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Society 363 / 2013

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Ägypten<br />

Interview<br />

“I try to send the right<br />

message to the world”<br />

SOCIETY interviewed Hisham Zaazou, the Egyptian Minister<br />

for Tourism, about the effects after the revolution and new targets<br />

in the tourism sector.<br />

Interview: SOCIETY<br />

How was tourism affected<br />

after the Egyptian<br />

revolution?<br />

Immediately after<br />

the Egyptian Revolution<br />

two years ago there<br />

were negative travel advisories by many<br />

countries which affected our business, and<br />

by the time the travel advisories were lifted<br />

it took a few months. So we ended the<br />

year 2011 by losing almost 32 percent of<br />

our business and thirty percent of our income<br />

compared to the big year of 2010. In<br />

that year we received 14.7 million tourists<br />

generating an income of 12.5 billion US-<br />

Dollars. In 2012 we started doing some activity;<br />

we ended the year compared to 2011<br />

with an increase in the number of tourists<br />

by 17.4 percent and an income of approximately<br />

15 percent. So we reached 11.5 million<br />

tourists in 2012 generating an income<br />

of 10 billion US-Dollars approximately.<br />

Is tourism one of the more important<br />

issues for the current government?<br />

Tourism is very important because it<br />

contributes 11.3 percent to our GDP. Of<br />

every Euro or Dollar generated by the<br />

Egyptian economy, 20 cents are generated<br />

by tourism alone. The tourism sector employs<br />

four million people.<br />

Has the group of customers changed<br />

a lot after the revolution?<br />

No, the pattern is less business, but<br />

the same source. In 2010 we had 76 percent<br />

visitors from Europe, both East and<br />

West; in 2012 it was 73 percent, still about<br />

the same. The second largest market is<br />

the Middle East, the Arab countries and<br />

the Gulf. About twenty percent come<br />

from there. The remaining six or seven<br />

percent is the rest of the world. The main<br />

competitors for us were Turkey and other<br />

110 | SocietY 1 _<strong>2013</strong>

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