Management Aus- und Weiterbildung, Seminarprogramm 2018 - 2019, St. Galler Business School

Seminare für obere und oberste Führungskräfte, welche ihre Leistungsbereitschaft und -fähig keit bereits unter Beweis gestellt haben und sich weiter qualifi zieren und ihr Know-How aktualisieren wollen. Seminare für Nachwuchsführungskräfte ab ca. 28 Jahren und Führungspersönlichkeiten im mittleren Management oder Fachspezialisten ohne General Management-Wissen. Seminare für Führungskräfte, Spezialisten und Stabsmitarbeiter, die sich in den Bereichen Finanzen, Controlling, Marketing, Strategie, Führungsverhalten u.a.m. weiterbilden wollen. Viele klassische Managementseminare werden auch in englischer Sprache in der Schweiz durchgeführt. Zudem finden Seminare zu den Themen Strategie, Leadership, Finanzen und Marketing ebenfalls in englischer Sprache in Boston (Harvard Club), London (LSE), Shanghai (CEIBS) und Krakau unter Einbezug lokaler Universitäten und Firmen statt. Berufsbegleitende Diplomstudiengänge für Praktiker, welche eine höhere General Managementfunktion anstreben und dementsprechend eine umfassende betriebswirtschaftliche Ausbildung benötigen. Bereits besuchte Seminare oder Zertifikats-Ausbildungen werden angerechnet. Vermittlung von vertieftem Know How in einem spezifischen betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachgebiet mit Diplomabschluss - mit späterer Upgrade-Möglichkeit in Richtung einer General Management Ausbildung. Ausbildungen mit Zertifi katsabschluss für Führungskräfte, welche Ihr Praxiswissen theoretisch fundieren möchten oder für Nachwuchskräfte, welche sich Managementwissen innert kürzester Zeit aneignen möchten. Upgrade-Möglichkeit in Richtung einer General Management oder Spezialisten-Ausbildung. B.A. Ausbildung für jüngere Führungskräfte (berufsbegleitend), die einen Hochschulabschluss nachholen wollen. MBA-Ausbildungen für erfahrene Führungspersönlichkeiten mit Hochschulabschluss (International Executive MBA) und für Nachwuchsführungskräfte ohne Hochschulabschluss (MBA in Integrated Management), welche einen akademischen MBA-Abschluss anstreben. Vorhandene Diplome werden – je nach Voraussetzung – angerechnet. Berufsbegleitend. Maximale zeitliche Flexibilität aufgrund des modularen Ausbildungskonzepts. Seminare für obere und oberste Führungskräfte, welche ihre Leistungsbereitschaft und -fähig keit bereits unter Beweis gestellt haben und sich weiter qualifi zieren und ihr Know-How aktualisieren wollen.

Seminare für Nachwuchsführungskräfte ab ca. 28 Jahren und Führungspersönlichkeiten im mittleren Management oder Fachspezialisten ohne General Management-Wissen.

Seminare für Führungskräfte, Spezialisten und Stabsmitarbeiter, die sich in den Bereichen Finanzen, Controlling, Marketing, Strategie, Führungsverhalten u.a.m. weiterbilden wollen.

Viele klassische Managementseminare werden auch in englischer Sprache in der Schweiz durchgeführt. Zudem finden Seminare zu den Themen Strategie, Leadership, Finanzen und Marketing ebenfalls in englischer Sprache in Boston (Harvard Club), London (LSE), Shanghai (CEIBS) und Krakau unter Einbezug lokaler Universitäten und Firmen statt.

Berufsbegleitende Diplomstudiengänge für Praktiker, welche eine höhere General Managementfunktion anstreben und dementsprechend eine umfassende betriebswirtschaftliche Ausbildung benötigen. Bereits besuchte Seminare oder Zertifikats-Ausbildungen werden angerechnet.

Vermittlung von vertieftem Know How in einem spezifischen betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachgebiet mit Diplomabschluss - mit späterer Upgrade-Möglichkeit in Richtung einer General Management Ausbildung.

Ausbildungen mit Zertifi katsabschluss für Führungskräfte, welche Ihr Praxiswissen theoretisch fundieren möchten oder für Nachwuchskräfte, welche sich Managementwissen innert kürzester Zeit aneignen möchten. Upgrade-Möglichkeit in Richtung einer General Management oder Spezialisten-Ausbildung.

B.A. Ausbildung für jüngere Führungskräfte (berufsbegleitend), die einen Hochschulabschluss nachholen wollen. MBA-Ausbildungen für erfahrene Führungspersönlichkeiten mit Hochschulabschluss (International Executive MBA) und für Nachwuchsführungskräfte ohne Hochschulabschluss (MBA in Integrated Management), welche einen akademischen MBA-Abschluss anstreben. Vorhandene Diplome werden – je nach Voraussetzung – angerechnet. Berufsbegleitend. Maximale zeitliche Flexibilität aufgrund des modularen Ausbildungskonzepts.

