06.04.2020 Aufrufe

Orientation & Identity

Portäts internationaler Leitsysteme. 17 internationale Projekte zeigen, wie ein Weg zum Erlebnis wird und nicht zur anonymen Distanzüberwindung verkommt.

Portäts internationaler Leitsysteme. 17 internationale Projekte zeigen, wie ein Weg zum Erlebnis wird und nicht zur anonymen Distanzüberwindung verkommt.


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Identity as an orientation standard | Markus Hanzer

We live in a world of constant change. Not only do the appearances

of nature change, we humans also change and so does our environment.

Our memory is unstable and forgetful. Identity is the phenomenon

that gives us a sense of orientation despite all changes

and transience.

Identity demands an unchangeable being, type, way, quality,

characteristic or perceptibility. We are able to recognize people or

places even if many things have changed, for example. Perception

is a complex process that comprises character and personality,

structures, intentions, etc. But characteristics don’t just adhere to

the phenomena; they are attributed according to the ability to read

what is there to be perceived. This even affects our self-image,

which also changes as soon as we have become familiar with new

decoding forms. Both psychotherapy and advertising are new reading

classes, so to speak.

Identity requires the constant presence of phenomena that

can be differentiated, or the determination of individuation principles

that do not apply to a specific phenomenon. Identity is like

a skin that gives protection and sets things apart, it is thick and

repellent in some places yet appears thin and permeable in others.

This skin is flexible, grows, changes, stretches or contracts.

Clearly outlined appearances that are reduced to a few characteristics

are easier to identify than complex, open and multifaceted

exteriors. Those who want to be recognized have therefore

mostly made a habit of searching for ways of being different. Design

is the tool that helped create and develop forms of perception.

Obtrusive, conspicuous and loud surfaces are used to provoke

attention. The reverse strategy lies in becoming invisible by conforming

to very widespread forms of appearance.

Identity can be called a form of attribution. Identity comes

into being in the observation of the variable fields of affiliation and

differentiation, or individuality. Things that are foreign make us

aware of things that are familiar. The ability to differentiate is acquired.

Discernment makes it possible to grasp the finest nuances.

Graffiti may be nothing but an interference and annoyance of the

same shape for one person, while graffiti aficionados can see clear

differences in them. The space in which we can recognize people,

objects and phenomena is variable. It seems to change in the

course of history and is always different from person to person.

Where we see differences and things in common is therefore a

matter of perspective, or tolerance if you like.

Human society builds on an attribution of responsibility and

therefore demands proofs of identity, in line with the suspicion

that perception can be deceived. Hence we look for signs that withstand

simple deception maneuvers. Passports should therefore

have a fingerprint or an image of the eye’s iris. We expect many

goods to make us recognizable, or to brand us. If someone or something

doesn’t declare himself clearly or doesn’t seem authentic,

he is accused of hiding something to avoid being held responsible.

Clichés have long since formed that many trust. These clichés have

become unavoidable due to the confusing amounts of information

we are confronted with. Widespread patterns therefore develop

their own momentum. The willingness to question preconceived

notions often requires incisive experiences that make the failure of

our perception clear.

The uniqueness of a phenomenon has to prove itself anew,

time and again, since everything constantly changes. A causal connection

has to be created to avoid a loss of attributed identity in

the course of change. Someone who covers his tracks, denies his

heritage, renews him or herself radically often attracts attention to

precisely those moments that are beyond observation.

The idea that something can change without becoming incomprehensible

is a prerequisite for human existence, history, progress

and freedom. The energy of human action continues to be distributed

between the attempt to attribute roles and establish identity

and the demand for personal freedom from roles. We only accept a

fixed amount of freedom of movement if this fixed amount has advantages

attached to it. Laziness, the fear of risks and will to economic

thriftiness slows the exploration of new options.

Our own freedom of action is limited by the feeling that we are

losing our identity. If we go beyond those limits we feel a sense of

isolation, dissolution and re-definition.

When we process sensory perceptions we often ask ourselves

what the consequences of the things we perceive will be for

us. Can intentions, foreseeable changes and actions that make a


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