23.02.2022 Aufrufe

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Scannen!<br />

A or AN<br />

words<br />

You use the article ”an” before words that start with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u)<br />

an ”a” before words that start with a consonant sound (all the other letters)!<br />

When the vowel is pronounced like a consonant for e.g. unicorn, uniform, university<br />

(is written with a vowel “u“ but is spoken as a “ju“) we use “a“ unicorn, a uniform …<br />

And when the consonant is pronounced like a vowel for e.g. hour (is written with<br />

a consonant “h“ but is pronounced like a vowel “ou“) we write “an“ hour!<br />

Look at these pictures and fill in the correct article:<br />

__ doll __ egg __ tree __ apple __ flower<br />

__ umbrella<br />

__ boat<br />

__ eye<br />

__ ice cream<br />

__ angel<br />

__ envelope<br />

__ ball<br />

__ airplane<br />

__ car<br />

__ horse<br />

__ arm __ bike __ elephant __ orange __ pencil<br />

Lösungen auf www.mini-max-plus.at<br />


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