06.07.2018 Aufrufe

International Junior Junior Management Program Seminar Seminar Dates Dates Participants 2018 2018 The «International The «International Junior Junior Management Management Program» Program» is designed is designed for younger for younger manageriaagerial staff staff at middle at middle levels levels wishing wishing man- No. E2218 No. E2218 Fall 2018 Fall 2018 part 1 part November 1 November 12 – 15, 122018 – 15, 2018 part 2 part December 2 December 7 – 9, 2018 7 – 9, 2018 to prepare to prepare themselves themselves for a for more a more part 3 part May 3 6 May – 9, 2019 6 – 9, 2019 challenging challenging management management role. role. They They part 4 part June 4 14 June – 16, 14 2019 – 16, 2019 have have already already proven proven their their result result oriented oriented DE-Berlin / Zurich / Steckborn / DE-Berlin / Zurich / Steckborn / and successful and successful way way in solving in solving Cracow Cracow problems problems and as and leaders, as leaders, but have but have so so far acquired little or no international far acquired little or no international Duration: 2 x 3 days, 2 x 4 days Duration: 2 x 3 days, 2 x 4 days management experience. management experience. Course Fee*: CHF 7900.–/€ 7150.– Course Fee*: CHF 7900.–/€ 7150.– 2019 2019 No. E2119 Spring 2019 No. E2119 Spring 2019 part 1 April 8 – 11, 2019 part 1 April 8 – 11, 2019 part 2 May 6 – 9, 2019 part 2 part May 3 6 June – 9, 2019 17 – 20, 2019 part 3 DE-Berlin June 17 – / 20, Steckborn 2019 / Brunnen DE-Berlin / Steckborn / Brunnen No. E2219 Fall 2019 No. E2219 Fall 2019 part 1 September 23 – 26, 2019 part 1 part September 2 October 23 – 2126, – 24, 2019 2019 part 2 part October 3 June 2118 – 24, – 21, 2019 2019 part 3 Davos June 18 / Davos – 21, / 2019 DE-Berlin Davos / Davos / DE-Berlin Duration: 3 x 4 days Duration: 3 x 4 days The seminar parts can be taken in any order. The seminar parts can be taken in any order. Course Fee*: CHF 8600.–/€ 7900.– Course Fee*: CHF 8600.–/€ 7900.– * excl. VAT on the course costs in Switzerland. * excl. VAT on the course costs in Switzerland. Concept Younger Younger managerial managerial staff staff are are nowadays nowadays in particular in particular demand. demand. One One of their of their most most important important tasks tasks lies lies in their in their function function as a as link a link between between what what Top Top Managemenment wishes wishes and and prescribes, prescribes, and and which which Manage- aspects aspects of this of this are are pertinent pertinent to and to and implementeplemented at the at the operational operational levels. levels. im- Their Their role role is thus is thus that that of a of «transmissiosion belt», belt», which which should should generate generate re- re- a «transmissultsults from from strategies strategies and and projects. projects. The The greater greater the the shift, shift, the the speedier speedier strategic strategic changes changes become become necessary, necessary, and, and, consequently, consequently, the the more more important important this this role role becomes. becomes. The people «at the bottom» have to understand what those «at the top» have The people «at the bottom» have to understand what those «at the top» have thought out and decided on. Staff satisfaction, confidence and the working thought out and decided on. Staff satisfaction, confidence and the working towards common goals depend essentially on how well young managers towards common goals depend essentially on how well young managers succeed In carrying out this role. succeed In carrying out this role. The learning in this international intensive program is based on the subject- The learning in this international intensive program is based on the subjectrelaterelated input of outstanding lecturers as well input as of personal outstanding participation lecturers and as well the as working personal through participation of real-life and cases. the working through of real-life cases. Overview of of Topics The The program program consists of of 4 parts 4 parts each, each, lasting lasting 3 days 3 days (generally Friday Friday - Sunday)day). - Sun- Part Part 1: 1: Strategy, Strategy, Marketing, Marketing, Digital Digital Businesness Busi- Part Part 2: 2: Leadership, Leadership, Personal Personal Management Management Part Part 3: 3: Controlling, Controlling, Financial Financial Management Management Part Part 4: 4: Integrated Integrated Implementation: Implementation: Management Game, Business Management Game, Business Simulation Simulation St. Galler Business School

