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Amazon Simple Queue Service Developer Guide

Amazon SQS Actions


Following is an ARN for a queue named my_queue in the us-east-1 region, belonging to AWS Account




If you had a queue named my_queue in each of the different Regions that Amazon SQS supports, you

could specify the queues with the following ARN.


You can use * and ? wildcards in the queue name. For example, the following could refer to all the queues

Bob has created, which he has prefixed with bob_.


As a convenience to you, SQS has a queue attribute called Arn whose value is the queue's ARN. You

can get the value by calling the SQS GetQueueAttributes action.

Amazon SQS Actions

All Amazon SQS actions that you specify in a policy must be prefixed with the lowercase string sqs:.

For example, sqs:CreateQueue.

Before the introduction of AWS IAM, you could use an SQS policy with a queue to specify which AWS

Accounts have access to the queue.You could also specify the type of access (e.g., sqs:SendMessage,

sqs:ReceiveMessage, etc.). The specific actions you could grant permission for were a subset of the

overall set of SQS actions. When you wrote an SQS policy and specified * to mean "all the SQS actions",

that meant all actions in that subset. That subset originally included:

• sqs:SendMessage

• sqs:ReceiveMessage

• sqs:ChangeMessageVisibility

• sqs:DeleteMessage

• sqs:GetQueueAttributes (for all attributes except Policy)

With the introduction of AWS IAM, that list of actions expanded to include the following actions:

• sqs:CreateQueue

• sqs:DeleteQueue

• sqs:ListQueues

The actions related to granting and removing permissions from a queue (sqs:AddPermission, etc.)

are reserved and so don't appear in the preceding two lists. This means that Users in the AWS Account

can't use those actions. However, the AWS Account can use those actions.

API Version 2009-02-01


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