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Amazon Simple Queue Service Developer Guide

Shared Queues

Shared Queues


• Simple API for Shared Queues (p. 29)

• Advanced API for Shared Queues (p. 29)

• Understanding Permissions (p. 29)

• Granting Anonymous Access to a Queue (p. 30)

Amazon SQS includes methods to share your queues so others can use them, using permissions set in

an access control policy. A permission gives access to another person to use your queue in some particular

way. A policy is the actual document that contains the permissions you've granted.

Amazon SQS offers two methods for setting a policy: a simple API and an advanced API. In the simple

API, SQS generates an access control policy for you. In the advanced API, you create the access control


Simple API for Shared Queues

The simple API for sharing a queue has two operations:

• AddPermission

• RemovePermission

With the Simple API, Amazon SQS writes the policy in the required language for you based on the

information you include in the AddPermission operation. However, the policy that Amazon SQS generates

is limited in scope. You can grant permissions to principals, but you can't specify restrictions.

Advanced API for Shared Queues

With the advanced API, you write the policy yourself directly in the access policy language and upload

the policy with the SetQueueAttributes operation. The advanced API allows you to deny access or to

apply finer access restrictions (for example, based on time or based on IP address).

If you choose to write your own policies, you need to understand how policies are structured. For complete

reference information about policies, see Using The Access Policy Language (p. 32). For examples of

policies, see Amazon SQS Policy Examples (p. 57).

Understanding Permissions

A permission is the type of access you give to a principal (the user receiving the permission). You give

each permission a label that identifies that permission. If you want to delete that permission in the future,

you use that label to identify the permission. If you want to see what permissions are on a queue, use

the GetQueueAttributes operation. Amazon SQS returns the entire policy (containing all the permissions).

Amazon SQS supports the permission types shown in the following table.





This permission type grants the following actions to a principal on a shared

queue: receive messages, send messages, delete messages, change a

message's visibility, get a queue's attributes.

This grants permission to receive messages in the queue.

API Version 2009-02-01


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