Die vier Griechischen Elemente: - TOBIAS-lib - Universität Tübingen

Die vier Griechischen Elemente: - TOBIAS-lib - Universität Tübingen Die vier Griechischen Elemente: - TOBIAS-lib - Universität Tübingen

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Literaturverzeichnis Hinderer, M. (1995b): Simulation langfristiger Trends der Boden- und Grundwasserversauerung im Buntsandstein-Schwarzwald auf der Grundlage langjähriger Stoffbilanzen.- = Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Reihe C, 26: 175 S.; Tübingen. Hinderer, M., Schiedek, T. & Grathwohl, P. (1998): Diffuse groundwater pollution by atmospheric deposition of organic compounds and heavy metals - Experiences from SW Germany.- In: Herbert, M. & Kovar, K. [Hrsg.]: Grundwater Quality 1998: Remediation and Protection.- = Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Reihe C, 36: 22-24 S.; Tübingen. Hintelmann, H., Harris, R., Heyes, A., Hurley, J. P., Kelly, C. A., Krabbenhoft, D. P., Lindberg, S., Rudd, J. W. M., Scott, K. J. & St.Louis, V. L. (2002): Reactivity and mobility of new and old mercury in a boreal forest ecosystem during the first year of the METAALICUS study.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 36: S. 5034-5040. Hites, R. A., Laflamme, R. E. & Farrington, J. W. (1977): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in recent sediments: The historical record.- Science, 198: S. 829-831. Hites, R. A., Laflamme, R. E. & Windsor, J. G. (1980): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an anoxic sediment core from the Pettaquamscutt River (Rhode Island, USA).- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 44: S. 873-878. HLfU: Hessische Landesanstalt für Umwelt [Hrsg.] (1990): Bericht über orientierende Messungen auf gefährliche organische Stoffe in Abwassereinleitungen, Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen und Gewässern in Hessen.- = Umweltplanung, Arbeits- und Umweltschutz, 96: 321 S.; Wiesbaden. Hoff, R. M., Brice, K. A. & Halsall, C. J. (1998): Nonlinearity in the slopes of Clausius-Clapeyron plots for SVOCs.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 32: S. 1793-1798. Hoffman, E. J., Mills, G. L., Latimer, J. S. & Quinn, J. G. (1984): Urban runoff as a source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to coastal waters.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 18: S. 580-587. Hong, H., Xu, L., Zhang, L., Chen, J. C., Wong, Y. S. & Wan, T. S. M. (1995): Environmental fate and chemistry of organic pollutants in the sediment of Xiamen and Victoria harbours.- Mar. Poll. Bull., 31: S. 229-236. Hornbuckle, K. C. & Eisenreich, S. J. (1996): Dynamics of gaseous semivolatile organic compounds in a terrestrial ecosystem-effect of diurnal and seasonal climate variations.- Atmos. Environ., 30: S. 3935-3945. Horstmann, M. & McLachlan, M. S. (1996): Evidence of a novel mechanism of semivolatile organic compound deposition in coniferous forests.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 30: S. 1794-1796. Horstmann, M. & McLachlan, M. S. (1998): Atmospheric deposition of semivolatile organic compounds to two forest canopies.- Atmos. Environ., 32: S. 1799-1809. Hosseinpour, J. & Rottler, H. (1999): Persistente organische Umweltschadstoffe (POPs).- UWSF - Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox., 11: S. 335-342. Hower, J. C. & Mastalerz, M. (2001): An approach toward a combined scheme for the petrographic classification of fly ash.- Energy & Fuels, 15: S. 1319-1321. Howsam, M., Jones, K. C. & Ineson, P. (2000): PAHs associated with the leaves of three decidous tree species. I - Concentrations and profiles.- Environ. Poll., 108: S. 413-424. Howsam, M., Jones, K. C. & Ineson, P. (2001): PAHs associated with the leaves of three deciduous tree species. II: Uptake during a growing season.- Chemosphere, 44: S. 155-164. Huang, W. & Weber, W. J. J. (1997): A distributed reactivity model for sorption by soils and sediments. 10. Relationships between desorption, hysteresis, and the chemical characteristics of organic domains.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 31: S. 2562-2569. Hubert, A., Wenzel, K.-D., Engelwald, W. & Schüürmann, G. (2001): Accelerated Solvent Extraction - more efficient extraction of POPs and PAHs from real contaminated plant and soil samples.- Rev. Anal. Chem., 20: S. 101-144. Hwang, H.-M., Wade, T. L. & Sericano, J. L. (2003): Concentrations and source characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in pine needles from Korea, Mexico, and United States.- Atmos. Environ., 37: S. 2259-2267. Hwang, S. & Cutright, T. J. (2002): Biodegradability of aged pyrene an phenanthrene in a natural soil.- Chemosphere, 47: S. 891-899. Ishaq, R., Näf, C., Zebühr, Y., Broman, D. & Järnberg, U. (2003): PCBs, PCNs, PCDD/Fs, PAHs and Cl-PAHs in air and water particulate samples - patterns and variations.- Chemosphere, 50: S. 1131-1150. Ishiwatari, R., Ogura, K. & Horie, S. (1980): Organic geochemistry of a lacustrine sediment (Lake Haruna, Japan).- Chem. Geol., 29: S. 261-280. Jacob, J., Grimmer, G. & Hildebrandt, A. (1993): The use of passive samplers for monitoring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air.- Sci. Total Environ., 139/140: S. 307-321. 129

