06.04.2020 Aufrufe

Orientation & Identity

Portäts internationaler Leitsysteme. 17 internationale Projekte zeigen, wie ein Weg zum Erlebnis wird und nicht zur anonymen Distanzüberwindung verkommt.

Portäts internationaler Leitsysteme. 17 internationale Projekte zeigen, wie ein Weg zum Erlebnis wird und nicht zur anonymen Distanzüberwindung verkommt.


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reaction in one form or another necessary, or at least suggest

action, be anticipated? We try to come to conclusions based on impressions.

We react differently depending on whether our expectations

are confirmed or we are surprised. Either we change our attributions

of meaning and learn to see the world differently or we

declare the world crazy, or claim we were deceived.

From this perspective, culture consists of agreements among

a community of people who define the borders in which changes

will be tolerated. We mostly observe the world and the reaction of

others to this world as soon as we find ourselves in a community

with other people. Our perception is therefore co-determined by

the recognizable reactions of others, although in varying degrees.

Three options come to bear in the assessment of symbols – where

do we feel safe, where do I recognize dangers and where do I see

aims and possibilities?

Identity is ambivalent. Identity develops from the interplay

between inclusion and exclusion. Limits offer protection, but they

also limit. Limits therefore always tend to be unstable. Every phenomenon

beyond set limits is considered a provocation that should

be neutralized through ignorance, destruction or assimilation.

The tighter the limits, the larger and more threatening the world of

excluded options seems. But phenomena lose their sharpness,

volatility and fascination if limits extend into the unfathomable. But

a synthesis, a seemingly closed interplay of unique appearances

always succeeds where a pure broadening of the limits should.

Flamenco music, song and dance is an example that lets us experience

such a harmony of opposites.

Identical phenomena are observed until no unsolvable contradictions

emerge to be perceived and differentiated as opposites.

Extremely complex and multi-faceted appearance forms can be

traced back to uniform motives and characteristics. In reference to

urban spaces this means that precisely because certain attitudes

in varying degrees shape the world, they can be read as reliable

and trustworthy orientation symbols. It isn’t the uniformity of the

perceived symbols; it is the assumption that all symbols follow a

cogent complex of intentions that gives us the feeling that we are at

home, safe and sound.

The international exchange of money, goods and services

seems to be the increasingly dominant force behind human action

in our contemporary world. This desire for unbounded freedom of

action meets with massive resistance, again and again. It is popular

to see these inhibition levels as cultural barriers. But is it imaginable

for us to be able to orient ourselves in the face of constant,

unlimited change? Markets demand flexible people who are ready

to adjust to the job and consumption offerings. Identity is reduced

to core numbers connected to identity papers, credit cards, accounts,

telephone numbers, computer addresses and to the links

our networks offer us.

The distribution of existing goods is a central theme in every

human community. The idea that goods should be divided unequally

among people stands undisputed in large parts of the world

today. This makes it necessary to constantly set new limits signs.

These signs are subject to constant change so they can both stand

apart and be assigned to certain groups. A person who hasn’t

found a place within a certain distribution system can’t consciously

take up an outside position and/or attack the given limits with a

provocative appearance. Punk, Gothic, or Hip Hop cultures or socalled

alternative or discount offers on the market are examples of

this at a social level.

The current discussions of the identity concept refer to its

central role in modern societies. There is talk of identity loss, identity

disorder, and identity crises. The balance between continuity

and change is described as disturbed. The discussion is often driven

by the image of a world in which orientation was easy for most

people. The world only changed slowly. Even every innovation

remained true to its own “self.” And if something stood out it was

isolated and expelled. One form always enjoyed priority in these

considerations. Alternatives helped consolidate the rule of a culture

of majorities as discriminated forms.

We are therefore exposed to the following problem. On one

side, both deficiency symptoms and saturated markets demand the

permanent development of new alternatives while preserves asked

to be defended with constantly redrawn boundaries. Even those

areas of social action that traditionally stood outside of market

economy dominance are being commercialized today with the claim

that this is the only way they can survive.


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