atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power | 04.2022

Ever since its first issue in 1956, the atw – International Journal for Nuclear Power has been a publisher of specialist articles, background reports, interviews and news about developments and trends from all important sectors of nuclear energy, nuclear technology and the energy industry. Internationally current and competent, the professional journal atw is a valuable source of information. Ever since its first issue in 1956, the atw – International Journal for Nuclear Power has been a publisher of specialist articles, background reports, interviews and news about developments and trends from all important sectors of nuclear energy, nuclear technology and the energy industry. Internationally current and competent, the professional journal atw is a valuable source of information.

11.07.2022 Aufrufe

atw Vol. 67 (2022) | Ausgabe 4 ı JuliRESEARCH AND INNOVATION 32Discount rateCountry 3 % 7 % 10 %Belgium 51.5 84.2 116.8China 28.2 42.4 56.6Finland 46.1 77.6 109.1France 50.0 82.6 115.2Hungary 53.9 89.9 125.0Japan 62.6 87.6 112.5South Korea 28.6 40.4 51.4Slovakia 53.9 84.0 116.5UK 64.4 100.8 135.7USA 54.3 77.7 101.8| Tab. 1Projected nuclear LCOE costs for plants built 2015 – 2020 [USD/MWh] usingaverage numbers for China: (World Nuclear Association, 2019).promise for other heat-based applications suchas hydrogen production.9. Several non-proliferation advantages.10. The thorium resources necessary to produce900 TWe years will be only 2–3 million tons, ifthe breeding fuel cycle is established.(Moir, 2002) calculated the cost of electricity andfound the TMSR to be competitive with 3.8, 4.1 and4.2 ¢/kWh for TMSR, Pressurized Water Reactor(PWR) and coal, respectively. Note that thesecalculations are based on standards defined in1978 for all technologies.It is important to be aware of the fact that nuclearpower is capital intensive, and the capital costsaccount for at least 60 % of the Levelized Cost ofEnergy (LCOE) (World Nuclear Association, 2019).Hence, the LCOE will change significantlydepending on the discounting factor, see Tab. 1. It isalso interesting to note the differences betweencountries due to factors such as degree of standardization,politics and more.A specific type of TMSR is a small reactor (7 MWe)called mini-Fuji and a mid-size reactor (155 MWe)called Fuji-II (Furukawa et al., 2005). TMSR canplay a significant role in the decarbonization ofshipping operations. MSRs can be implementeddirectly as main energy source for ships.Emblemsvåg, (2021) showed the application ofTMSR in deep-sea shipping, reflecting itscommercial and technical feasibility. Thesereactors can also be implemented in power bargesor replenishment vessels. One example of the latteris ULSTEIN THOR, shown as a 3D rendering inFig. 1.The drastic shortening of the life span of the waste,and the huge reduction in the amount of waste arealso key aspects. Finally, the simplicity of the chemicaldevice has significant cost implications.The researchers at ORNL made very comprehensivecost calculations 3 . Using their information,THOR, as a replenishment vessel, foresees enablingzero emission shipping operations. Using asapplication case exploration cruises in Antarctica,THOR is designed to provide zero-emission powerto full electric vessels during their operations.TMSR plays a central role as main energy source for| Fig. 1The THOR concept by Ulstein, used with kind permissions.3 We should thank Kirk Sorensen for making all the documents from ONRL available through www.energyfromthorium.comResearch and InnovationThe Marine Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor ı Jan Emblemsvåg

