Die vier Griechischen Elemente: - TOBIAS-lib - Universität Tübingen

Die vier Griechischen Elemente: - TOBIAS-lib - Universität Tübingen Die vier Griechischen Elemente: - TOBIAS-lib - Universität Tübingen

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Literaturverzeichnis Mader, B. T. & Pankow, J. F. (2001): Gas/solid partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) to air filters. 3. An analysis of gas adsorption artifacts in measurements of atmospheric SOCs and organic carbon (OC) when using teflon membrane filters and quartz fiber filters.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 3422-3432. Mader, B. T. & Pankow, J. F. (2002): Study of the effects of particle-phase carbon on the gas/particle partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds in the atmosphere using controlled field experiments.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 36: S. 5218-5228. Madhavan, N. & Naidu, K. (1995): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in placenta, maternal blood, umbilical cord blood and milk of Indian women.- Human. Exp. Toxicol., 14: S. 503-506. Madlener, I. (2004): Quantifizierung und Modellierung des PAK-Desorptionsverhaltens aus feinkörnigem Material mittels Säulenversuchen (DIN V 19736) und Hochdruck-Temperatur-Elution (ASE).- = Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Reihe C, 75: 85 S.; Tübingen. Mandalakis, M., Tsapakis, M., Tsoga, A. & Stephanou, E. G. (2002): Gas-particle concentrations and distributions of aliphatic hydrocarbons, PAHs, PCBs and PCDD/Fs in the atmosphere of Athens (Greece).- Atmos. Environ., 36: S. 4023-4035. Manoli, E. & Samara, C. (1999): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in natural waters: Sources, occurrence and analysis.- Trends Analytical Chem., 18: S. 417-428. Marsalek, J. & Ng, H. Y. F. (1989): Evaluation of pollution loadings from urban nonpoint sources: Methodology and applications.- J. Great Lakes Res., 15: S. 444-451. Martin, H. (2000): Entwicklung von Passivsammlern zum zeitlich integrierenden Depositions- und Grundwassermonitoring: Adsorberkartuschen und Keramikdosimeter.- = Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Reihe C, 56: 84 S.; Tübingen. Martin, H. & Grathwohl, P. (2002): Adsorberkartuschen zum zeitlich integrierenden Depositionsmonitoring für Polyzyklische Aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK): Feldversuche, Reproduzierbarkeit und Stabilität.- Bodenschutz, 7: S. 18-22. Martin, H., Patterson, B. M., Davis, G. B. & Grathwohl, P. (2003): Field trial of contaminant groundwater monitoring: Comparing time-integrating ceramic dosimeters and conventional water sampling.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 37: S. 1360-1364. Martin, H., Prüeß, A. & Grathwohl, P. (2002): Depositionsraten Polyzyklischer Aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe an verschiedenen Standorten bestimmt während der Entwicklung der DIN 19739-2 (Entwurf).- Bodenschutz, 7: S. 50-54. Mastral, A. M. & Callen, M. S. (2000): A review on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions from energy generation.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 34: S. 3051-3057. Matschullat, J., Maenhaut, W., Zimmermann, F. & Fiebig, J. (2000): Aerosol and bulk deposition trends in the 1990´s, Eastern Erzegebirge, Central Europe.- Atmos. Environ., 34: S. 3213-3221. Matsuzawa, S., Nasser-Ali, L. & Garrigues, P. (2001): Photolytic behavior of polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons in diesel particulate matter deposited on the ground.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 3139-3143. Matzner, E. (1984): Annual rates of deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in different forest ecosystems.- Water, Air Soil Poll., 21: S. 425-434. Matzner, E., Hübner, D. & Thomas, W. (1981): Content and storage of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in two forested ecosystems in northern Germany.- Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk., 144: S. 283-288. Maxin, C. R. & Kögel-Knabner, I. (1995): Partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) to watersoluble soil organic matter.- European J. Soil Sci., 46: S. 193-204. Mazienga, T. B. (2002): Polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons in a forest soil: Extraction method development using an Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE).- Mastersarbeit Universität Tübingen: 28 S.; Tübingen. McLachlan, M. (1999): Framework for the interpretation of measurements of SOCs in plants.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 33: S. 1799-1804. McLachlan, M. & Horstmann, M. (1998): Forests as filters of airborne organic pollutants: A model.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 32: S. 413-420. Means, J. C., Wood, S. G., Hassett, J. J. & Banwart, W. L. (1980): Sorption of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons by sediments and soils.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 14: S. 1524-1528. Meijer, S. N., Harner, T., Helm, P. A., Halsall, C. J., Johnston, A. E. & Jones, K. C. (2001): Polychlorinated naphthalenes in U.K. soils: time trends, markers of source, and equilibrium status.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 4205-4213. Meijer, S. N., Ockenden, W. A., Steinnes, E., Corrigan, B. P. & Jones, K. C. (2003a): Spatial and temporal trends of POPs in Norwegian and UK background air: Implications for global cycling.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 37: S. 454-461. 133

