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