atw Vol. 67 (2022) | Ausgabe 4 ı Julireliable and green power charging next-generationbatteries. With only one TMSR unit, TMSRs canprovide power to up to four cruise vesselssimultaneously.The FUJI reactor has an internal reactor vessel witha second containment vessel built around. Outsidethe second containment vessel, we find a concretewall for the final protection. The final protectionwall can also consist of lead. The reactor vessel is5.4 m diameter and 4.0 m high and filled mostly bygraphite (93.9 vol. %) and fuel-salt only as shownin Figure 2. Note that below the reactor we find adrain/emergency tank, which will only be used inthe unlikely event of an emergency.The miniFUJI is suitable for THOR with a reactor ofonly 1.8 meters in diameter and 2.1 meters high,weighing approximately 1650 tonnes includingprimary salt loop and heat exchanger. Yet, theminiFUJI has an output of 7 MWe (Furukawa et al.,2005). We see that the miniFUJI has a lower effect/mass ratio than the FUJI, because the shielding isthe same for both reactors. Steam turbine isenvisaged providing 43 % thermal efficiency (Moir& Teller, 2005).Marine applications of TMSR must be based onmodular and standardized design because withhigh capital costs, effective project execution tominimize the Overnight Construction Cost (OCC)is key (Lovering et al., 2016; World NuclearAssociation, 2019). Standardization also reducescomplexity and hence makes training possible forothers than nuclear scientists and nuclearengineers, which is key for truly industrial scale.Since the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for theTMSR is still in the early demonstration stage,further research is required both concerning thetechnology itself (primarily materials and saltchemistry) and documenting its economicperformance. As the late industrialist, andAmerica’s Greenest CEO 4 , Ray Andersonemphasized (Anderson, 1998); we must seeksolutions where we ‘can do well by doing good’. TheTMSR is one such technology.ReferencesAnderson, R. C. (1998). Mid-Course Correction. The Peregrinzilla Press.Argyros, D., Raucci, C., Sabio, N., & Smith, T. (2014). Global Marine Fuel Trends 2030.Emblemsvåg, J. (2021). How Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor can provide clean, safe andcost-effective technology for deep-sea shipping. Marine Technology Socieity Journal, 55(1), 56-72.Furukawa, K., Arakawa, K., Erbay, L. B., Ito, Y., Kato, Y., Kiyavitskaya, H., Lecocq, A., Mitachi, K., Moir,R., Numata, H., Pleasant, J. P., Sato, Y., Shimazu, Y., Simonenco, V. A., Sood, D. D., Urban, C., & Yoshioka,R. (2008). A road map for the realization of global-scale thorium breeding fuel cycle by singlemolten-fluoride flow. Energy Conversion and Management, 49, 1832-1848.Furukawa, K., Numata, H., Kato, Y., Mitachi, K., Yoshioka, R., Furuhashi, A., Sato, Y., & Arakawa, K.(2005). New Primary Energy Source by Thorium Molten-Salt Reactor Technology. Electrochemistry,73(8), 553-563.Kamei, T. (2011). Implementation Strategy of Thorium Nuclear Power in the Context of GlobalWarming. In P. Tsvetkov (Ed.), Nuclear Power: Deployment, Operation and Sustainability (pp.365-382). InTech.Lovering, J. R., Yip, A., & Nordhaus, T. (2016). Historical construction costs of global nuclear powerreactors. Energy Policy, 91(April), 371–382.MacPherson, H. G. (1985). Molten salt reactor adventure. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 90,374-380.Moir, R. W. (2002). The cost of electricity from Molten Salt Reactors (MSR). Nuclear Technology,138(1), 93-95.Moir, R. W., & Teller, E. (2005). Thorium-Fueled Underground Power Plant based on Molten SaltTechnology. Nuclear Technology, 151(September), 334-340.Olmer, N., Comer, B., Roy, B., Mao, X., & Rutherford, D. (2017). Greenhouse Gas Emissions fromGlobal Shipping, 2013–2015.Weinberg, A. M. (1997). The proto-history of the molten salt system. Journal of acceleration plasmaresearch, 2, 22-26.World Nuclear Association. (2019). Economics of Nuclear Power.AuthorJan EmblemsvågProfessorNorwegian University of Science and TechnologyRESEARCH AND INNOVATION 33jan.emblemsvag@ntnu.noJan Emblemsvåg has served in various senior management positions in theindustry including SVP of Ship Design & Systems at Rolls-Royce Marine andGeneral Manager at Midsund Bruk designing and manufacturing advancedpressure vessels. Today, he is Professor at Norwegian University of Science andTechnology (NTNU), board member, consultant, author and speaker. His areas ofexpertise include project-, risk- and operations management, product- andprocess development, sustainability and renewable energy including nuclearenergy. His non-academic work largely covers the same areas. He typically takes atechno-economic-environmental approach to find both industrial- and practicalsolutions to challenges at hand. He has written several books internationallyavailable and dozens of internationally published journal papers. He holds a PhD(1999) and M.Sc. at Georgia Institute of Technology (1995) and a M.Sc. at NTNU(1994).| Fig. 2The FUJI concept blueprint [main piping: 8 cm in diameter] (Furukawa et al.,2005)..4 Named by Fortune Magazine as America’s Greenest CEO.Research and InnovationThe Marine Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor ı Jan Emblemsvåg

atw Vol. 67 (2022) | Ausgabe 4 ı Juli

reliable and green power charging next-generation

batteries. With only one TMSR unit, TMSRs can

provide power to up to four cruise vessels


The FUJI reactor has an internal reactor vessel with

a second containment vessel built around. Outside

the second containment vessel, we find a concrete

wall for the final protection. The final protection

wall can also consist of lead. The reactor vessel is

5.4 m diameter and 4.0 m high and filled mostly by

graphite (93.9 vol. %) and fuel-salt only as shown

in Figure 2. Note that below the reactor we find a

drain/emergency tank, which will only be used in

the unlikely event of an emergency.

