14.06.2018 Aufrufe

Nachhaltigkeitsbericht Alperia 2017

Erste nichtfinanzielle Erklärung der Gruppe

Erste nichtfinanzielle Erklärung der Gruppe


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<strong>Alperia</strong><br />

<strong>Nachhaltigkeitsbericht</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />

Figure 29: Types of occupational diseases, occupational disease rate, and absenteeism {GRI 403-2}<br />

Employees Unit <strong>2017</strong> 2016 YoY-Variation<br />

Incidents of occuptional diseases nr. 0 0 0 %<br />

Lost work days due to occupational diseases days 0 0 0 %<br />

Lost work days due to abentees of all kind1 days 10.717 7.633 40 %<br />

Hours worked hours 1.396.937 1.194.147 17 %<br />

Hours scheduled to be worked hours 1.824.863 1.511.618 21 %<br />

Occupational disease rate (per 1.000.000 h) nr. 0 0 0 %<br />

Absentee rate (per 1.000 h) rate 5,87 5,05 16 %<br />

1Absentee excludes permitted leave absences such as holidays, study, maternity or paternity leave and compassionate leave. ‘Lost days’<br />

count begins the day after the absence.<br />

Figure 30: Types of injury and rates of injury, lost days, and number of work-related fatalities1 {GRI 403-2}<br />

Employees Unit <strong>2017</strong> 2016 YoY-Variation<br />

Fatalities nr. 0 0 0 %<br />

Lost work day incidents nr. 13 25 -48 %<br />

Lost days 2 days 192 228 -16 %<br />

Hours worked hours 1.396.937 1.561.512 -11 %<br />

Incident rate (per 1.000.000 h)3 rate 9,31 16,01 -42 %<br />

Lost day rate (per 1.000h) rate 0,14 0,15 -6 %<br />

1Data for contractors are currently not available. It is planned to collect this information by 2019.<br />

2When calculating ‘lost days’, ‘days’ means ‘calendar days’ ; ‘lost days’ count begins the day after the accident<br />

3Minor (first-aid level) injuries are not included in the injury rate (IR); fatalities are included in the injury rate (IR)<br />

Seite 133

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