Themenblöcke Topics The role of a manager Embedding into the organisation potential for influence and shaping leadership which is result-orientated despite material constraints – What does this mean? Acting as a link between top management and the operational level The path to marketing success thanks to Marketing Customer Relationship Management Rules an Principles of modern Marketing Practical examples of and for good Marketing Actively steering marketing success. ing about things in a resultoriented fashion are things one learns best “on the job" through the role model behaviour of the boss. Managers must recognise this role model function: Self-management, Efficient working techniques, Chairing meetings, steering projects, Recognising personal strengths Dispel conflict situations or face up to rather than shy away from unpleasant issues. Rules within profit management Interrelationships between turnover, cost contributions (DB), costs, profit, cash flow and return Increasing profits: the levers for this Developing strategic concepts Corporate strategy, visions, guidelines, our global standing: internationalisation, growth and profitability strategies developing new business strategies Strategic principles for competing in the digital age capability-driven strategies, human potential orientated strategies From strategy to corporate results The influence of financial considerations on targets and anticipated results using available freedom of movement in the optimisation of corporate results taking different cultures into consideration increasing profit: How to proceed? Customer satisfaction, customer Care, distribution Only those who recognise the value of customer relationships make the effort not to lose them or rather to preserve them Only those who know what effects customer satisfaction has actively steer this Those who realise that it is generally more profitable to generate more business with existing customers rather than – at great cost – to win over new customers really involve themselves in customer bonding Raising efficiency thanks to leadership Badly led teams and staff work inefficiently – though they could – and would generally wish to – perform better. Working efficiently and go- Leading staff: Motivation as the task of the manager It is easy to create frustration amongst staff, motivating them is more difficult; making use of the available self-motivation the right way. What is it that great “motivators" do in order to create a climate of enthusiasm and joy in the collective achievement of targets? Recognising one’s own management style Rules for a motivating style of behaviour towards others – virtual teams Ways towards social competence Skilful communication Those who know the rules of communication have an easier job to influence others and change their behaviour Finance and Accountancy Planning, budgeting, calculation, and market price Calculation of costs and performance Liquidity, profitability Controlling – Implementation What information is necessary in order to be able to steer one’s own sphere of responsibility? How should one read management and controlling reports? How can one make use of management instruments such as Balanced Scorecard or Navigator? St. Galler Business School

International<br />

Junior Junior <strong>Management</strong> Program<br />

Seminar Seminar Dates Dates<br />

Participants<br />

<strong>2018</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

The «International The «International Junior Junior <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Management</strong><br />

Program» Program» is designed is designed for younger for younger manageriaagerial<br />

staff staff at middle at middle levels levels wishing wishing<br />

man-<br />

No. E2218 No. E2218 Fall <strong>2018</strong> Fall <strong>2018</strong><br />

part 1 part November 1 November 12 – 15, 12<strong>2018</strong><br />

– 15, <strong>2018</strong><br />

part 2<br />

part<br />

December<br />

2 December<br />

7 – 9, <strong>2018</strong><br />

7 – 9, <strong>2018</strong> to prepare to prepare themselves themselves for a for more a more<br />

part 3<br />

part<br />

May<br />

3<br />

6<br />

May<br />

– 9, <strong>2019</strong><br />

6 – 9, <strong>2019</strong> challenging challenging management management role. role. They They<br />

part 4<br />

part<br />

June<br />

4<br />

14<br />

June<br />

– 16,<br />

14<br />

<strong>2019</strong><br />

– 16, <strong>2019</strong> have<br />

have<br />

already<br />

already<br />

proven<br />

proven<br />

their<br />

their<br />

result<br />

result<br />

oriented<br />

oriented<br />

DE-Berlin / Zurich / <strong>St</strong>eckborn /<br />

DE-Berlin / Zurich / <strong>St</strong>eckborn /<br />

and successful<br />

and successful<br />

way<br />

way<br />

in solving<br />

in solving<br />

Cracow<br />

Cracow<br />

problems<br />

problems<br />

and as<br />

and<br />

leaders,<br />

as leaders,<br />

but have<br />

but have<br />

so<br />

so<br />

far acquired little or no international<br />

far acquired little or no international<br />

Duration: 2 x 3 days, 2 x 4 days<br />

Duration: 2 x 3 days, 2 x 4 days<br />

management experience.<br />

management experience.<br />

Course Fee*: CHF 7900.–/€ 7150.–<br />

Course Fee*: CHF 7900.–/€ 7150.–<br />

<strong>2019</strong><br />

<strong>2019</strong><br />

No. E2119 Spring <strong>2019</strong><br />

No. E2119 Spring <strong>2019</strong><br />

part 1 April 8 – 11, <strong>2019</strong><br />

part 1 April 8 – 11, <strong>2019</strong><br />

part 2 May 6 – 9, <strong>2019</strong><br />

part 2<br />

part<br />

May<br />

3<br />

6<br />

June<br />

– 9, <strong>2019</strong><br />

17 – 20, <strong>2019</strong><br />

part 3<br />

DE-Berlin<br />

June 17 –<br />

/<br />

20,<br />

<strong>St</strong>eckborn<br />

<strong>2019</strong><br />

/ Brunnen<br />

DE-Berlin / <strong>St</strong>eckborn / Brunnen<br />

No. E2219 Fall <strong>2019</strong><br />

No. E2219 Fall <strong>2019</strong> part 1 September 23 – 26, <strong>2019</strong><br />

