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»feine adressen – finest« – München 4 20

Automobile: BMW iX · Culture: 34. Jüdische Kulturtage · Fashion: Stilvoll warm · Travel: Sehnsuchtsziele

Automobile: BMW iX · Culture: 34. Jüdische Kulturtage · Fashion: Stilvoll warm · Travel: Sehnsuchtsziele


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finest gourmet | 27 b<br />

over again. Simmer for 1 hour. There should be 0.5 l of liquid<br />

left. Pour the liquid carefully through a sieve cloth. Stir the coldly<br />

soaked, squeezed gelatine thoroughly into the hot liquid, season<br />

with salt. Leave jelly to cool completely in the refrigerator.<br />

2 d | Crab Velouté<br />

Fry 30 % of the crab shells in olive oil for 5 minutes, add diced<br />

vegetables, spices and dill. Sauté for 10 min. Do not roast shells<br />

too much, otherwise the soup gets a very intense flavour. Add<br />

tomatoes and tomato paste. Deglaze with white wine, Noilly Prat,<br />

cognac and port wine and reduce completely. Pour on the crab stock<br />

and cream, simmer for 40 min at low heat. Season soup with salt,<br />

pepper and cayenne pepper, pass through a hair sieve. There should<br />

be 0.5 l crab velouté left.<br />

2 | Crab Cannelloni<br />

Line a lightly oiled sheet with transparent film without wrinkles. Stir<br />

the cold soaked, squeezed gelatine thoroughly into the hot velouté.<br />

Leave to cool. Pour 2 mm into the prepared tray and leave to cool in<br />

the refrigerator. Then carefully lift out the mat with the foil and place<br />

it on a board. Cut into 5 mm wide strips. Carefully place them on a<br />

new sheet with transparent film. Carefully turn the strip when moving<br />

it. The film from the velouté must now be on top. Now carefully<br />

peel it off. Let the crab jelly melt carefully. Then pour it into the new<br />

tray, already lined with the strips, 3 mm high. Leave to cool in the<br />

refrigerator. Spread out small perforated household foil on the workplace<br />

and cut the cold jelly mat into rectangles of 8x7 cm. Turn over<br />

onto the prepared foil and carefully remove the other foil. Spread the<br />

seasoned crab meat over it. Roll into small filled cannelloni with the<br />

help of the foil and keep cool until serving.<br />

3 | Crab Stock & Corail Emulsion<br />

Fry the remaining crab shells in hot olive oil. Add diced vegetables,<br />

diced tomatoes, garlic and peppercorns. Stir-fry for 8 minutes.<br />

Deglaze with white wine and Noilly Prat, add herb stalks, reduce.<br />

Pour on fish stock. Season the stock to taste with salt and pepper,<br />

pour through a hair sieve, allow to cool.<br />

For the corail emulsion, mix lobster corail, cream and crab stock in<br />

a thermal mixer. Then use the stirring attachment and an open lid.<br />

Let it run for 90 minutes at 80°C. Season to taste with lemon<br />

juice, chopped basil, salt and cayenne pepper. Pass through a fine<br />

sieve and put aside covered until serving.<br />

4 | Garnish<br />

Boil the asparagus tips in salted water and quench ice-cold. For the<br />

vinaigrette, cut very fine cubes of carrot, leek and celery and also<br />

cook in salted water, quench ice-cold. Peel squid, clean and rinse<br />

clean. Cut the body into rings, leave tentacles and tip whole. Heat<br />

olive oil in a coated pan and sauté the squid briefly. Season to taste<br />

with salt and ground pepper.<br />

5 | Coriander Sauce<br />

Mix the egg yolks gradually with the oil, then with the remaining<br />

ingredients. Season the sauce with salt and pepper.<br />

Dress<br />

Place the crab cannelloni in the centre of the plate. Draw 2 small<br />

tears with the corail emulsion. Arrange marinated asparagus tips<br />

and vegetable dices around the outside. Place squids and small dots<br />

of coriander sauce around the cannelloni. Finish with small dill<br />

flags and the remaining lemongrass marinade.<br />

Torsten Michel<br />

Seit <strong>20</strong>17 ist Torsten Michel Küchenchef des<br />

Gourmet-Restaurants »Schwarzwaldstube« im<br />

Luxushotel Traube Tonbach.<br />

Since <strong>20</strong>17 Torsten Michel is chef de cuisine of<br />

the gourmet restaurant »Schwarzwaldstube« in<br />

the luxury hotel Traube Tonbach.<br />

© Foto: René Riis <strong>20</strong>16

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