08.04.2020 Aufrufe


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Amazon Simple Queue Service Developer Guide

Structure of a POST Request

the signature in the example to be accurate based on the request parameters presented in the

example. The one exception to this is in the instructions for creating Query request signatures.

The example there shows a real signature based on a particular AWS Access Key ID we specify

and the request parameters in the example (for more information, see Query Request

Authentication (p. 23)).

In SQS, all parameters except MessageBody always have values that have no spaces. The value you

provide for MessageBody in SendMessage requests can have spaces. In this guide, any example

SendMessage Query requests with a MessageBody that includes spaces is displayed with the spaces

URL encoded (as %20). For clarity, the rest of the URL is not displayed in a URL encoded format.

The first line represents the endpoint of the request.This is the resource the request acts on.The preceding

example acts on a queue, so the request's endpoint is the queue's identifier, known as the queue URL.

For more details about the queue URL, see Queue URLs (p. 6).

After the endpoint is a question mark (?), which separates the endpoint from the parameters. Each

parameter is separated by an ampersand (&).

The Action parameter indicates the action to perform (for a list of the actions, see API Actions in the

Amazon SQS API Reference). For a list of the other parameters that are common to all Query requests,

see Request Parameters Common to All Actions in the Amazon SQS API Reference.

Structure of a POST Request

SQS also accepts POST requests. With a POST request, you send the query parameters as a form in

the HTTP request body as described in the following procedure.

To create a POST request

1. Assemble the query parameter names and values into a form.

This means you put the parameters and values together like you would for a GET request (with an

ampersand separating each name-value pair).The following example shows a SendMessage request

with the line breaks we use in this guide to make the information easier to read.


&MessageBody=Your Message Text






2. Form-URL-encode the form according to the Form Submission section of the HTML specification

(for more information, go to http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_toc.html#SEC8.2.1).








3. Add the request signature to the form (for more information, see Query Request Authentication (p. 23)).

API Version 2009-02-01


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