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atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power | 04.2022

Ever since its first issue in 1956, the atw – International Journal for Nuclear Power has been a publisher of specialist articles, background reports, interviews and news about developments and trends from all important sectors of nuclear energy, nuclear technology and the energy industry. Internationally current and competent, the professional journal atw is a valuable source of information. www.nucmag.com

Ever since its first issue in 1956, the atw – International Journal for Nuclear Power has been a publisher of specialist articles, background reports, interviews and news about developments and trends from all important sectors of nuclear energy, nuclear technology and the energy industry. Internationally current and competent, the professional journal atw is a valuable source of information.



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atw Vol. 67 (2022) | Ausgabe 4 ı Juli



Copenhagen Atomics a Thorium

Molten Salt Reactor with a Breeder


Many new developments in the nuclear industry

are happening, Established in 2001, the Generation

IV International Forum (GIF) was created as a cooperative

international endeavour seeking to

develop the research necessary to test the

feasibility and performance of fourth generation

nuclear systems, and to make them available for

industrial deployment by 2030.

Gen IV international forum (GIF)

The GIF brings together 13 countries (Argentina,

Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Japan,

Korea, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, the

United Kingdom and the United States), as well as

Euratom – representing the 27 European Union

members − to co-ordinate research and

development on these systems. The GIF has

selected six reactor technologies for further

research and development: the gas-cooled fast

reactor (GFR), the lead-cooled fast reactor (LFR),

the molten salt reactor (MSR), the sodium-cooled

fast reactor (SFR), the supercritical-water-cooled

reactor (SCWR) and the very high-temperature

reactor (VHTR).

However Copenhagen Atomics (CA) now takes

thermal breeder reactors far beyond the Gen IV

concepts with their most interesting development

in molten salt being a thermal breeder based on

Thorium. Thorium is the only element that allows

for a breeder reactor in a thermal spectrum. This

means that it can generate its own fissile fuel from

thorium and thus require hundred times less

mining than any other reactor. Thorium is reacted

with fluorine to create tetrafluoride ThF4 which is

then mixed with commercially available isotopically

enriched lithium 7 fluoride 7LiF to form the basis

salt F7LiTh used in the reactor.

A Kickstarter fuel F7LiThPu is used to start the

fission process. Unpressurized heavy water serves

a moderator. By kickstarting the reactor on longlived

nuclear waste , left in spent nuclear fuel, the

waste is converted to fission products, which only

needs to be stored for 300 years while rapidly

scaling global energy production without the

need for uranium enrichment. Copenhagen

Atomics is working on developing the thorium

based MSR in a 40 foot shipping container (“Waste

Burner”) capable of delivering 100 MWth expected

to bring total LCoE below $20/MWh in a mass

manufacturing scenario.

Normally industry scales up the size of power

plants in order to reduce costs, but this also

increases the financial risk significantly. Financial

risk is what drives the cost of nuclear. The molten

salt reactor is small and modular, allowing it to be

produced at a fraction of the costs of traditional

nuclear. Any desired output is then achieved by

placing multiple reactors on site.

Removing the complexity for

decision makers.

Companies fear the responsibility of operating a

nuclear plant, decommissioning, and handling

nuclear waste. CA takes care of all of that and just

delivers reliable and green energy to the customer.

Copenhagen Atomics started in 2015 and now the

company has about 50 employees developing and

building the reactor. CA has a test facility for

thorium and uranium salts, sells products which

define the molten salt industry and tests more

than anyone else in this new industry.

CA is on track with the planned timeline and has

started the construction of the test reactor in

Copenhagen. It will be ready before Christmas

At a Glance

Copenhagen Atomics a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor with a Breeder Concept

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