Literaturverzeichnis Meijer, S. N., Ockenden, W. A., Sweetman, A., Breivik, K., Grimalt, J. O. & Jones, K. C. (2003b): Global distribution and budget of PCBs and HCB in background surface soils: Implications for sources and environmental processes.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 37: S. 667-672. Melia, P. F. & Bowman, C. T. (1993): A three zone model for coal particle swelling.- Comb. Sci. Technol., 31: S. 195-201. Menzie, C. A., Potocki, B. P. & Santodonato, J. (1992): Exposure to carcinogenic PAHs in the environment.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 26: S. 1278-1284. Merck KGaA [Hrsg.] (2002): Chemikalien Reagenzien.- 1. Aufl.: 1312 S.; Darmstadt (Selbstverlag). Metz, R. (1977): Mineralogisch-landeskundliche Wanderungen im Nordschwarzwald.- 1. Aufl.: 85 S.; Lahr (Moritz Schauenburg). Miehlich, G. (2002): Die Bedeutung des Raumgewichts für die Belastung von Böden bei Schadstoffeinträgen. Mielke, H. W., Wang, G., Gonzales, C. R., Le, B., Quach, V. N. & Mielke, P. W. (2001): PAH and metal mixtures in New Orleans soils and sediments.- Sci. Total Environ., 281: S. 217-227. Miller, D. J. & Hawthorne, S. B. (1998): Solubility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in subcritical water from 298 K to 498 K.- J. Chem. Eng. Data, 43: S. 1043-1047. Miller, M. M., Wasik, S. P., Huang, G. L., Shiu, W.-Y. & Mackay, D. (1985): Relationship between octanol water partition coefficient and aqueous solubility.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 19: S. 522-529. Ministerium für Umwelt und Verkehr Baden-Württemberg [Hrsg.] (2001): Umweltplan Baden-Württemberg.- Stuttgart. http://www.uvm.baden-wuerttemberg.de/umweltplan/ Moldenhauer, K.-M. (1996): Schwermetalle und organische Schadstoffe in Hochwassersedimenten und Böden hessischer Auen.- Geol. Jb. Hessen, 124: S. 191-213. Motelay-Massei, A., Ollivon, D., Garban, B. & Chevreuil, M. (2003): Polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons in bulk deposition at a suburban site: Assessment by principal component analysis of the influence of meteorological parameters.- Atmos. Environ., 37: S. 3135-3146. Müller, G. & Böhnke, H. (1977): Sedimentary record of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Lake Constance.- Naturwiss., 64: S. 427-431. Müller, J. F., Hawker, D. W., McLachlan, M. S. & Connell, D. W. (2001): PAHs, PCDD/Fs, PCBs and HCB in leaves from Brisbane, Australia.- Chemosphere, 43: S. 507-515. Müller, S. & Langbein, W.-D. (1986): Die Bodenlandschaften und Böden des Schönbuchs.- In: Einsele, G. [Hrsg.]: Das landschaftsökologische Forschungsprojekt Naturpark Schönbuch: S. 15-26; Weinheim (VCH). Murayama, H., Takase, Y., Mitobe, H., Mukai, H., Ohzeki, T., Shimizu, K. & Kitayama, Y. (2003): Seasonal change of persistent organic pollutant concentrations in air at Niigata area, Japan.- Chemosphere, 52: S. 683-694. Nam, J. J., Song, B. H., Eom, K. C., Lee, S. H. & Smith, A. (2003b): Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in agricultural soils in South Korea.- Chemosphere, 50: S. 1281-1289. Nam, K., Kim, J. Y. & Oh, D. I. (2003a): Effect of soil aggregation on the biodegradation of phenanthrene aged in soil.- Environ. Poll., 121: S. 147-151. Naumova, Y. Y., Offenberg, J. H., Eisenreich, S. J., Meng, Q., Polidori, A., Turpin, B. J., Weisel, C. P., Morandi, M. T., Colome, S. D., Stock, T. H., Winter, A. M., Alimokhtari, S., Kwon, J., Maberti, S., Shendell, D., Jones, J. & Farrar, C. (2003): Gas/particle distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in coupled outdoor/indoor atmospheres.- Atmos. Environ., 37: S. 703-719. Nelson, E. D., McConnell, L. L. & Baker, J. E. (1998): Diffusive exchange of gaseous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polyclorinated biphenyls across the air-water interface of the Chesapeake Bay.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 32: S. 912-919. Ngabe, B. & Poissant, L. (2003): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the air in the St. Lawrence Basin (Quebec).- Environ. Sci. Technol., 37: S. 2094-2099. Nielsen, T. (1988): The decay of benzo(a)pyrene and cyclopenteno(cd)pyrene in the atmosphere.- Atmos. Environ., 22: S. 2249-2254. Noordman, W. H., Bruining, J. W., Wietzes, P. & Janssen, D. B. (2000): Facilitated transport of a PAH mixture by a rhamnolipid biosurfactant in porous silica matrices.- J. Contaminant Hydrol., 44: S. 119-140. Northcott, G. L. & Jones, K. C. (2001a): Partitioning, extractability, and formation of nonextractable PAH residues in soil. 1. Compound differences in aging and sequestration.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 1103- 1110. Northcott, G. L. & Jones, K. C. (2001b): Partitioning, extractability, and formation of nonextractable PAH residues in soil. 2. Effects on compound dissolution behavior.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 1111-1117. 134

