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HANSA 02-2019

Nord-Ostsee-Kanal | MSC Zoe | Reefer-Report | Nordfrost | MacGregor | Neues Bergungsmanöver | Ships made in Germany 2018 | Havarien & Brandschutz | Rudolf A. Oetker

Nord-Ostsee-Kanal | MSC Zoe | Reefer-Report | Nordfrost | MacGregor | Neues Bergungsmanöver | Ships made in Germany 2018 | Havarien & Brandschutz | Rudolf A. Oetker


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Equipment & Suppliers<br />

Schiffstechnik | Ship Technology<br />


Researching e-procurement<br />

The maritime e-procurement platform<br />

Shipserv has published a research<br />

whitepaper »e-procurement in Maritime;<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1 and Beyondq, which analyses<br />

the current and future state of e-procurement<br />

within the maritime industry<br />

based on insights from leading Chief<br />

Purchasing Officers and Managers<br />

(CPOs/CPMs). According the company,<br />

the research showed that while maritime<br />

e-procurement is currently at an embryonic<br />

level in terms of its evolution – scoring<br />

»two out of ten« – over one third of<br />

those surveyed believe the market will<br />

change beyond all recognition in the next<br />

five years, driven by developments in<br />

advanced technology and applications.<br />

50% of CPOs and CPMs surveyed stated<br />

that they still use their e-procurement<br />

systems for purely transactional – and<br />

not strategic – purposes.<br />

This is based on a number of key issues<br />

within the current market. There<br />

is significant fragmentation with suppliers<br />

and buyers using different systems,<br />

many of which are archaic and<br />

not integrated nor have the functionality<br />

to interact or ‘talk’ with each other.<br />

They are also labour intensive to operate.<br />

Despite this, 70% of those surveyed<br />

stated that they realised more than 20%<br />

in time savings, as well as other OPEX<br />

benefits from their e-procurement system.<br />

They also reported the benefits of<br />

transparency, as well as the ability to<br />

track historical data. This demonstrates<br />

an understanding of, and appetite for,<br />

what a more sophisticated, digitalised<br />

e-procurement strategy can deliver.<br />

The whitepaper highlights a number<br />

of critical areas where maritime e-procurement<br />

will rapidly evolve, creating a<br />

more strategic approach to purchasing.<br />

It also highlights a number of core areas<br />

of technology development that have<br />

evolved in other more advanced markets<br />

outside of maritime, which will drive the<br />

necessary change in e-procurement in<br />

maritime over the next few years. »This<br />

includes a move from ERP-based systems<br />

to cloud computing systems that<br />

enable safe and secure application-based<br />

interfaces and central analytics that<br />

make automation easier and more cost<br />

effective.<br />

They also allow purchasing departments<br />

to share data directly with their<br />

supply chain, eradicating the problem<br />

of sharing data with suppliers<br />

who use different systems«, it is stated.<br />

Blockchain is said to also be embedded<br />

into future systems, »which will solve the<br />

challenge of siloed data, distributing data<br />

to known and identified members within<br />

an agreed network, and increasing efficiencies,<br />

because it uses a central, shared,<br />

secure record for storing data. In conjunction<br />

with this, Artificial Intelligence<br />

and Machine Learning«. These tools will<br />

also »solve the problem of the current<br />

lack of standardisation« where product<br />

descriptors are different from one buyer<br />

to another, by analysing and intuitively<br />

recognising specific products. n<br />

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Think LUKOIL!<br />

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<strong>HANSA</strong> International Maritime Journal – 156. Jahrgang – <strong>2019</strong> – Nr. 2 63

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