19.09.2022 Aufrufe

CHECK Magazin - Gesundheitsmagazin für Männer No.5

Beratungs- und Anlaufstellen für Drogennutzer*innen und Abhängige sehen sich einem besonderen Dilemma ausgesetzt. Die meisten Fachkräfte aus dem Bereich der Drogenprävention wissen, dass die Ansage: „Nehmt keine Drogen, weil sie illegal und ungesund sind“, die Menschen nicht vom Konsum abhält. Die Kunst ist hier, Konsum-Strategien zu vermitteln und bei Drogenmissbrauch individuelle Schadensbegrenzung vorzunehmen, etwa in Form von Safer Use.

Beratungs- und Anlaufstellen für Drogennutzer*innen und Abhängige sehen sich einem besonderen Dilemma ausgesetzt. Die meisten Fachkräfte aus dem Bereich der Drogenprävention wissen, dass die Ansage: „Nehmt keine Drogen, weil sie illegal und ungesund sind“, die Menschen nicht vom Konsum abhält. Die Kunst ist hier, Konsum-Strategien zu vermitteln und bei Drogenmissbrauch individuelle Schadensbegrenzung vorzunehmen, etwa in Form von Safer Use.


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STI<br />

Symptoms vary by context and person. Protective measures as shown here may be inadequate and do not<br />

guarantee non-infection. If in doubt, please contact a doctor or pharmacist.<br />




Mucous membranes (eyes, anal, oral, urethra,<br />

vaginal). Body fluids (blood, saliva, sperm,<br />

urine). Syringes, straws, pipes when using<br />

drugs.<br />

After 1 – 3 weeks: glassy to opaque discharge<br />

from the penis, painful urination, or painful<br />

swelling of the testicles can occur.<br />


Mucous membranes (eyes, anal, oral, urethra,<br />

vaginal). Body fluids (blood, saliva, sperm,<br />

urine). Fingers, hands, toys. Syringes, straws,<br />

pipes when using drugs.<br />

After 2 – 6 days: burning sensation when urinating<br />

and purulent, foul-smelling discharge<br />

from the urethra. Partial pain and swelling of<br />

the testicles, fever.<br />


During anal-oral sex („ass licking, rimming“)<br />

or indirectly via anus-finger-mouth. By contaminated<br />

syringes and accessories (filters,<br />

spoons, water) when using drugs.<br />

After 2 – 4 weeks: flu-like symptoms, loss of<br />

appetite, nausea, headache, muscle and joint<br />

pain. A feeling of pressure under the right<br />

costal arch, aversion to fatty food and alcohol<br />


Body fluids (blood, saliva, sperm, urine).<br />

Injured mucous membranes (eyes, anal, oral,<br />

urethra, vaginal). Syringes, straws, pipes<br />

when using drugs.<br />

After 4 – 6 months: fatigue, muscle and joint<br />

pain, nausea, vomiting and skin changes.<br />

Later also inflammation of the liver with<br />

jaundice and fever.<br />


Blood, less often other body fluids. Syringes,<br />

straws, pipes when using drugs. Also unsanitary<br />

tattooing, piercing or ear piercing.<br />

After 3 – 6 months: flu-like symptoms,<br />

yellowing of the skin. With chronic infection:<br />

fatigue, itching, joint complaints, inflammation<br />

of the liver.<br />


HERPES<br />

Mucous membranes (eyes, anal, oral, urethra,<br />

vaginal). Cough, sneeze, kiss, sex, fingers,<br />

sex toys.<br />

After a few days to weeks: tingling, itching<br />

of the skin. Blisters that burst into small<br />

ulcers. Swelling of the lymph nodes, fever<br />

and feeling sick.<br />


(SHINGLES)<br />

The fluid in the herpes zoster is contagious.<br />

Smear infection especially via the hands: the<br />

virus can be transmitted by touching door<br />

handles, handrails, water taps or toys.<br />

After 2 – 3 days: burning pain, itching or tingling<br />

skin. Reddening or swelling of the skin<br />

and blistering, conjunctivitis, corneal inflammation,<br />

facial paralysis, severe nerve pain.<br />

HIV / AIDS<br />

Body fluids (blood, saliva, sperm, urine).<br />

Injured mucous membranes (eyes, anal, oral,<br />

urethra, vaginal). Injection while using drugs.<br />

After 2 – 4 weeks: fever, fatigue or discomfort,<br />

night sweats, diarrhea, fatigue, swelling of<br />

the tonsils and lymph nodes, muscle pain,<br />

rash.<br />

HPV<br />

Mucous membranes (eyes, anal, oral, urethra,<br />

vaginal). Kissing, fondling, petting or having<br />

sex.<br />

Some types of HPV can cause genital warts<br />

(condylomas) weeks after infection.<br />


Body fluids (blood, saliva, sperm, urine).<br />

Injured mucous membranes (eyes, anal, oral,<br />

urethra, vaginal). Syringes, straws, pipes<br />

when using drugs.<br />

1st phase: ulcer formation on the penis, vagina,<br />

anal area, mouth. Swelling of the lymph nodes.<br />

2nd phase (after about 2 months): fever, headache<br />

and joint pain, skin rashes can occur.<br />

112 <strong>CHECK</strong> BERLIN/BRANDENBURG #5

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