Literaturverzeichnis<br />

Mader, B. T. & Pankow, J. F. (2001): Gas/solid partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) to air<br />

filters. 3. An analysis of gas adsorption artifacts in measurements of atmospheric SOCs and organic carbon<br />

(OC) when using teflon membrane filters and quartz fiber filters.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 3422-3432.<br />

Mader, B. T. & Pankow, J. F. (2002): Study of the effects of particle-phase carbon on the gas/particle<br />

partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds in the atmosphere using controlled field experiments.-<br />

Environ. Sci. Technol., 36: S. 5218-5228.<br />

Madhavan, N. & Naidu, K. (1995): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in placenta, maternal blood, umbilical<br />

cord blood and milk of Indian women.- Human. Exp. Toxicol., 14: S. 503-506.<br />

Madlener, I. (2004): Quantifizierung und Modellierung des PAK-Desorptionsverhaltens aus feinkörnigem<br />

Material mittels Säulenversuchen (DIN V 19736) und Hochdruck-Temperatur-Elution (ASE).- = Tübinger<br />

Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Reihe C, 75: 85 S.; <strong>Tübingen</strong>.<br />

Mandalakis, M., Tsapakis, M., Tsoga, A. & Stephanou, E. G. (2002): Gas-particle concentrations and<br />

distributions of aliphatic hydrocarbons, PAHs, PCBs and PCDD/Fs in the atmosphere of Athens (Greece).-<br />