part 1 part September 2 October 23 – 2126, – 24, <strong>2019</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

part 2 part October 3 June 2118 – 24, – 21, <strong>2019</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

part 3 Davos June 18 / Davos – 21, / <strong>2019</strong> DE-Berlin<br />

Davos / Davos / DE-Berlin<br />

Duration: 3 x 4 days<br />

Duration: 3 x 4 days<br />

The seminar parts can be taken in any order.<br />

The seminar parts can be taken in any order.<br />

Course Fee*: CHF 8600.–/€ 7900.–<br />

Course Fee*: CHF 8600.–/€ 7900.–<br />

* excl. VAT on the course costs in Switzerland.<br />

* excl. VAT on the course costs in Switzerland.<br />

Concept<br />

Younger Younger managerial managerial staff staff are are nowadays nowadays<br />

in particular in particular demand. demand. One One of their of their most most<br />

important important tasks tasks lies lies in their in their function function<br />

as a as link a link between between what what Top Top Managemenment<br />

wishes wishes and and prescribes, prescribes, and and which which<br />

Manage-<br />

aspects aspects of this of this are are pertinent pertinent to and to and implementeplemented<br />

at the at the operational operational levels. levels.<br />

im-<br />

Their Their role role is thus is thus that that of a of «transmissiosion<br />

belt», belt», which which should should generate generate re-<br />

re-<br />

a «transmissultsults<br />

from from strategies strategies and and projects. projects. The The<br />

greater<br />

greater<br />

the<br />

the<br />

shift,<br />

shift,<br />

the<br />

the<br />

speedier<br />

speedier<br />

strategic<br />

strategic<br />

changes<br />

changes<br />

become<br />

become<br />

necessary,<br />

necessary,<br />

and,<br />

and,<br />

consequently,<br />

consequently,<br />

the<br />

the<br />

more<br />

more<br />

important<br />

important<br />

this<br />

this<br />

role<br />

role<br />

becomes.<br />

becomes.<br />

The people «at the bottom» have to <strong>und</strong>erstand<br />

what those «at the top» have<br />

The people «at the bottom» have to <strong>und</strong>erstand<br />

what those «at the top» have<br />

thought out and decided on. <strong>St</strong>aff satisfaction,<br />

confidence and the working<br />

thought out and decided on. <strong>St</strong>aff satisfaction,<br />

confidence and the working<br />

towards common goals depend essentially<br />

on how well young managers<br />

towards common goals depend essentially<br />

on how well young managers<br />

succeed In carrying out this role.<br />

succeed In carrying out this role.<br />

The learning in this international intensive<br />

program is based on the subject-<br />

The learning in this international intensive<br />

program is based on the subjectrelaterelated<br />

input of outstanding lecturers<br />

as well<br />

input<br />

as<br />

of<br />

personal<br />

outstanding<br />

participation<br />

lecturers<br />

and<br />

as well<br />

the<br />

as<br />

working<br />

personal<br />

through<br />

participation<br />

of real-life<br />

and<br />

cases.<br />

the working through of real-life cases.<br />

Overview of of Topics<br />

The The program program consists of of 4 parts 4 parts each, each,<br />

lasting lasting 3 days 3 days (generally Friday Friday - S<strong>und</strong>ay)day).<br />

- Sun-<br />

Part Part 1: 1:<br />

<strong>St</strong>rategy, <strong>St</strong>rategy, Marketing, Marketing, Digital Digital Businesness<br />

Busi-<br />

Part Part 2: 2:<br />

Leadership, Leadership, Personal Personal <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Management</strong><br />

Part Part 3: 3:<br />

Controlling,<br />

Controlling,<br />

Financial<br />

Financial<br />

<strong>Management</strong><br />

<strong>Management</strong><br />

Part<br />

Part<br />

4:<br />

4:<br />

Integrated<br />

Integrated<br />

Implementation:<br />

Implementation:<br />

<strong>Management</strong><br />

Game, <strong>Business</strong><br />

<strong>Management</strong><br />

Game, <strong>Business</strong> Simulation<br />

Simulation<br />

<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Galler</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>School</strong>

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