06.05.2021 Aufrufe

My Diary (1)

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Dear D ary,



Today s the f rst day of hol day. I'm a l ttle

sad because I started h gh school for the

f rst t me n my l fe but I almost never went

to h gh school because of the corona. I am

not s ck yet. I'm afra d of the corona. I'm

actually afra d that my loved ones w ll d e. I

can't see my fr ends because of th s v rüs.

That's why we wanted to organ ze a party.

of course v a zoom. we all played a celebr ty.

I became ar ana grande. because I love her.

her songs are so con c. d d ar ana's class c

ha r. I was l ked by my fr ends. n lsu became

zendaya. n lsu wore euphor a makeup.

Beyza became dua l pa and buse became

Harry Potter g rl vers on. beyza's s ster

became c nderella. she was so sweet. we had

so much fun. my day was absolutely

beaut ful. Before I went to sleep, I read my

book. my one day was l ke th s. See you


Ar ana Grande

me (Ar ana Grande)

Buse (Harry Potter)

N lsu (Zendaya)



Dear D ary ,

I woke up t red today. we made a

plan w th my s ster. My s ster s

12th grade. She has an exam and

she works hard. That's why we

made a dec s on<3 no lesson

today<3 We dec ded to watch a

ser es. I went to the market and

bought junk food. We f n shed

the mov e. Th s mov e was really

good. It was a very enjoyable day

for me. s ster day!!!!!

my s ster and me

To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Dear D ary,



Hello aga n. Today we went w th my s ster to

buy her a graduat on dress. Yes, she s

graduat ng. I really feel sad for th s. Because

she s not l ke my s ster, more l ke my best

fr end. I call her my tw n because we were born

on the same day as my s ster. Yes, correct guess,

day and month are the same. Year s d fferent.

Her date of b rth s 25.11.2002 and my date of

b rth 25.11.2005. we are def n tely l ke tw ns.

We've done everyth ng together s nce the day I

was born. she w ll graduate and leave home. I

w ll m ss her so much. I really felt l ke I was

grow ng. I'm happy or sad for that. I cant

dec de. Anyway, we got the graduat on dress.

she looked really beaut ful. I'm proud of her. I

hope she goes to a good un vers ty. . I hope I can

go to my dream un vers ty too. By the way, I

want koc un vers ty-law r ght now. Th s s a

dream. I hope t w ll come true. Then I talked to

my fr ends. We have dec ded to meet

tomorrow. We talked about the deta ls. That's

all for today. See you tomorrow…

my s ster and me

koc un vers ty

my s ster and me

Dear D ary,



We met w th my fr ends today. It was great

to see them aga n. I haven't seen them for 6

months because of the corona. I made them

p zza n the morn ng. I make p zza very

tasty. Maybe my ancestors are from Italy.

who knows ? Then we had a p cn c on the

beach. We had a lot of fun. I love spend ng

t me w th them. We celebrated my fr end's

b rthday w th a cake. I bought her a g ft.

B lge s a r ck and morty fan and I bought her

a r ck and morty t-sh rt. We played uno

together. We had d nner. And we talked

about many top cs. I really m ssed them. I

came home and watched 2 ep sodes of

the100. And I took a shower. one more day ...

see you tomorrow

Me,B lge,Sude,Neh r

B lge(b rthday g rl)

Dear D ary,



The weather was very n ce today, so I

called my best fr end Selay. She s my

closest fr end. We went to the shopp ng

mall. We hung out w th her. I d d

shopp ng. Shopp ng always exc tes me.

Then we had d nner. I was very hungry.

I ate two plates of ‘tavuk dünyas ’ for

the f rst t me. Then I ate künefe. I st ll

remember the taste. It was so del c ous.

We took a lot of photographs. I d d my

b ology homework after I got home. I

read a book. Now I'm go ng to sleep. See

you tomorrow, dear d ary.

My BFF (Selay)

Dear D ary,



I love to descr be one of my days. I love

talk ng to people. But they are often bored.

Th s s normal. Because f you have someone

who expla ns everyth ng n deta l and you

are not nterested, you w ll be bored. I wr te

everyth ng n my d ary. my d ary s not sa d

to be bored. Th s s a very beaut ful th ng.

Anyway, I rested today. I played the game. I

drew a p cture. I danced (my favor te

act v ty). Later I stud ed chem stry. And I

watched a ser es. my best fr end sa d ‘ you

should watch the 100’ . I watched. I f n shed

season 1. It's a really wonderful ser es.

Sc ence f ct on TV ser es always nterest me.

anyway t was a class c day. In the even ng, I

spent t me w th my fam ly. Chatt ng w th

my fam ly made me feel comfortable. see

you tomorrow!!!

I worked

the p cture I drew

The ser es I watched

Dear D ary,



today s my favor te day. because I

spend a lot of t me w th my fam ly. I

learned how to make a cake today.

