14.06.2018 Aufrufe

Nachhaltigkeitsbericht Alperia 2017

Erste nichtfinanzielle Erklärung der Gruppe

Erste nichtfinanzielle Erklärung der Gruppe


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<strong>Alperia</strong><br />

<strong>Nachhaltigkeitsbericht</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />

1 <strong>Alperia</strong> und seine Werte<br />

2 Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie<br />

3 Territorium<br />

4 Green mission<br />

5 Kunden<br />

6 Mitarbeiter<br />

7 Entwicklung und Innovation<br />

8 Anhang<br />

9 GRI Inhalt<br />

GRI Content Index<br />

{GRI 102-55}<br />

GRI Standard Disclosure Page number(s) and/or URL(s)<br />

GRI 101: Foundation 2016<br />

General Disclosures<br />

GRI 102: General<br />

Disclosures 2016<br />

Organizational profile<br />

102-1 Name of the organization See chapter ‚The company and its values‘,<br />

page ‚14-17‘<br />

102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services See chapter ‚The company and its values‘,<br />

page ‚14-17‘<br />

102-3 Location of headquarters See chapter ‚The company and its values‘,<br />

page ‚14-17‘<br />

102-4 Location of operations See chapter ‚The company and its values‘,<br />

page ‚14-17‘<br />

102-5 Ownership and legal form See chapter ‚The company and its values‘,<br />

page ‚14-17‘<br />

102-6 Markets served See chapter ‚The company and its values‘,<br />

page ‚14-17‘<br />

102-7 Scale of the organization See chapter ‚The company and its values‘,<br />

page ‚3‘ and Annex ‚Figure 1,9‘<br />

102-8 Information on employees and other workers See chapter ‚Employees‘, page ‚90ff‘ and<br />

Annex ‚Figure 22‘<br />

102-8-d: No significant portion of the organization’s activities<br />

are performed by workers who are not employees.<br />

102-8-e: No significant variations in the numbers reported<br />

in Disclosures 102-8-a, 102-8-b, and 102-8-c (such as seasonal<br />

variations in the tourism or agricultural industries).<br />

102-8-f: Data based on actual employee numbers registered<br />

in the HR software.<br />

Omission<br />

Part Omitted Reason Explanation<br />

none<br />

none<br />

none<br />

none<br />

none<br />

none<br />

none<br />

102-8-b<br />

Not applicable<br />

Split by region: <strong>Alperia</strong> is a regional<br />

company.<br />

Seite 142

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