26.02.2020 Aufrufe

Metropole Ruhr Guide

Der Metropole Ruhr Guide gibt Ihnen einen perfekten Überblick über alle Städte im Ruhrgebiet und was es dort zu erleben gibt!

Der Metropole Ruhr Guide gibt Ihnen einen perfekten Überblick über alle Städte im Ruhrgebiet und was es dort zu erleben gibt!


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A treasure chest full of art, theatre and music

Theatres in castles, music under trees and museums in former industrial plants: the

range of art and culture on offer in the Ruhr region is as diverse as the towns themselves.

Top-class exhibitions, thrilling drama and international artists alternate with

colourful variety shows, summer music festivals, cabaret and classical concerts.

Whether to the museum, with friends to the Poetry Slam or stylishly to the theatre -

in the mixed bag of culture there is something for every taste.

The Ruhr area’s museum landscape is particularly varied with the RuhrKunstMuseen

network. From the history of the region to modern art history, large and small

museums show new perspectives of old masters and young up-and-coming artists

in numerous permanent and temporary exhibitions.

Great theatres can be found under the umbrella of the RuhrBühnen. Literary

evenings, chamber plays and artistic ballet as well as philharmonic concerts and

sonorous operas attract numerous visitors to the halls every year.




* € 0,20/Anruf aus dem deutschen Festnetz, Mobilfunkpreise max. € 0,60/Anruf,

€ 0.20/call from the German landline, max. € 0.60/call from the mobile phone network

+49 1806 181620*

© Frank Vinken: James Turrell, Floater 99, 1999-2001

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