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Akademischer Bericht 2007 Institut für Klinische Chemie

Akademischer Bericht 2007 Institut für Klinische Chemie

Akademischer Bericht 2007 Institut für Klinische Chemie


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Rentsch Savoca, Katharina<br />

Therapeutic drug monitoring of antiretroviral drugs with HPLC-MS<br />

8th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clincal Toxicology, Nizza, 9.9. - 14.9.<strong>2007</strong><br />

Rentsch Savoca, Katharina<br />

Development and validation of a library-assisted toxicological screening method in urine by LC-MS/MS<br />

Annual meeting of the SGMC, Beatenberg, 24.10. - 26.10. <strong>2007</strong><br />

Rentsch Savoca, Katharina<br />

Therapeutic drug monitoring of antiretroviral drugs with HPLC-MS<br />

XV. GTVCh - Symposium, Mosbach, 18.4. - 21.4. <strong>2007</strong><br />

Rentsch Savoca, Katharina<br />

Toxicological screening after the REMEDI - comparison of a GC-MS screening with the REMEDI<br />

XV. GTVCh - Symposium, Mosbach, 18.4. - 21.4. <strong>2007</strong><br />

Rentsch Savoca, Katharina, Oberassistentin<br />

Will LC-MS replace GC-MS in the laboratory for drug monitoring and clinical toxicology?<br />

ANAKON, Jena, 27.3. - 30.3.<strong>2007</strong><br />

Rentsch Savoca, Katharina, Oberassistentin<br />

Will LC-MS replace GC-MS in the laboratory for drug monitoring and clinical toxicology?<br />

Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen und Österreichischen Gesellsc haften <strong>für</strong> <strong>Klinische</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong><br />

und Laboratoriumsmedizin, Wien, 19.9. - 22.9.<strong>2007</strong><br />

Rohrer, Lucia, Oberassistentin<br />

HDL Transport through Endothelial Cells is Mediated by ABCG1 and SR-BI<br />

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Annual Conference, Chicago, 18-21. 4. 07<br />

Rohrer, Lucia, Oberassistentin<br />

HDL Transport through Endothelial Cells is Mediated by ABCG1 and SR-BI<br />

European Lipoprotein Club: 29th ELC Annual Conference, Tutzing,3. - 6. 9. 07<br />

von Eckardstein, Arnold, Leiter des <strong>Institut</strong>s <strong>für</strong> <strong>Klinische</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong><br />

Inflammation Markers and Cardiovascular Risk<br />

3rd Russel Ross Symposium, Ulm, 28.-30.6.<strong>2007</strong><br />

von Eckardstein, Arnold, Leiter des <strong>Institut</strong>s <strong>für</strong> <strong>Klinische</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong><br />

NT-proBNP in Kidney Disease: the renal perspective<br />

5th proCardio Symposium, Sevilla Spain, 10.-11.12.<strong>2007</strong><br />

von Eckardstein, Arnold, Leiter des <strong>Institut</strong>s <strong>für</strong> <strong>Klinische</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong><br />

B-type Natriuretic Peptides Predict the Progression of Non-Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease: The Mild<br />

to Moderate Kidney Disease (MMKD) Study<br />

6th Day of Clinical Research, Zürich, 2.3.<strong>2007</strong><br />

von Eckardstein, Arnold, Leiter des <strong>Institut</strong>s <strong>für</strong> <strong>Klinische</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong><br />

New Biomarkers in the diagnosis and prognosis of cardiovascular disease<br />

AGLA Tagung, Lugano, 4.-5.5.<strong>2007</strong><br />

von Eckardstein, Arnold, Leiter des <strong>Institut</strong>s <strong>für</strong> <strong>Klinische</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong><br />

B-Typ natriuretische Peptide und kardiorenales Syndrom<br />

Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen und Österreichischen Gesellsc haften <strong>für</strong> <strong>Klinische</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong><br />

und Laboratoriumsmedizin, Wien, 19.-22.9.<strong>2007</strong><br />

von Eckardstein, Arnold, Leiter des <strong>Institut</strong>s <strong>für</strong> <strong>Klinische</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong><br />

Bedeutung von HDL <strong>für</strong> reparative Mechanismen der Atherosklerose<br />

Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Gesellschaft <strong>für</strong> Angiologie,<br />

München, 10.-12.9.<strong>2007</strong><br />

<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Klinische</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong><br />

<strong>Akademischer</strong> <strong>Bericht</strong> <strong>2007</strong><br />


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