Atmos. Environ., 36: S. 4023-4035.<br />

Manoli, E. & Samara, C. (1999): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in natural waters: Sources, occurrence and<br />

analysis.- Trends Analytical Chem., 18: S. 417-428.<br />

Marsalek, J. & Ng, H. Y. F. (1989): Evaluation of pollution loadings from urban nonpoint sources: Methodology<br />

and applications.- J. Great Lakes Res., 15: S. 444-451.<br />

Martin, H. (2000): Entwicklung von Passivsammlern zum zeitlich integrierenden Depositions- und<br />

Grundwassermonitoring: Adsorberkartuschen und Keramikdosimeter.- = Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche<br />

Arbeiten, Reihe C, 56: 84 S.; <strong>Tübingen</strong>.<br />

Martin, H. & Grathwohl, P. (2002): Adsorberkartuschen zum zeitlich integrierenden Depositionsmonitoring für<br />

Polyzyklische Aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK): Feldversuche, Reproduzierbarkeit und Stabilität.-<br />

Bodenschutz, 7: S. 18-22.<br />

Martin, H., Patterson, B. M., Davis, G. B. & Grathwohl, P. (2003): Field trial of contaminant groundwater<br />

monitoring: Comparing time-integrating ceramic dosimeters and conventional water sampling.- Environ.<br />

Sci. Technol., 37: S. 1360-1364.<br />

Martin, H., Prüeß, A. & Grathwohl, P. (2002): Depositionsraten Polyzyklischer Aromatischer<br />

Kohlenwasserstoffe an verschiedenen Standorten bestimmt während der Entwicklung der DIN 19739-2<br />

(Entwurf).- Bodenschutz, 7: S. 50-54.<br />

Mastral, A. M. & Callen, M. S. (2000): A review on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions from<br />

energy generation.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 34: S. 3051-3057.<br />

Matschullat, J., Maenhaut, W., Zimmermann, F. & Fiebig, J. (2000): Aerosol and bulk deposition trends in the<br />

1990´s, Eastern Erzegebirge, Central Europe.- Atmos. Environ., 34: S. 3213-3221.<br />

Matsuzawa, S., Nasser-Ali, L. & Garrigues, P. (2001): Photolytic behavior of polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons<br />

in diesel particulate matter deposited on the ground.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 3139-3143.<br />

Matzner, E. (1984): Annual rates of deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in different forest<br />

ecosystems.- Water, Air Soil Poll., 21: S. 425-434.<br />

Matzner, E., Hübner, D. & Thomas, W. (1981): Content and storage of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in two<br />

forested ecosystems in northern Germany.- Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk., 144: S. 283-288.<br />

Maxin, C. R. & Kögel-Knabner, I. (1995): Partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) to watersoluble<br />

soil organic matter.- European J. Soil Sci., 46: S. 193-204.<br />

Mazienga, T. B. (2002): Polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons in a forest soil: Extraction method development using<br />

an Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE).- Mastersarbeit <strong>Universität</strong> <strong>Tübingen</strong>: 28 S.; <strong>Tübingen</strong>.<br />

McLachlan, M. (1999): Framework for the interpretation of measurements of SOCs in plants.- Environ. Sci.<br />

Technol., 33: S. 1799-1804.<br />

McLachlan, M. & Horstmann, M. (1998): Forests as filters of airborne organic pollutants: A model.- Environ.<br />

Sci. Technol., 32: S. 413-420.<br />

Means, J. C., Wood, S. G., Hassett, J. J. & Banwart, W. L. (1980): Sorption of polynuclear aromatic<br />

hydrocarbons by sediments and soils.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 14: S. 1524-1528.<br />

Meijer, S. N., Harner, T., Helm, P. A., Halsall, C. J., Johnston, A. E. & Jones, K. C. (2001): Polychlorinated<br />

naphthalenes in U.K. soils: time trends, markers of source, and equi<strong>lib</strong>rium status.- Environ. Sci. Technol.,<br />

35: S. 4205-4213.<br />

Meijer, S. N., Ockenden, W. A., Steinnes, E., Corrigan, B. P. & Jones, K. C. (2003a): Spatial and temporal<br />

trends of POPs in Norwegian and UK background air: Implications for global cycling.- Environ. Sci.<br />

Technol., 37: S. 454-461.<br />


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