Yes, t was easy to make a cake. We

made a super cake for our fam ly w th

my mom. t was del c ous. My uncle

came to us today and he l ked t very

much. th s really made me very

happy. I was at home today so I d d

someth ng for myself. Then I took

care of my brother. he s 6 months old.

He s a very sweet baby. We d d a

ser es n ght aga n w th my s ster at

n ght. Th s t me we made nuggets for

food. It was del c ous My one day was

l ke th s. See you tomorrow.

me,my dad, my brother

my cake


Dear D ary,



I stud ed today. I stud ed math. Yes I d d

that. Mathemat cs s a really d ff cult

lesson. I work by watch ng v deos from

Youtube. There s a math teacher

named Mehmet on youtube. That

teacher really makes me laugh and I

love math a l ttle. Then I took a test. I

stud ed l terature. L terature s my

favor te subject. The name of my

l terature teacher s Ker man and she

s a really good teacher. I never get

bored l sten ng to t.( I am not bored

when l sten ng to Özay teacher too )

And f nally, I stud ed b ology. I d d my

b ology homework. Then watched tv

ser es. t. It was very sad. Then I spent

t me w th my brother. I chatted w th

my fam ly and read a book. It was a

class c day aga n. See you tomorrow.

lesson w th mehmet


the book read

Dear D ary,



Today, I met my fr ends from school. Yes, we

met for the f rst t me. You know we d dn't go

to school because of the corona and I only

saw them once. . Today we met for the f rst

t me. We had a lot of fun. We went to the

beach and had d nner and played games

there. Wh le play ng the ball, my fr end

threw the ball nto the tree. another fr end

cl mbed the tree and took the ball. It was so

funny. Then we played uno and buse won.

And she d dn't w n once, she won 2 t mes. We

chatted together. We took a lot of photos

and had a lot of fun. Then we went home.

They were all very funny people. I was very

hungry when I got home. And we made

mant w th my s ster. I took a shower and

read a book. Th s s t for the day, see you


my tal an partner



Dear D ary,



I woke up very t red today because of

yesterday. I just slept n bed and watched

the ser es. In the even ng, I watched my

favor te Turk sh TV ser es 'd ğer yarım!

w th my brother. I am really t red today.

It was a very bad and bor ng day. I w ll

take a shower and go to sleep. I hope to

make up for th s bor ng day tomorrow.

See you!!!

The game we play n lsu and me my fr end cl mbed a tree

n lsu and me recep and me n lsu and me

our group

Dear D ary,


Fr day

I stud ed n the morn ng today. I

stud ed math. At noon, my fr end

called and asked f you would l ke to go

to the mall. We went to the mall w th

h m. He s my fr end from h gh school.

Everyth ng was very expens ve. I could

only eat. It was really sad. Then I came

home, took a shower and spent t me

w th my fam ly. We celebrated my

parents' wedd ng ann versary. They

entered the r 19th year. I love them, I

hope they w ll always be happy. I read

book after a super fam ly chat. See you


my favor te ser es

my brother

Dear D ary,



I d dn't feel good today. We dec ded to

have a mother-daughter day. We

walked outs de. We bought new

clothes for my l ttle brother., we came

home, We ate p zza. Then I argued

w th my fr end. . Th s made me very

sad. My close fr end was l ke a

stranger to me. . To me t's one of the

worst th ngs n l fe. He's def n tely the

problem. He forgot me when he had

new fr ends. It broke my trust.

anyway, I'll read a book and sleep.

That's all for today. See you


my fr end (al ) and me

Dear D ary,



I was very unhappy today. That's why

we talked to my best fr end on the

phone. We chatted together. We made a

cake by facet me. We had a lot of fun

together. Talk ng to her s more helpful

than the best therap st. After that I

played games w th my brother. I d d

homework and stud ed. I hate do ng

homework. It s very t me k ller.

Homework s a must. I hate necess ty.

Anyway, dear d ary, another class c day

s over. See you tomorrow.

my mom and me

my p zza

Dear D ary,



Today was the last day of my wr t ng. I am

sorry for th s because I really l ke to wr te.

I woke up very happy today. I had a super

breakfast w th my fam ly. Then I got very

sad new. My grandfather's health was very

bad. That's why my father went to

Kayser . I felt death. Actually I'm not

afra d of death. I am afra d that the people

I love w ll d e. Th s s tuat on s really

terr ble. I am very sad for my grandfather.

. I don't want to th nk badly. Anyway,

today I just watched TV ser es to get away

from the dea of death. I f n shed season 2

of The 100 and started season 3. That was

all for today. Today s really a bad day for

my fam ly. I hope you l ve when I read my

d ary n the future, grandpa, I love you ...

my cake

facet me w th my bff

my grandfather

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