Extra: The United Kingdom – Monarchy

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05.08.2022 Aufrufe

englisch lesen • hören • sprechen • schreiben The United Kingdom Monarchy Pressetexte, Materialien und Übungen für den Unterricht • Die Sprachzeitung • t h e m e n h e f t B2C2

englisch lesen • hören • sprechen • schreiben<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong><br />

<strong>Monarchy</strong><br />

Pressetexte, Materialien und Übungen für den Unterricht<br />

• Die Sprachzeitung •<br />

t h e m e n h e f t<br />


content<br />

the united kingdom | monarchy<br />

Liebe Lehrerinnen und Lehrer,<br />

in diesem <strong>The</strong>menheft werden Rolle und Wandel der Monarchie in Großbritannien erarbeitet.<br />

Aktuelle Pressetexte, Videos, Podcasts, Infografiken und Cartoons sind die Materialien, mit denen<br />

Lernende herangeführt werden an grundlegende Inhalte wie z. B. die britische Krone als Institution,<br />

die Bedeutung von Harrys und Meghans Rückzug aus dem Königshaus, die Sicht der westlichen<br />

Welt darauf und nicht zuletzt das wichtige <strong>The</strong>ma Commonwealth. Übungen inkl. Lösungen festigen<br />

das Verständnis und bereiten gezielt auf Prüfungen im Fach Englisch vor.<br />

Viel Erfolg und einen interessanten und abwechslungsreichen Unterricht wünscht<br />

Ihre Englisch-Redaktion<br />

Chapter Text Skills Page<br />

British <strong>Monarchy</strong><br />

and the Role of<br />

the Queen<br />

Why the Queen Is Not Likely to Abdicate<br />

© 2021 Guardian News and Media Ltd<br />

Reading 4<br />

<strong>Monarchy</strong><br />

and the Media<br />

<strong>The</strong> Crown Has Slipped: How the Netflix Epic<br />

Captures Our Relationship with the Royals<br />

© 2020 Guardian News and Media Ltd<br />

Listening &<br />

Reading<br />

11<br />

Meghan and Harry’s<br />

Interview with<br />

Oprah Winfrey<br />

Like a ‘Hand Grenade’<br />

© 2021 Los Angeles Times<br />

Listening &<br />

Reading<br />

20<br />

British <strong>Monarchy</strong><br />

and the Western<br />

World<br />

Jamaican Campaigners Call for Colonialism<br />

Apology from Royal Family<br />

© 2022 Guardian News and Media Ltd<br />

Writing 28<br />

<strong>Monarchy</strong> and<br />

Commonwealth <strong>–</strong><br />

British Colonies<br />

Barbados Is Finally Cutting Ties with<br />

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II<br />

© 2021 Miami Herald<br />

Speaking 36<br />

Answer key 44<br />


itish monarchy and the role of the queen<br />

reading<br />

Why the Queen Is Not Likely<br />

to Abdicate<br />

ABDICATION Though she will<br />

probably find it hard without Prince Philip,<br />

the Queen is unlikely to step down.<br />

By Caroline Davies<br />

1 THE QUEEN,newly widowed, will find it “difficult”<br />

without the support she has leant on over 73 years of marriage<br />

to the Duke of Edinburgh, but royal observers have<br />

dismissed any speculation that she might consider stepping<br />

down.<br />

2 <strong>The</strong> former Prime Minister Sir John Major acknowledged<br />

that her position as monarch was “a very lonely position”.<br />

He told BBC One’s <strong>The</strong> Andrew Marr Show: “<strong>The</strong>re are<br />

a limited number of people to whom she can really open her<br />

heart, to whom she can really speak with total frankness, to<br />

whom she can say things that would be reported by other<br />

people and thought to be indelicate.”<br />

3 She could “unburden herself” on Philip. When facing<br />

“a sea of problems”, or when feeling overwhelmed and<br />

needing to share decision-making, one needed someone to<br />

understand, “someone who can metaphorically <strong>–</strong> or in the<br />

case of Prince Philip, I think, probably literally <strong>–</strong> put their<br />

