06.01.2021 Aufrufe

Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart 2021 - Katalog

Katalog zur Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart 2021: Die Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart als größtes Schaufenster für wertvolle Objekte des Antiquariats- und Graphikhandels in Deutschland findet in diesem Jahr in ungewohnter Form statt. Da eine Präsenzmesse nicht stattfinden kann, haben sich 76 Kollegen aus Deutschland, Großbritannien, Österreich, Frankreich, der Schweiz, den Niederlanden, den Vereinigten Staaten und aus Australien zusammengefunden, um einen Katalog für die Messe zu erstellen und gleichzeitig ein Angebot für eine virtuelle Messe zusammengetragen. Der Katalog wird am 7. Januar 2021 an interessierte Kunden verschickt, die virtuelle Messe öffnet ihre „digitalen Pforten“ am 29. Januar 2021 um 12.00 Uhr unter www.antiquariatsmesse-stuttgart.de

Katalog zur Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart 2021: Die Antiquariatsmesse Stuttgart als größtes Schaufenster für wertvolle Objekte des Antiquariats- und Graphikhandels in Deutschland findet in diesem Jahr in ungewohnter Form statt. Da eine Präsenzmesse nicht stattfinden kann, haben sich 76 Kollegen aus Deutschland, Großbritannien, Österreich, Frankreich, der Schweiz, den Niederlanden, den Vereinigten Staaten und aus Australien zusammengefunden, um einen Katalog für die Messe zu erstellen und gleichzeitig ein Angebot für eine virtuelle Messe zusammengetragen.

Der Katalog wird am 7. Januar 2021 an interessierte Kunden verschickt, die virtuelle Messe öffnet ihre „digitalen Pforten“ am 29. Januar 2021 um 12.00 Uhr unter www.antiquariatsmesse-stuttgart.de


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The birth of modern anatomy:

a coloured copy of the first edition, used by the surgeon of the Duke of Saxony

Vesalius, Andreas. De humani corporis fabrica libri

septem. Basel, (Johannes Oporinus, June 1543).

Folio (319 × 456 mm). 355 leaves and two folding

sheets. Roman and italic types, occasional use of

Greek and Hebrew types, printed shoulder notes.

Woodcut pictorial title, author portrait, and printer’s

device; 7 large, 186 mid-sized, and 22 small woodcut

initials; more than 200 woodcut illustrations,

including 3 full-page skeletons, 14 full-page muscle

men, 5 large diagrams of veins and nerves, 10 midsized

views of the abdomen, 2 mid-sized views

of the thorax, 13 mid-sized views of the skull and

brain, and numerous smaller views of bones, organs

and anatomical parts. All woodcuts and initials

up to page 165 in full contemporary hand colour.

Contemporary blindstamped leather over wooden

boards with bevelled edges, on five raised double

bands, with two clasps. In custom-made solander

box. € 950 000,–

A truly outstanding copy of one of the greatest and

most appealing books in the history of science. Preserved

in its original binding with the blindstamped

initials of its first owner, the German physician Caspar

Neefe (1514–79), and with his handwritten annotations

throughout, the present copy is partly coloured by

a contemporary artist (including the iconic woodcut

used as title-page and all anatomical illustrations up

to page 165). Caspar Neefe, who later served as personal

physician to Duke Albert I of Saxony, acquired

the precious volume only a year after its publication

and obviously consulted it extensively throughout

his career as a medical practitioner. – With the publication

of “De humani corporis fabrica” (when he

was only twenty-eight) Vesalius revolutionized both

the science of anatomy and how it was taught. In his

preface he describes his disappointing experiences as

a student in Paris and Louvain, stating his intention

to reform the teaching of anatomy by giving in this

book a complete description of the structure of the

human body, thereby drawing attention “to the falsity

of Galen’s pronouncements”. Vesalius also broke with

tradition by performing dissections himself instead of

leaving this task to assistants: the striking and dramatic

title illustration shows him conducting such a dissection,

his hand plunged into a female cadaver (striking

in itself, as only the cadavers of executed criminals

could be dissected legally and female criminals were

rarely executed), surrounded by a seething mass of

students. – The “Fabrica” is also revolutionary for “its

unprecedented blending of scientific exposition, art and

typography” (Norman). The woodcuts by artists of

the school of Titian are both iconographically and artistically

important. The series of fourteen muscle men

show landscapes that, when assembled in reverse order,

form a panorama of the Euganean Hills near Padua, a

scenery well known to Vesalius while he was at work

on the Fabrica. – Of the few copies of the first edition

to have come to the market in recent decades, only two

were in a contemporary binding. Apart from Vesalius’s

dedication copy to Emperor Charles V (Christie’s New

York, 18 March 1998, lot 213: $ 1,652,500), only a single

other partly coloured copy was previously known, a list

to which ours must now be added as the third known

copy in contemporary colour. – Acquired in 2017;

previously in a Tyrolean private medical collection,

where the book rested for three generations (erased

circular library stamp in the blank lower margin of the

title-page): an outstanding copy hitherto unknown to

scholarship (cf. the recent census published by Dániel

Margócsy, University of Cambridge, below; further

relevant correpondence with Dr Margócsy is available

upon request). Occasional waterstaining to margins,

the splendid binding a little rubbed and bumped, but

altogether a wonderfully crisp, wide-margined copy

of the first edition. Unquestionably the most desirable

copy of a milestone in the history of science still in

private hands, and likely the most important medical

book obtainable for decades to come.

PMM 71. VD 16, V 910. Durling 4577. Cushing VI.A.1.

Eimas 281. Norman 2137. Wellcome 6560. Graesse

VI.2, 289. Cf. D. Margócsy, M. Somos, S. N. Joffe:

“Vesalius’ Fabrica: A Report on the Worldwide Census

of the 1543 and 1555 Editions”, in: Social History

of Medicine Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 201–223. For Neefe

cf. A. Lesser, Die albertinischen Leibärzte (Petersberg

2015), p. 71–74.


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