Literaturverzeichnis Jahn, G., Mühlhäußer, G., Hübner, W. & Bücking, W. (1990): Zur Frage der Veränderung der natürlichen Waldgesellschaften am Beispiel der montanen und hochmontanen Höhenstufe des westlichen Nordschwarzwaldes.- Mitt. Ver. Forstl. Standortskunde und Forstpflanzenzüchtung, 35: S. 15-24. Jang, J.-K. & Li, A. (2001): Separation of PCBs and PAHs in sediment samples using silica gel fractionation chromatography.- Chemosphere, 44: S. 1439-1445. Janich, P., Thieme, P. C. & Psarros, N. (1999): Chemische Grenzwerte.- 1. Aufl.: 162 S.; Weinheim (VCH). Jardine, P. M., Wilson, G. V., Luxmoore, R. J. & McCarthy, J. F. (1989): Transport of inorganic and natural organic tracers through an isolated pedon in a forest watershed.- Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 53: S. 317-323. Jaward, F. M., Farrar, N. J., Harner, T., Sweetman, A. J. & Jones, K. C. (2004): Passive air sampling of PAHs and PCNs across Europe.- Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 23: S. 1355-1364. Johansson, K., Aastrup, M., Anderson, A., Bringmark, L. & Iverfeldt, A. (1991): Mercury in Swedish forest soils and waters - assessment of critical load.- Water Air Soil Pollut., 56: S. 267-281. Johnson, M. D., Keinath, T. M. & Weber, W. J. (2001): A distributed reactivity model for sorption by soils and sediments. 14. Characterization and modeling of phenanthrene desorption rates.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 1688-1695. Johnson, M. D. & Weber, W. J. (2001): Rapid prediction of long-term rates of contaminant desorption from soils and sediments.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 427-433. Jones, K. C. & deVoogt, P. (1999): Persistent organic pollutants (POPs): State of the science.- Environ. Poll., 100: S. 209-221. Jones, K. C., Stratford, J. A., Waterhouse, K. S., Furlong, E. T., Giger, W., Hites, R. A., Schaffner, C. & Johnston, A. E. (1989a): Increases in the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon content of an agricultural soil over the last century.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 23: S. 95-101. Jones, K. C., Stratford, J. A., Waterhouse, K. S. & Vogt, N. B. (1989b): Organic contaminants in Welsh soils: polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 23: S. 540-550. Jones, K. C. & Tiller, C. L. (1999): Effect of solution chemistry on th extent of binding of phenanthrene by a soil humic acid: A comparison of dissolved and clay boun humic.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 33: S. 580-587. Jonker, M. T. O. & Koelmans, A. A. (2002a): Sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls to soot and soot-like materials in the aqueous environment: Mechanistic considerations.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 36: S. 3725-3734. Jonker, M. T. O. & Koelmans, A. A. (2002b): Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soot and sediment: Solvent evaluation and implications for sorption mechanism.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 36: S. 4107- 4113. Jüttner, I. (1995): Rekonstruktion und Ursachenermittlung der Versauerung ausgewählter Seen im Nordschwarzwald.- Dissertation Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau: 168 S.; München. Kalbitz, K., Solinger, S., Park, J.-H., Michalzik, B. & Matzner, E. (2000): Controls on the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in soils: a review.- Soil Sci., 165: S. 277-304. Kallenborn, R. & Herzke, D. (2001): Schadstoff-Ferntransport in die Arktis.- UWSF - Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox., 13: S. 216-226. Karapanagioti, H. K., Childs, J. & Sabatini, D. A. (2001): Impacts of heterogeneous organic matter on phenanthrene sorption: Different soil and sediment samples.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 4684-4690. Karapanagioti, H. K., Sabatini, D. A., Kleineidam, S., Grathwohl, P. & Ligouis, B. (1999): Phenanthrene sorption with heterogeneuos organic matter in a landfill aquifer material.- Phys. Chem. Earth, 24: S. 535- 541. Karickhoff, S. W. (1981): Semi-empirical estimation os sorption of hydrophobic pollutants on natural sediments and soils.- Chemosphere, 10: S. 833-846. Kästner, M., Mahro, B. & Wienberg, R. (1993): Biologischer Schadstoffabbau in kontaminierten Böden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe.- = Hamburger Berichte, 5: 180 S.; Bonn. Khalili, N. R., Scheff, P. A. & Holsen, T. M. (1995): PAH source fingerprints for coke ovens, diesel and gasoline engines, highway tunnels, and wood combustion emissions.- Atmos. Environ., 29: S. 533-542. Khim, J. S., Kannan, K., Villeneuve, D. L., Koh, C. H. & Giesy, J. P. (1999): Characterization and distribution of trace organic contaminants in sediment from Masan Bay, Korea. 1. Instrumental analysis.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 33: S. 4199-4205. Kiem, R., Knicker, H., Ligouis, B. & Kögel-Knabner, I. (2003): Airborne contaminants in the refractory organic carbon fraction of arable soils in highly industrialized areas.- Geoderma, 114: S. 109-137. 130