arms around you and say: ‘It’s not as bad as you think,’” said<br />

Major, on whom the Queen bestowed the honour of Garter<br />

Knight.<br />

4 Speculation about Philip’s death precipitating an abdication<br />

is unlikely to bear out, say royal experts. “One main<br />

reason why the Queen will absolutely not abdicate is that<br />

unlike other European monarchs, she is an anointed queen,”<br />

the royal historian Hugo Vickers told the Guardian, referring<br />

to the pact she made with God during her coronation.<br />

“And if you are an anointed queen, you do not abdicate.”<br />

5 If she was unable to fulfil her constitutional duties, a regent<br />

could be appointed, as happened with George III. She<br />

also celebrates her Platinum Jubilee next year. “It would be<br />

completely illogical to abdicate just before that extraordinary<br />

anniversary,” he said. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to<br />

celebrate. And I would hope she would be feeling up to that;<br />

a bit of time would have passed.<br />

6 “We need the Queen, with her vast experience. And she<br />

is still absolutely fine. She is still riding and very busily at<br />

the centre of everything; her office is still thriving. She can’t<br />

go out much at the moment, but she does occasionally. She<br />

looks wonderful, so no abdicating.”<br />

Royal observers<br />

have dismissed any<br />

speculation that Queen<br />

Elizabeth II might<br />

consider stepping down.<br />

| Photo: Picture<br />

Alliance<br />

7 <strong>The</strong> Prince of Wales and Duke of Cambridge have done<br />

much of the heavy lifting of royal engagements in recent<br />

years. Since Philip retired from public life in 2017, the Queen<br />

has leant on her son and grandson. “It’s lovely to think she<br />

does have a very supportive royal family, and that’s what<br />

they are there for,” said Vickers. “And they will help her now.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y will step up to the mark.”<br />

8 Joe Little, the managing editor of Majesty Magazine,<br />

said: “I remain of the opinion that although the loss of<br />

Prince Philip is devastating for her personally, I don’t think<br />

it is going to impact on her role as monarch. I suspect that<br />

will continue pretty much as it has in the past few years.<br />

9 “Clearly, it’s a strange time at the moment because of<br />

COVID, and we’ve seen much less of her than we might have<br />

done otherwise. But I feel that despite the fact she is now<br />

a widow, and she’s soon going to be 95, it will still be very<br />

much business as usual.<br />

10 “<strong>The</strong>re has already been the handover of certain responsibilities,<br />

