06.01.2021 Aufrufe

Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart 2021 - Katalog

Katalog zur Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart 2021: Die Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart als größtes Schaufenster für wertvolle Objekte des Antiquariats- und Graphikhandels in Deutschland findet in diesem Jahr in ungewohnter Form statt. Da eine Präsenzmesse nicht stattfinden kann, haben sich 76 Kollegen aus Deutschland, Großbritannien, Österreich, Frankreich, der Schweiz, den Niederlanden, den Vereinigten Staaten und aus Australien zusammengefunden, um einen Katalog für die Messe zu erstellen und gleichzeitig ein Angebot für eine virtuelle Messe zusammengetragen. Der Katalog wird am 7. Januar 2021 an interessierte Kunden verschickt, die virtuelle Messe öffnet ihre „digitalen Pforten“ am 29. Januar 2021 um 12.00 Uhr unter www.antiquariatsmesse-stuttgart.de

Katalog zur Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart 2021: Die Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart als größtes Schaufenster für wertvolle Objekte des Antiquariats- und Graphikhandels in Deutschland findet in diesem Jahr in ungewohnter Form statt. Da eine Präsenzmesse nicht stattfinden kann, haben sich 76 Kollegen aus Deutschland, Großbritannien, Österreich, Frankreich, der Schweiz, den Niederlanden, den Vereinigten Staaten und aus Australien zusammengefunden, um einen Katalog für die Messe zu erstellen und gleichzeitig ein Angebot für eine virtuelle Messe zusammengetragen.

Der Katalog wird am 7. Januar 2021 an interessierte Kunden verschickt, die virtuelle Messe öffnet ihre „digitalen Pforten“ am 29. Januar 2021 um 12.00 Uhr unter www.antiquariatsmesse-stuttgart.de


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mit Beschreibungen“. Apart from this he illustrated a

great number of the finest natural history works published

at that period in South Germany.

Added to the series are: The original backcovers bound

in brown half morocco of all the 110 parts with the

printed names of the insects contained in each part.

The „Catalogus systematicus“ by Panzer of parts 1–108

„Index systematicus methodo Fabriciana“, Nürnberg

1793–1809. Saunders, E. Index to Panzer’s Fauna Insectorum

Germaniae. London 1888. Index Entomologicus

sistens insectorum species in G. W. Panzeri

Fauna Insectorum Germanica … Pars I. Eleutherata.

Norimbergiae 1813. Panzer, G. W. Kritische Revision

der Insektenfauna Deutschlands nach dem System

bearbeitet. I-XCVI Heft. Nürnberg 1805.

Nissen ZBI, 3084; Junk Rara II, p. 141.

Weinmann, J. W. Phytanthoza Iconographia,

sive conspectus aliquot millium, tam indigenarum

quam exoticarum, ex quatuor mundi partibus …

plantarum, arborum, fruticum, florum, fructuum,

fungorum, &c. [German title:] Phythanthoza

Iconographia, oder eigentliche Vorstellung etlicher

Tausend so wohl einheimisch- als ausländischer aus

allen vier Welt-Theilen, in Verlauf vieler Jahr mit

unermüdetem Fleisz … Pflanzen, Bäume, Stauden,

Kräuter, Blumen, Früchte und Schwämme … Regensburg,

H. Lentzen [vol 4: H. G. Neubauer],

1737–45. 4 volumes and 1 index volume. Folio

(382 × 250 mm). With four engraved titles in red

and black, one mezzotint frontispiece and two mezzotint

portraits, and 1025 (a few double-page) engraved

plates, some in mezzotint, the etched plates

hand-coloured, the mezzotints printed in colours

and finished by hand. Contemporary uniform calf,

richly gilt decorated spines in 7 compartments with

red gilt lettered label, sides with gilt ornamented

border and gilt corner pieces. € 120000,–

First edition. A very fine copy bound in a very attractive

contemporary German binding. Described by the

Hunt catalogue as the first botanical book to utilise

colour-printed mezzotint successfully. It also contains

Georg Dionysus Ehret’s first published botanical illustrations

(although unsigned). Ehret served his apprenticeship

as a botanical draughtsman under Weinmann

who exploited him mercilessly, paying him a pittance

for several hundred drawings he did for the „Phythanthoza“.

This led to a falling out between the two, which

is perhaps why Ehret is nowhere acknowledged in the

book. His drawings were engraved by Bartholomäus

Seuter, Johann Ridinger and, in the later volumes, Johann

Jakob Haid, who also engraved Ehret’s plates for

Trew’s „Plantae selectae“. Weinmann (1683–1741) was

a Regensburg apothecary who organised this massive

publishing project. It was financed by Seuter, one of the

engravers. The text for the first twenty-five plates was

written by Johann Georg Nicolaus Dieterichs (1681–

1737), who was succeeded by his son Ludwig Michael

(1716–1747), and the work was completed after Weinmann’s

death by Ambrosius Karl Bieler (1693–1747).

„The mezzotint process used [here] had been invented

by Johann Teyler in the Netherlands around 1688. As

practised here by Bartholomäus Seuter (1678–1754)

and Johann Elias Ridinger (1698–1767), it was really

a combination of etching and mezzotint, which made

possible delicate lines and a very fine grain. The addition

of handtinting brought about unusual and subtle

effects. Some of the best work was done in later volumes

by Johann Jakob Haid (1704–1767), who also provides

portraits of Weinmann and Bieler“ (Hunt catalogue vol.

II part II p. 160). „373 plates are signed S for Seuter and

273 plates signed H for Haid. The plates are after originals

by Ehret, N. Asamin, and others, although none

is so marked on the plate“ (Johnston). A mint copy

without the usual foxing and one of the finest copies

we have seen of this rare work.

Dunthorne 327; Great flower books p. 80; see Hunt

494; Johnston 388; Nissen BBI, 2126; Stafleu and

Cowan 17050. – Siehe Abbildung auf Tafel 8.

Zenker, J. K., Schlechtenthal, D. F. L. & Langethal,

C. E. Flora von Thüringen … Herausgegeben

von Prof. Dr. Zenker, Prof. Dr. v. Schlechtendal und

Prof. Dr. Langethal, die Originalzeichnungen gefertigt

von Dr. E. Schenk. Jena, Friedrich Mauke, 1855.

144 parts, forming 12 volumes. Small-8vo (168 × 95

mm). With 1444 (printed on 1440 leaves) very fine

hand-coloured engraved plates and descriptive text.

Contemporary green half morocco, richly gilt decorated

spines. € 7500,–

A fine uniformly bound copy of noble provenance,

old library stamp with crown and coat of arms on

title-page. The work was published from 1836–1855.

The present issue is the definitive issue of 1855 where

the plates and text were arranged in systematic order

and indices were added. It is one of the rarest and most

beautifully produced regional floras of Germany. Complete

copies are rare and W. Junk in the 1916 catalogue

describes the work as being „sehr selten“. The first

volume by J. C. Zenker, volumes 2–3 by D. F. L. von

Schlechtendal, and volumes 4–12 by von Schlechtendal

and L. E. Langethal.

Stafleu & Cowan, 18.637; Nissen BBI, 2197.


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