neue bücher - DGG

neue bücher - DGG neue bücher - DGG

22.12.2012 Aufrufe

12 (d) to appoint the following scientific editors: Scientific editor Area of interest Prof. A. KROENER Structural geology Prof. A. NICOLAS Tectonics/petrology Prof. M.L. COLEMANN Sedimentology/geochemistry Prof. J.-C. JAUPART Geophysics/geodynamics/volcanology It was suggested that in order to stagger rotation initially, 2 should serve for 3 years and 2 for 2 years, when they would either come off the board or be reappointed for a further period. (e) that one or at the most two additional scientific editors were needed to increase subject coverage particularly in the areas of palaeontology, environment, marine geosciences, quaternary studies. Societies were invited to propose names which would then be circulated for comment. (f) that there should be a number of Associate Editors to provide coverage across a wide spectrum of the Geosciences. The Associate Editors would be proposed by members of the Management Board and the scientific editors, and would be appointed by the Management Board. Associate editors should be proposed on grounds of subject coverage and scientific expirience rather than nationality and could include scientists from outside Europe. Proposals for Associate Editors were now invited and would be circulated for comment. 4. Publisher The publisher of the journal would be appointed by the Management Board. Five major publishers had been invited to tender for the new journal during 1995. Of the five, Blackwells had submitted a particularly favourable quotation. In particular, Blackwells were prepared to take the financial risk during the initial 3 year period of DEUTSCHE GEOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT launching and building up subscriptions for the new journal. Societies would not bear any financial risk. The cost would be: - $ 19 per 6-issue volume per member, delivered to the society in bulk (wrapped in plastic envelopes, ready for despatch). The society could then cover its despatch costs and overheads by charging members a higher subscription, or - $ 25 per 6-issue volume per member, mailed by Blackwells to society members using self-adhesive labels supplied by the society, or $ 30 per 6-issue volume per member, with Blackwells handling subscriptions and despatch to individual members of the society, or $ 19 via internet per 6-issue volume per member. For the transitional period of three years from 1 January 1997, Blackwells would publish the new journal as a relaunched Terra Nova. This had the considerable advantage that the journal was already included in the Citation Index (it usually took several years before a new journal was included in the Index). In the source of the three years EUG would negotiate with Blackwells for ownership of the copyright of Terra Nova; discussions had already begun. In year three (1999), the publication of the journal would be put to open tender for the next five year period starting 1 January 2000. 5. Subscriptions Each society would now need to decide by the end of September, if possible, which of the options outlined above it wished to take and inform the EUG Executive Secretary. Where people were members of a national society and EUG, it was envisaged that they would subscribe by their national society. EUG members who were not members of a national society would subscribe through the EUG Office in Strasbourg.

The Management Board would need to review the subscription arrangements proposed by societies to ensure a reasonable degree of parity between societies. 6. Finances For at least the first three years, the publisher`s contract would be with EUG and the Management Board would act on behalf of their societies and EUG in overseeing the financial and commercial viability of the journal. 7. Publicity / promotion Members of the Management Board would be responsible for promotion the new journal with their members e.g. with a letter from their society President and advertisement in their journal, and also with other appropriate societies. With a bimonthly circulation, societies might be interested in having flyers inserted in the new journal as a rapid means of communication with their members. Conversely, the Management Board would need to know the publication schedules for society journals, for the co-ordination of the circulation of publicity material. The Management Board would need to have a list of names at each society for various functions e.g. subscriptions, co-ordination of publicity etc: these should be sent to the EUG Executive Secretary, together with a good quality copy of the society logo for printing on the back cover of the journal. 8. Meetings Grundwasser und Rohstoffgewinnung - Tagung der FH-DGG vom 13.-17. Mai 1996 Im Turnus von zwei Jahren wird die Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie in Zusam- DEUTSCHE GEOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT 13 It was agreed that the Management Board should meet at least once a year. In alternate years this would be during the EUG meeting in Strasbourg. 9. Date of next meeting The next meeting would be arranged in early October with the scientific editors to discuss the content of the journal in more detail. 10. Discussion with scientific editors and Dr. Allen STEVENS Professors KROENER, COLEMAN and NICOLAS and Dr. Allen STEVENS from Blackwells, joined the meeting for the last 30 minutes for a discussion of the journal content and cover. It was hoped to produce a flyer about the new journal by early May for wide circulation by societies and at major international meeetings etc. Sample layouts for the front cover of the first issue were circulated at the meeting. It was agreed that the size of the lettering for „European Journal of Geosciences" should be larger and centrally featured with the lettering for „Terra Nova" of comparable size. It was important that the cover should look radically different to emphasise the new journal. The names of the participating societies together with society logos would be listed prominently on the outside back cover. 06.05.96 Fachsektion Hydrogeologie menarbeit mit der International Association of Hydrogeologists abgehalten. In diesem Jahr nun wurde die Veranstaltung, erstmals in den neuen Bundesländern, vom 13.-17. Mai 1996 durch die Gruppe um Herrn Prof. Dr. Broder MERKEL an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg ausgerichtet. Das beständige