not least to the Prince of Wales in the last few<br />

years, and clearly that will continue. But as monarch, she<br />

will continue as long as she is physically and mentally able<br />

to do so.<br />

11 “I think it is in her DNA. It also goes back not only to her<br />

speech in 1947 in South Africa but more specifically to the<br />

oath she took at the time of the coronation. She is a committed<br />

Christian. That’s the contract she made with God, and I<br />

think it’s something she feels can’t be broken. It’s just how<br />

she is.”<br />

© 2021 Guardian News and Media Ltd<br />

0 <strong>–</strong> 2 TO ABDICATE“"œbdIkeIt‘ abdanken;<br />

abdication Abdankung — to step down<br />

zurücktreten; h.: abdanken — widowed<br />

“"wId´Ud‘ verwitwet; s.w.u. widow Witwe —<br />

to lean on s.th. s. auf etw. verlassen — duke<br />

“dZu…k‘ Herzog — observer Beobachter(in)<br />

— to dismiss zurückweisen — to acknowledge<br />

“´k"nÅlIdZ‘ einräumen — frankness Offenheit<br />

— indelicate “In"delIk´t‘ unsensibel;<br />

taktlos<br />

3 <strong>–</strong> 4 to unburden o.s. on s.o. “øn"b‰…<br />

d´n‘ jdm. sein Herz ausschütten — overwhelmed<br />

überfordert — decision-making<br />

Entscheidungsfindung — metaphorically<br />

“Æmet´"fÅrIk´li‘ bildlich gesprochen — to bestow<br />

s.th. on s.o. “bI"st´U‘ jdm. etw. zuteilwerden<br />

lassen — Garter Knight Mitglied<br />

des Hosenbandordens — to precipitate<br />

“prI"sIpIteIt‘ herbeiführen — to bear out s.<br />

bestätigen — to anoint “´"nOInt‘ salben — to<br />

refer to s.th. s. auf etw. beziehen — coronation<br />

Krönung<br />

5 <strong>–</strong> 7 to fulfil a duty e-e Pflicht erfüllen —<br />

constitutional “ÆkÅnstI"tSu…S´n´l‘ verfassungsmäßig<br />

— regent “"ri…dZ´nt‘ Regent(in) — to<br />

appoint “´"pOInt‘ ernennen — to feel up to<br />

s.th. s. etw. gewachsen fühlen — to thrive<br />

“TraIv‘ gedeihen — to do much of the heavy<br />

lifting (fig) e-n Großteil der Arbeit erledigen<br />

— engagement “In"geIdZm´nt‘ Verpflichtung<br />

— supportive “s´"pO…tIv‘ unterstützend — to<br />

step up to the mark (fig) s. der Herausforderung<br />

stellen<br />

8 <strong>–</strong> 11 managing editor Chefredakteur(in)<br />

— devastating “"dev´steItIN‘ verheerend;<br />

niederschmetternd — to impact on s.th. s.<br />

auf etw. auswirken — handover Übergabe<br />

— oath “´UT‘ Eid — committed Christian<br />

bekennende(r) Christ(in)<br />

4<br />

© 2022 Carl Ed. Schünemann KG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

why the queen is not likely to abdicate<br />

reading<br />

Focus on Words<br />

1 Match the following words with the correct definitions.<br />

a) monarchy A the people allowed to vote in an election<br />

b) sovereign B to assign a role to someone<br />

c) electorate C a ruler or monarch who has supreme power or authority<br />

d) to inherit D the condition of being different<br />

e) to appoint E to receive a position or property from a predecessor<br />

f) distinction F a form of government that has a hereditary ruler<br />

a) b) c) d) e) f)<br />

2 Use some of the words from exercise 1 to complete the following sentences. If you use a<br />

verb, be sure to use the correct grammatical form.<br />

a) <strong>The</strong> UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson by the Queen.<br />

b) <strong>The</strong> monarch acts as head of state because he or she<br />

the position.<br />

c) <strong>The</strong> people in an typically do not vote for a<br />

.<br />

3 Use the link or QR code to watch a short video of the Queen’s<br />

address to the UK Parliament at a state opening ceremony:<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRInTdkb0R8.<br />

Take notes on the following questions.<br />

a) How is the Queen presented in the short video clip?<br />

© 2022 Carl Ed. Schünemann KG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 5

why the queen is not likely to abdicate<br />

reading<br />

b) What are the major topics of the Queen’s speech?<br />

c) How might Germany be affected by the new regulations laid out in the Queen’s address?<br />

4 Watch the video again, and decide if the following statements are true or false.<br />

Statement True False<br />

a) <strong>The</strong> Queen will support the UK’s departure from the EU.<br />

b) <strong>The</strong> UK intends to have new trade regulations with the EU.<br />

c) In her address, the Queen says that a new immigration bill will end free<br />

movement.<br />

d) Germans living in the UK will be asked to leave after 31 October.<br />

e) <strong>The</strong> Queen addresses only the House of Lords.<br />

Focus on Reading: Why the Queen Is Not Likely to Abdicate<br />

5 Mark the correct answers to the following questions and statements. <strong>The</strong>re is only one<br />

correct answer to each question and statement.<br />

a) How is the Queen’s life described according to the article?<br />

exciting<br />

lonely<br />

mainly consisting of problems<br />

6<br />

© 2022 Carl Ed. Schünemann KG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

why the queen is not likely to abdicate<br />

reading<br />

b) According to former Prime Minister Sir John Major, the Queen …<br />

… could not discuss her major decisions with Prince Philip.<br />

… could be fully open with Prince Philip.<br />

… will abdicate soon.<br />

c) What is the major reason why the Queen is not likely to step down soon?<br />

She wants to wait until her grandchildren are old enough to take over.<br />

Her position was anointed by God.<br />

She loves to be celebrated.<br />

d) How has Prince Philip’s death affected the Queen?<br />

She is thinking about abdicating as soon as Prince Charles is ready.<br />

She cannot cope with her position as a monarch any longer.<br />

She feels very sad but keeps her head up for the UK.<br />

6 Read the newspaper article again before trying to find suitable definitions of the<br />

following terms.<br />

Term<br />

Definition<br />

a) royal observers (para. 1)<br />

b) abdication (para. 4)<br />

c) to be anointed (para. 4)<br />

d) handover (para. 10)<br />

7 Focus on the headline of the article “Why the Queen Is Not Likely to Abdicate”.<br />

Write a short text summarising the major reasons why the Queen will not step down.<br />

