23.12.2012 Aufrufe

STARK-MACH-KURS für Mädchen und Jungen 9 - 12 J. - Städtische ...

STARK-MACH-KURS für Mädchen und Jungen 9 - 12 J. - Städtische ...

STARK-MACH-KURS für Mädchen und Jungen 9 - 12 J. - Städtische ...


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114 Sprachen<br />

Aufbaustufe C1/C2<br />

Englisch: Advanced Conversation<br />

In this course we will discuss topics (political, economic, cultural) relating to English<br />

speaking countries at a relatively advanced level. Accuracy and use of language will be<br />

trained.<br />

3164<br />

Dienstag 25.09.20<strong>12</strong> 19:30-21:00 Uhr 15x<br />

Graf-Stauffenberg-Schule, Kloster-Langh.-Str. 11, Raum 302 59,40 €<br />

English for Upper Intermediate<br />

Come along and practise your English!<br />

Teaching material will be provided.<br />

3165<br />

Donnerstag 27.09.20<strong>12</strong> 19:00-20:30 Uhr 10x<br />

Graf-Stauffenberg-Schule, Kloster-Langh.-Str. 11, Raum 202 39,60 €<br />

Englisch: English Discussion Forum:<br />

Everything <strong>und</strong>er the Sun!<br />

Come along and get involved in stimulating, varied and sometimes controversial topics<br />

that will help you to think critically in the English language. From issues of morality<br />

through to motivation and the role of the man and woman in the 21st century, there<br />

is sure to be enough to activate lively discussions. A great and fun way to expand your<br />

vocabulary and you need not be an expert to have a great time. Bring an open mind<br />

and plenty of opinions!<br />

Teaching material will be provided.<br />

3167<br />

Mittwoch 26.09.20<strong>12</strong> 08:30-10:00 Uhr 15x<br />

Altes E-Werk, Tränkgasse 4, Raum 016 59,40 €<br />

English Conversation Group<br />

A conversation circle where you can increase your skills in a lively and humorous discussion<br />

of a whole range of topics. At the same time widen your vocabulary and the use<br />

of idiomatic English. Newcomers welcome!<br />

Teaching material will be provided.<br />

3168<br />

Mittwoch 10.10.20<strong>12</strong> 10:00-11:30 Uhr 15x<br />

Altes E-Werk, Tränkgasse 4, Raum 016 59,40 €<br />

Englisch: Advanced Conversation<br />

Participants should have a good knowledge of English and be willing to express themselves<br />

about different topics , brushing up their vocabulary, grammar and syntax at<br />

the same time.

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