Literaturverzeichnis<br />

Jahn, G., Mühlhäußer, G., Hübner, W. & Bücking, W. (1990): Zur Frage der Veränderung der natürlichen<br />

Waldgesellschaften am Beispiel der montanen und hochmontanen Höhenstufe des westlichen<br />

Nordschwarzwaldes.- Mitt. Ver. Forstl. Standortskunde und Forstpflanzenzüchtung, 35: S. 15-24.<br />

Jang, J.-K. & Li, A. (2001): Separation of PCBs and PAHs in sediment samples using silica gel fractionation<br />

chromatography.- Chemosphere, 44: S. 1439-1445.<br />

Janich, P., Thieme, P. C. & Psarros, N. (1999): Chemische Grenzwerte.- 1. Aufl.: 162 S.; Weinheim (VCH).<br />

Jardine, P. M., Wilson, G. V., Luxmoore, R. J. & McCarthy, J. F. (1989): Transport of inorganic and natural<br />

organic tracers through an isolated pedon in a forest watershed.- Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 53: S. 317-323.<br />

Jaward, F. M., Farrar, N. J., Harner, T., Sweetman, A. J. & Jones, K. C. (2004): Passive air sampling of PAHs<br />

and PCNs across Europe.- Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 23: S. 1355-1364.<br />

Johansson, K., Aastrup, M., Anderson, A., Bringmark, L. & Iverfeldt, A. (1991): Mercury in Swedish forest soils<br />

and waters - assessment of critical load.- Water Air Soil Pollut., 56: S. 267-281.<br />

Johnson, M. D., Keinath, T. M. & Weber, W. J. (2001): A distributed reactivity model for sorption by soils and<br />

sediments. 14. Characterization and modeling of phenanthrene desorption rates.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35:<br />

