10.01.2022 Aufrufe

No. 8 - Jahresausgabe 2021, St. Anton & Stuben

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was a pioneer in this area. He didn’t just take pictures<br />

for his buyers though, in hundreds of thousands of<br />

photographs he also documented his deep, traditional<br />

roots in the mountains as well as this peculiar region.<br />

The results include impressive mountain and lanscape<br />

photographs of the regions around Arlberg, Flexen,<br />

and Hochtannberg Pass which he usually took during<br />

his mountain and ski tours. They date back to the time<br />

before WWI and the interwar period. A historic treasure,<br />

which, because of its topic and dimension, was<br />

particularly suitable for the funded interreg-project –<br />

the creation of a virtual historic forum with aspects of<br />

winter sports in the respective regions. The association<br />

Foundation Friends of Hannes Schneider has tackled<br />

the editing of the Heimhuber family’s photographs in<br />

this context.<br />

Magazin<br />

© Fotos: Tourismusverband <strong>St</strong>uben am Arlberg<br />

Open-air exhibition in <strong>St</strong>uben am Arlberg<br />

The open-air exhibition with motifs from the Heimhuber<br />

collection opens just in time for the start of the<br />

winter season. Large-format pictures with illustrative<br />

information and matching literary quotes invite all<br />

those who are interested to dive into the 140-year history<br />

of the entire village. In Warth and Hochkrumbach<br />

the motifs from the Heimhuber archive create<br />

the ideal framework for making the development of<br />

the villages over the course of the past century visible.<br />

On the initiative of the Foundation Friends of Hannes<br />

Schneider the coming weeks will also see the publication<br />

of a picture book titled “Sichtbar” (=visible) by<br />

Lorenzi publishers, which contains photographs<br />

taken by mountaineer and landscape photographer<br />

Eugen Heimhuber between 1900 and 1930. The motifs<br />

range from <strong>St</strong>uben am Arlberg to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anton</strong>, Zürs and<br />

Lech, all the way to Warth. And they contain interesting<br />

pictures of the roads across Flexen and Arlberg<br />

Pass. The picture book will be published at the end of<br />

February, a presentation will take place in <strong>St</strong>uben am<br />

Arlberg in March.

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