atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power | 04.2022

Ever since its first issue in 1956, the atw – International Journal for Nuclear Power has been a publisher of specialist articles, background reports, interviews and news about developments and trends from all important sectors of nuclear energy, nuclear technology and the energy industry. Internationally current and competent, the professional journal atw is a valuable source of information. Ever since its first issue in 1956, the atw – International Journal for Nuclear Power has been a publisher of specialist articles, background reports, interviews and news about developments and trends from all important sectors of nuclear energy, nuclear technology and the energy industry. Internationally current and competent, the professional journal atw is a valuable source of information.

11.07.2022 Aufrufe

atw Vol. 67 (2022) | Ausgabe 4 ı JuliAT A GLANCE36consumes and thus requires 100 times less miningthan classic reactors.Having thorium breeder reactors in the thermalspectrum is a whole new category of nuclearreactors. It is a promise that humans can inventsomething, which is able to outperform any othernuclear system, including fusion. It potentiallyoffers a whole new area of human capabilities. Itcan bring several billion people out of poverty andcan reduce our reliance on fossil fuel. Somethingwhich wind and solar are unable to promise.Uranium based Gen1 – Gen4 reactors will alwaysbe limited by the amount of U235, it needs miningand enrichment and results in nuclear waste,which is already causing a substantial problem forthe existing nuclear industry. Yes, some of the newGen4 - Gen6 reactors may generate less wastethan earlier generations, but they all producelong-lived waste and require 100 times moremining than thorium breeder reactors. Gen4 -Gen6 reactors are not expected to evolve intobreeder reactors until after 2040 and even thenthe MW output per kg fissile fuel will be ten timesinferior to CA reactors over their lifetime. Resultingin a giant economic penalty for these other reactortypes.Contrary to this, the Copenhagen Atomics wasteburner can burn nuclear waste from Gen1 - Gen6reactors, resulting in fission products, which onlyneed to be stored for 300 years. Even the new EUtaxonomy says that you can only build new nuclearreactors in Europe with government support, ifyou show how to solve the waste problem.Currently Copenhagen Atomics is the company inEurope who has a credible reactor design, whichcan solve this problem. – And CA has patentedtheir reactor design and several of their a GlanceCopenhagen Atomics a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor with a Breeder Concept

nucmag.comImpressumOffizielle Mitgliederzeitschrift der Kerntechnischen Gesellschaft e. V. (KTG)VerlagINFORUM Verlags- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbHBerliner Straße 88A, 13467 ManagerDr. Thomas BehringerWussten Sie schon ...?Die atw ist die ideale Plattformfür Ihre Anzeige.ChefredakteurNicolas Wendler+49 172 2379184nicolas.wendler@nucmag.comAnzeigen und Abonnementsinfo@nucmag.comRedakteurinNicole Koch+49 163 7772797nicole.koch@nucmag.comInserieren Sie in der atw,Ihr exklusiver Zugang in die deutscheKerntechnik-Branche• Stellenanzeigen• Portfolio-, Produkt- undDienstleistungswerbung• Imageanzeigen• Unternehmenspräsentationen• Jubiläumsanzeigen und DanksagungenInteresse? Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht an:info@nucmag.comLayoutangstroem Design BureauMannheimDruckereiinpuncto:asmuthdruck + medien gmbhBuschstraße 81, 53113 BonnPreislisteGültig seit 1. Januar 2021Erscheinungsweise 6 x im Jahr (alle 2 Monate)DE:Pro Ausgabe (inkl. USt, exkl. Versand) 32.50 €Jahresabonnement (inkl. USt, exkl. Versand) 183.50 €Alle EU-Mitgliedsstaaten ohne USt-IdNr.:Pro Ausgabe (inkl. USt, exkl. Versand) 32.50 €Jahresabonnement (inkl. USt, exkl. Versand) 183.50 €EU-Mitgliedsstaaten mit USt-IdNr.und alle weiteren Länder:Pro Ausgabe (ohne USt, exkl. Versand) 30,37 €Jahresabonnement (ohne USt, exkl. Versand) 171.50 €CopyrightThe journal and all papers and photos contained in it are protected by copyright.Any use made thereof outside the Copyright Act without the consent of thepublisher, INFORUM Verlags- und Verwaltungsgesell schaft mbH, is prohibited.This applies to repro duc tions, translations, micro filming and the input andincorpo ration into electronic systems. The individual author is held responsible forthe contents of the respective paper. Please address letters and manuscripts onlyto the Editorial Staff and not to individual persons of the association's staff. We donot assume any responsibility for unrequested contributions.Signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of the editorial.ISSN 1431-5254


Offizielle Mitgliederzeitschrift der Kerntechnischen Gesellschaft e. V. (KTG)


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ISSN 1431-5254

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