• Why has Queen Elizabeth II not abdicated (yet) after her husband’s death?<br />

© 2022 Carl Ed. Schünemann KG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 7

why the queen is not likely to abdicate<br />

reading<br />

8 Match the statements with the correct people according to the article.<br />

a) <strong>The</strong> Queen<br />

A<br />

It is good to see that the Queen is supported by the other<br />

members of the royal family.<br />

b) Sir John Major B For God, for her people, and for her country.<br />

c) Hugo Vickers C <strong>The</strong> Queen has only a limited number of people she can fully trust.<br />

d) Joe Little<br />

D<br />

<strong>The</strong> Queen will carry out her duties, even after her husband’s<br />

death.<br />

a) b) c) d)<br />

<strong>The</strong> UK without <strong>Monarchy</strong>?!<br />

9 Have a closer look at the following statements before you decide if they are in favour of or<br />

against the monarchy in Britain. Write the letters on the correct lines.<br />

a) <strong>The</strong> Queen symbolises British<br />

traditions and values.<br />

b) <strong>The</strong> British monarch<br />

does not really have any<br />

political power.<br />

c) <strong>The</strong> British monarchy costs a lot<br />

of money. It’s the most expensive<br />

monarchy in Europe.<br />

e) An elected head of state<br />

represents a true democratic<br />

process.<br />

d) <strong>The</strong> Queen is seen as someone<br />

who rises above politics because<br />

she is anointed by God.<br />

f) <strong>The</strong> Queen is too old to know what’s<br />

really going on in the world.<br />

Statements in favour of the British monarchy:<br />

Statements against the British monarchy:<br />

8<br />

© 2022 Carl Ed. Schünemann KG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

why the queen is not likely to abdicate<br />

reading<br />

Focus on Describing and Analysing Visuals<br />

Britain’s <strong>Monarchy</strong>: More Popular Than Ever<br />

Queen Elizabeth II is Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, and today marks her 90th birthday.<br />

Many observers predicted that Britain’s monarchy would eventually fall into decline, but polls have<br />

proved that it is actually flourishing. Ipsos Mori recently found that 76 per cent of Britons think<br />

their country should remain a monarchy, while 17 per cent think it should become a republic with<br />

an elected president. A large majority of people in the UK also believe that the monarchy has an<br />

important role to play in the country’s future.<br />

by Niall McCarthy, 21 April 2016, Statista<br />

| Infographic: Statista<br />

10 Have a closer look at the infographic, and try to “read” it. Use the phrases below<br />

to describe the infographic to a partner.<br />

Useful phrases<br />

Describing Visuals<br />

<strong>The</strong> title of the infographic is …<br />

<strong>The</strong> infographic was published in …<br />

<strong>The</strong> round diagram shows …<br />

<strong>The</strong> bar graph shows …<br />

<strong>The</strong> infographic clearly shows that …<br />

<strong>The</strong> bars shown rose/fell/stayed the same …<br />

<strong>The</strong> largest/smallest percentage of … clearly shows that …<br />

© 2022 Carl Ed. Schünemann KG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 9

why the queen is not likely to abdicate<br />

reading<br />

11 Have a closer look at the infographic again, and decide if the following statements are<br />

true or false.<br />

Statement True False<br />

a) <strong>The</strong> majority of the British people want Britain to become a republic.<br />

b) One could conclude that most people are not happy with the Queen and what<br />

she does for Britain.<br />

c) According to the infographic, 66 per cent of the British people in 1998 agreed<br />

that the British monarchy had an important role.<br />

d) <strong>The</strong> number of people who want to have a different political system has<br />

increased in the last 20 years.<br />

e) <strong>The</strong> number of people who are undecided about the importance of<br />

the British monarchy has slightly decreased.<br />

12 Think of possible reasons why people in the UK would prefer to remain a monarchy rather<br />

than become a republic. Write down your arguments using keywords.<br />

13 Use your description from exercise 10, arguments from exercise 12 and your<br />

background knowledge to find arguments for and against ending the monarchy in<br />

Britain after Queen Elizabeth’s reign.<br />

For<br />

Against<br />

10<br />

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