S. 1688-1695.<br />

Johnson, M. D. & Weber, W. J. (2001): Rapid prediction of long-term rates of contaminant desorption from soils<br />

and sediments.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 427-433.<br />

Jones, K. C. & deVoogt, P. (1999): Persistent organic pollutants (POPs): State of the science.- Environ. Poll.,<br />

100: S. 209-221.<br />

Jones, K. C., Stratford, J. A., Waterhouse, K. S., Furlong, E. T., Giger, W., Hites, R. A., Schaffner, C. &<br />

Johnston, A. E. (1989a): Increases in the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon content of an agricultural soil<br />

over the last century.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 23: S. 95-101.<br />

Jones, K. C., Stratford, J. A., Waterhouse, K. S. & Vogt, N. B. (1989b): Organic contaminants in Welsh soils:<br />

polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 23: S. 540-550.<br />

Jones, K. C. & Tiller, C. L. (1999): Effect of solution chemistry on th extent of binding of phenanthrene by a soil<br />

humic acid: A comparison of dissolved and clay boun humic.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 33: S. 580-587.<br />

Jonker, M. T. O. & Koelmans, A. A. (2002a): Sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated<br />

biphenyls to soot and soot-like materials in the aqueous environment: Mechanistic considerations.- Environ.<br />

Sci. Technol., 36: S. 3725-3734.<br />

Jonker, M. T. O. & Koelmans, A. A. (2002b): Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soot and<br />

sediment: Solvent evaluation and implications for sorption mechanism.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 36: S. 4107-<br />

4113.<br />

Jüttner, I. (1995): Rekonstruktion und Ursachenermittlung der Versauerung ausgewählter Seen im<br />

Nordschwarzwald.- Dissertation Technische <strong>Universität</strong> München, Fakultät für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau:<br />

168 S.; München.<br />

Kalbitz, K., Solinger, S., Park, J.-H., Michalzik, B. & Matzner, E. (2000): Controls on the dynamics of dissolved<br />

organic matter in soils: a review.- Soil Sci., 165: S. 277-304.<br />

Kallenborn, R. & Herzke, D. (2001): Schadstoff-Ferntransport in die Arktis.- UWSF - Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox.,<br />

13: S. 216-226.<br />

Karapanagioti, H. K., Childs, J. & Sabatini, D. A. (2001): Impacts of heterogeneous organic matter on<br />

phenanthrene sorption: Different soil and sediment samples.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: S. 4684-4690.<br />

Karapanagioti, H. K., Sabatini, D. A., Kleineidam, S., Grathwohl, P. & Ligouis, B. (1999): Phenanthrene<br />

sorption with heterogeneuos organic matter in a landfill aquifer material.- Phys. Chem. Earth, 24: S. 535-<br />

541.<br />

Karickhoff, S. W. (1981): Semi-empirical estimation os sorption of hydrophobic pollutants on natural sediments<br />

and soils.- Chemosphere, 10: S. 833-846.<br />

Kästner, M., Mahro, B. & Wienberg, R. (1993): Biologischer Schadstoffabbau in kontaminierten Böden unter<br />

besonderer Berücksichtigung der polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe.- = Hamburger Berichte,<br />

5: 180 S.; Bonn.<br />

Khalili, N. R., Scheff, P. A. & Holsen, T. M. (1995): PAH source fingerprints for coke ovens, diesel and<br />

gasoline engines, highway tunnels, and wood combustion emissions.- Atmos. Environ., 29: S. 533-542.<br />

Khim, J. S., Kannan, K., Villeneuve, D. L., Koh, C. H. & Giesy, J. P. (1999): Characterization and distribution<br />

of trace organic contaminants in sediment from Masan Bay, Korea. 1. Instrumental analysis.- Environ. Sci.<br />

Technol., 33: S. 4199-4205.<br />

Kiem, R., Knicker, H., Ligouis, B. & Kögel-Knabner, I. (2003): Airborne contaminants in the refractory organic<br />

carbon fraction of arable soils in highly industrialized areas.- Geoderma, 114: S. 109-137.<br />


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