The miniFUJI is suitable for THOR with a reactor of

only 1.8 meters in diameter and 2.1 meters high,

weighing approximately 1650 tonnes including

primary salt loop and heat exchanger. Yet, the

miniFUJI has an output of 7 MWe (Furukawa et al.,

2005). We see that the miniFUJI has a lower effect/

mass ratio than the FUJI, because the shielding is

the same for both reactors. Steam turbine is

envisaged providing 43 % thermal efficiency (Moir

& Teller, 2005).

Marine applications of TMSR must be based on

modular and standardized design because with

high capital costs, effective project execution to

minimize the Overnight Construction Cost (OCC)

is key (Lovering et al., 2016; World Nuclear

Association, 2019). Standardization also reduces

complexity and hence makes training possible for

others than nuclear scientists and nuclear

engineers, which is key for truly industrial scale.

Since the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for the

TMSR is still in the early demonstration stage,

further research is required both concerning the

technology itself (primarily materials and salt

chemistry) and documenting its economic

performance. As the late industrialist, and

America’s Greenest CEO 4 , Ray Anderson

emphasized (Anderson, 1998); we must seek

solutions where we ‘can do well by doing good’. The

TMSR is one such technology.


Anderson, R. C. (1998). Mid-Course Correction. The Peregrinzilla Press.

Argyros, D., Raucci, C., Sabio, N., & Smith, T. (2014). Global Marine Fuel Trends 2030.

Emblemsvåg, J. (2021). How Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor can provide clean, safe and

cost-effective technology for deep-sea shipping. Marine Technology Socieity Journal, 55(1), 56-72.

Furukawa, K., Arakawa, K., Erbay, L. B., Ito, Y., Kato, Y., Kiyavitskaya, H., Lecocq, A., Mitachi, K., Moir,

R., Numata, H., Pleasant, J. P., Sato, Y., Shimazu, Y., Simonenco, V. A., Sood, D. D., Urban, C., & Yoshioka,

R. (2008). A road map for the realization of global-scale thorium breeding fuel cycle by single

molten-fluoride flow. Energy Conversion and Management, 49, 1832-1848.

Furukawa, K., Numata, H., Kato, Y., Mitachi, K., Yoshioka, R., Furuhashi, A., Sato, Y., & Arakawa, K.

(2005). New Primary Energy Source by Thorium Molten-Salt Reactor Technology. Electrochemistry,

73(8), 553-563.

Kamei, T. (2011). Implementation Strategy of Thorium Nuclear Power in the Context of Global

Warming. In P. Tsvetkov (Ed.), Nuclear Power: Deployment, Operation and Sustainability (pp.

365-382). InTech.

Lovering, J. R., Yip, A., & Nordhaus, T. (2016). Historical construction costs of global nuclear power

reactors. Energy Policy, 91(April), 371–382.

MacPherson, H. G. (1985). Molten salt reactor adventure. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 90,


Moir, R. W. (2002). The cost of electricity from Molten Salt Reactors (MSR). Nuclear Technology,

138(1), 93-95.

Moir, R. W., & Teller, E. (2005). Thorium-Fueled Underground Power Plant based on Molten Salt

Technology. Nuclear Technology, 151(September), 334-340.

Olmer, N., Comer, B., Roy, B., Mao, X., & Rutherford, D. (2017). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from

Global Shipping, 2013–2015.

Weinberg, A. M. (1997). The proto-history of the molten salt system. Journal of acceleration plasma

research, 2, 22-26.

World Nuclear Association. (2019). Economics of Nuclear Power.


Jan Emblemsvåg


Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Jan Emblemsvåg has served in various senior management positions in the

industry including SVP of Ship Design & Systems at Rolls-Royce Marine and

General Manager at Midsund Bruk designing and manufacturing advanced

pressure vessels. Today, he is Professor at Norwegian University of Science and

Technology (NTNU), board member, consultant, author and speaker. His areas of

expertise include project-, risk- and operations management, product- and

process development, sustainability and renewable energy including nuclear

energy. His non-academic work largely covers the same areas. He typically takes a

techno-economic-environmental approach to find both industrial- and practical

solutions to challenges at hand. He has written several books internationally

available and dozens of internationally published journal papers. He holds a PhD

(1999) and M.Sc. at Georgia Institute of Technology (1995) and a M.Sc. at NTNU


| Fig. 2

The FUJI concept blueprint [main piping: 8 cm in diameter] (Furukawa et al.,


4 Named by Fortune Magazine as America’s Greenest CEO.

Research and Innovation

The Marine Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor ı Jan Emblemsvåg

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