14.06.2018 Aufrufe

Nachhaltigkeitsbericht Alperia 2017

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Erste nichtfinanzielle Erklärung der Gruppe


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<strong>Alperia</strong><br />

<strong>Nachhaltigkeitsbericht</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />

Green mission<br />

Figure 14: Water {ALP6, ALP7}<br />

<strong>2017</strong> 2016 YoY-Variation<br />

Water released for minimum flow liters per second 38.178 37.739 1 %<br />

Incidents of non compliance with MVF requirement nr. 0 0<br />

Figure 15: Energy consumption within the organization3 {GRI 302-1}<br />

Unit1 <strong>2017</strong> Proportion 2016 YoY-Variation<br />

Total energy consumption within the organization from non-renewable<br />

sources TJ 936 27 % 943 -1 %<br />

Gasoline TJ 6 0 % 6 0 %<br />

Natural gas TJ 891 26 % 899 -1 %<br />

Electricity for own consumption (produced and aquired) TJ 39 1 % 38 3 %<br />

Total energy consumption within the organization from renewable sources TJ 2.534 73 % 2.315 10 %<br />

Palmoil TJ 2.111 61 % 1.900 11 %<br />

Wood chips TJ 157 4 % 103 52 %<br />

Electricity for own consumption (produced) TJ 68 2 % 134 -49 %<br />

Heat for own consumption (aquired)2 TJ 199 6 % 178 12 %<br />

Total energy consumption within the organzation TJ 3.470 3.258 7 %<br />

1Conversion factors used based on the IPPC Guidebook 2006.<br />

2Includes purchased heat used for incinerator in Bolzano (75 % in <strong>2017</strong>). The rest was used for autoconsumtion.<br />

3Single values have been rounded. Total matches sum of actual not rounded values.<br />

Seite 125

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