23.12.2012 Aufrufe

2006 - Institut für Klinische Chemie - UniversitätsSpital Zürich

2006 - Institut für Klinische Chemie - UniversitätsSpital Zürich

2006 - Institut für Klinische Chemie - UniversitätsSpital Zürich


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Universität <strong>Zürich</strong> > Medizinische Fakultät > <strong>Klinische</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong>, <strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> > Prof. Dr.<br />

Arnold von Eckardstein<br />

Lipidomics in clinical diagnostics<br />

Summary / Zusammenfassung<br />

Lipids comprise a family of biomolecules that play prominent roles in many critical metabolic and<br />

biochemical processes such as energy production and storage, the formation and functioning of<br />

cellular membranes, signal transduction, and steroidgenesis. The critical point in studying the invivo<br />

metabolism and the clinical impact of the different lipids is the need of one or several<br />

analytical methods which enable the sensitive, specific determination of the different lipid classes<br />

in their unaltered state. The title which has recently been given to the theme of studying lipids in<br />

their natural environment is lipidomics. As yet only cholesterol and its distribution in different<br />

lipoproteins as well as triglycerides have been used as diagnostic and prognostic markers. We are<br />

interested in the diagnostic and prognostic value of various lipids including oxysterols, bile acids,<br />

phospholipids and sphingolipids in human disease. Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry<br />

(LC-MS/(MS)) methods will be developed and used as analytical tools for the determination of the<br />

various lipid classes in serum and lipoprotein subfractions. Healthy individuals will be analysed to<br />

establish reference values of the different markers and to unravel associations and correlations<br />

with demographic and anthropometric measures as well as clinical biochemical markers. Well<br />

defined patient cohorts will be evaluated to unravel the association of candidate lipids with<br />

diseases, for example cardiovascular or metabolic diseases.<br />

Publications / Publikationen<br />

Burkard I, Rentsch KM, von Eckardstein A (2004) Determination of 24S- and 27hydroxycholesterol<br />

in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. J<br />

Lipid. Res. 45, 776-781<br />

Burkard I, von Eckardstein A, Rentsch KM (2005) Differentiated quantification fo human bile<br />

acids in serum by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry J<br />

Chromatogr. B 826, 147-159<br />

Burkard I, von Eckardstein A, Waeber G, Vollenweider P, Rentsch, KM (2007) Lipoprotein<br />

distribution and biological variation of 24S- and 27-hydroxycholesterol in healthy volunteers.<br />

Atherosclerosis, in press<br />

Keywords / Suchbegriffe<br />

tandem mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, drug monitoring, metabolomics, lipidomics<br />

Project Leadership and Contacts / Projektleitung und Kontakte<br />

PD Dr. Katharina Rentsch (Project Leader) rentsch@uzh.ch<br />

Prof. Dr. Arnold von Eckardstein (Project Leader) arnold.voneckardstein@ikc.usz.ch<br />

Funding Source(s) / Unterstützt durch<br />

Nachwuchsförderungskredit der Universität <strong>Zürich</strong>, EU, Foundation<br />

Duration of Project / Projektdauer<br />

Project 3273<br />

Seite 1<br />


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