12<br />

(d) to appoint the following scientific editors:<br />

Scientific editor Area of interest<br />

Prof. A. KROENER Structural geology<br />

Prof. A. NICOLAS Tectonics/petrology<br />

Prof. M.L. COLEMANN Sedimentology/geochemistry<br />

Prof. J.-C. JAUPART Geophysics/geodynamics/volcanology<br />

It was suggested that in order to stagger<br />

rotation initially, 2 should serve for 3 years<br />

and 2 for 2 years, when they would either<br />

come off the board or be reappointed for a<br />

further period.<br />

(e) that one or at the most two additional<br />

scientific editors were needed to increase<br />

subject coverage particularly in the<br />

areas of palaeontology, environment,<br />

marine geosciences, quaternary studies.<br />

Societies were invited to propose<br />

names which would then be circulated<br />

for comment.<br />

(f) that there should be a number of Associate<br />

Editors to provide coverage across<br />

a wide spectrum of the Geosciences.<br />

The Associate Editors would be proposed<br />

by members of the Management<br />

Board and the scientific editors, and<br />

would be appointed by the Management<br />

Board. Associate editors should be proposed<br />

on grounds of subject coverage<br />

and scientific expirience rather than nationality<br />

and could include scientists<br />

from outside Europe. Proposals for Associate<br />

Editors were now invited and<br />

would be circulated for comment.<br />

4. Publisher<br />

The publisher of the journal would be appointed<br />

by the Management Board.<br />

Five major publishers had been invited to<br />

tender for the new journal during 1995.<br />

Of the five, Blackwells had submitted a particularly<br />

favourable quotation. In particular,<br />

Blackwells were prepared to take the financial<br />

risk during the initial 3 year period of<br />


launching and building up subscriptions for<br />

the new journal. Societies would not bear<br />

any financial risk. The cost would be:<br />

- $ 19 per 6-issue volume per member, delivered<br />

to the society in bulk (wrapped in<br />

plastic envelopes, ready for despatch).<br />

The society could then cover its despatch<br />

costs and overheads by charging members<br />

a higher subscription, or<br />

- $ 25 per 6-issue volume per member,<br />

mailed by Blackwells to society members<br />

using self-adhesive labels supplied by<br />

the society, or<br />

$ 30 per 6-issue volume per member,<br />

with Blackwells handling subscriptions<br />

and despatch to individual members of<br />

the society, or<br />

$ 19 via internet per 6-issue volume per<br />

member.<br />

For the transitional period of three years<br />

from 1 January 1997, Blackwells would publish<br />

the new journal as a relaunched Terra<br />

Nova. This had the considerable advantage<br />

that the journal was already included in the<br />

Citation Index (it usually took several years<br />

before a new journal was included in the Index).<br />

In the source of the three years EUG would<br />

negotiate with Blackwells for ownership of<br />

the copyright of Terra Nova; discussions<br />

had already begun.<br />

In year three (1999), the publication of the<br />

journal would be put to open tender for the<br />

next five year period starting 1 January<br />

2000.<br />

5. Subscriptions<br />

Each society would now need to decide by<br />

the end of September, if possible, which of<br />

the options outlined above it wished to take<br />

and inform the EUG Executive Secretary.<br />

Where people were members of a national<br />

society and EUG, it was envisaged that they<br />

would subscribe by their national society.<br />

EUG members who were not members of a<br />

national society would subscribe through<br />

the EUG Office in Strasbourg.

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