06.04.2020 Aufrufe

Orientation & Identity

Portäts internationaler Leitsysteme. 17 internationale Projekte zeigen, wie ein Weg zum Erlebnis wird und nicht zur anonymen Distanzüberwindung verkommt.

Portäts internationaler Leitsysteme. 17 internationale Projekte zeigen, wie ein Weg zum Erlebnis wird und nicht zur anonymen Distanzüberwindung verkommt.


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to underline the room’s character, make routes visible and create

fixed way points.

Signage makes the functions of a place visible (or invisible)

Signage translates the functions and/or the contents of the architecture

visually and makes them understandable. This also includes

fading less important areas out to ensure a clear overview.

This organization and structuring is one of the key design activities

a signage expert engages in. It makes it easier for the user to grasp

the logic of the function and workings of a place. Important paths

and stations can be named and recognized this way.

Signage makes places easier to experience and gives them

added value

When you get to a foreign city you gather impressions, memorize

landmarks and other specific places. The more points you memorize

the stronger the mind maps – the personal maps in your imagination

– become. You create an image of the place; important

things become visible and unimportant things become invisible.

Profes sional on-site navigation aids help you link important points

quickly and make you able to discover and experience the city

independently in a structured manner.

Places that are clearly identifiable and offer good infrastructure

are more well-received among visitors. The Austrian Railroad

Company is focusing on contemporary architecture, building designations

and information design along with its core competence

as it seeks to re-position itself. The result is a visible image change

and improvement of the railroad’s image as a means of transportation

as well as the improvement of the stations’ image. Station

architecture has been expanded to include functions like shopping,

parking and offices. Signage plays a decisive role here: it visualizes

the character of the place and its offerings. This makes it possible

to experience these things.

Signage can save lives in an emergency

In a fire, the only goal is to reach the nearest exit. Poor escape route

signage was one of the reasons 17 people died in a large fire at the

Dusseldorf airport in 1996. Signage specialists don’t only supply

understandable designations and visual depictions for the respective

contexts. They make sure these elements are uniform. This

helps avoid varying designations and everybody knows which exit

is meant in an emergency – something the fire department wants

to work just as much as the person escaping the fire.

Good signage takes different orientation needs into account

People in a hospital are all in a state of emergency. An injured person

who has to find his way to the emergency ward doesn’t have the

time or the nerves to get detailed information. He has to find his

way there blindly – this is the kind of worst case a signage expert

has to start his work with. But the way to the physiotherapy room

can also become an odyssey for an elderly person or a patient

with impaired vision. The key lies in universal design that offers a

broad spectrum of solutions to help everyone, not just people with

impairments. It begins with contrasting, large lettering and continues

with intuitively understandable pictograms, the right choice

of words and multi-lingual signs. These things are also political

statements of openness and tolerance. Various cultural identities

among the users and the individual understanding of information

are constant challenges for the designer, who wants to offer all the

users the best possible orientation.

The projects and views of the designers in this book show

the many challenges that lie ahead in the uncharted territory of

signage. What they all have in common is that they go beyond the

limits of the various disciplines. Signage brings them together and

acts as an identity-defining force that uncovers new, surprising


Signage is economic and efficient

Well-planned way finding systems are based on the reduction of

information to the basics. This makes it easier to assimilate important

contents. A lower number of required information carriers and

the avoidance of redundancies help lower the amount of investment

needed. But low investment costs aren’t the only contribution

that leads to savings. Intelligent maintenance also leads to sustainable

low operating costs.

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