14.12.2012 Aufrufe

Universität Osnabrück, Graduiertenkolleg Mikrostruktur oxidischer

Universität Osnabrück, Graduiertenkolleg Mikrostruktur oxidischer

Universität Osnabrück, Graduiertenkolleg Mikrostruktur oxidischer


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Fig. 1. The amplitude (squares) and<br />

frequency ω0 (circles) of oscillations vs the<br />

creation rate ζ of reactants A. The dashed<br />

line divides the oscillatory region (upper<br />

part) from the non-oscillation region (lower<br />

part).<br />

Fig. 2. The amplitude at the system’s<br />

self-oscillation frequency ω0 vs ratio<br />

ωmod/ω0. Parameter ζ=0.08 and modulation<br />

amplitude ∆ζ=0.01.<br />

(ii) To clearly detect the influence of modulation on the oscillatory behavior, let us choose freely the<br />

adsorbtion rate in the non-oscillatory region, e.g., ζ=0.08. Then we fix the modulation amplitude ∆ζ=0.01 and<br />

try various modulation frequencies ωmod. It is detected, that the amplitude of oscillations increases if the<br />

frequency ratio ωmod/ω0 is around one of ½, 1, see Fig. 2. We have observed that in these frequency regions<br />

along with an increase of oscillation amplitude the self-oscillation frequency ω0 locks to the corresponding<br />

modulation frequency ωmod (see Fig. 5. in Ref. [18]). These facts indicate that the increase of oscillation<br />

amplitude can be interpreted as a resonance behavior in the Lotka-type model.<br />

The Lotka-type model is a remarkable simplification of theoretical models available for describing oscillatory<br />

systems. It differs strongly from the real catalytic reactions (e.g., CO catalytic transformation on Pt surface) in<br />

the following respects: (a) concentration oscillations are not connected with surface reconstructions; (b)<br />

diffusion of reactants (a fast and very important process in the real systems) in this case is not taken into<br />

account; (c) the model has an original mechanism of oscillation synchronization (obviously different from that in<br />

real systems), which ensures macroscopical oscillations of reactant concentrations. These oscillations exist<br />

independently on the lattice size without implicating any additional mechanisms of synchronization, like<br />

diffusion.<br />

Nevertheless the detected resonance behavior is similar to the experimentally obtained results for the forced CO<br />

catalysis on a Pt surface [3]. Between the resonance frequencies, our simulations show a quasiperiodic behavior,<br />

similarly to the real experiment. However, in contrast to this experiment, Monte-Carlo computer simulations do<br />

not show resonance behavior for some frequency ratios, e.g., 1:4, 3:5 or 2:3. An increase of the modulation<br />

amplitude in the resonance regions does not lead to a quasiperiodic behavior, like it is observed in the<br />

experiments for frequency ratios 3:5 or 2:3. The transition to chaos has not been detected. One should note that<br />

these discrepancies could arise by two reasons: (a) the Lotka-type model suggests a quite simplificated treatment<br />

of real autocatalytic reactions. Refining the model will lead to better agreement with the experimental data, and<br />

more effects will be reproduced. But this step inavoidably increases the number of parameters in the model and<br />

thus an origin of the resonance behavior will be harder to trace. (b) The specific feature of the Monte-Carlo<br />

method is a large noise level, thus complicating a detection of resonance phenomena. Most probably due to this<br />

particular fact we were not able to detect the resonance behavior at other ratios (e.g., 1:4, 3:5 or 2:3).<br />

A comparison of experimental data with our simulation results allows to draw the conclusion that the resonance<br />

phenomena (like frequency locking and resonance behavior) are not connected to a specific surface reaction,<br />

e.g., CO catalytic oxidation, but they reflect very general aspects of oscillatory processes.<br />

(iii) Now let us consider the limiting case of mobile reactants. Usually diffusion can give rise to segregation of<br />

reactants [10] and other spatio-temporal structures, like running waves or spirals [1]. We have observed the<br />

segregation of reactants, but not the running waves or spirals. This fact is due to a peculiarity of the Lotka-type<br />

model. Namely, an infinite reaction rate A+B→2B determines, that configurations with reactants A and B in the<br />

NN sites do not exist. In other words, the front of reaction goes with an infinite speed and all clusters of A’s are<br />

transformed into clusters of B’s instantly, without any reaction front.<br />

We have observed that diffusion results only in desynchronization of concentration oscillations. The amplitude<br />

of oscillations decreases with an increase of diffusion, see Fig. 3. Particularly, diffusion of reactants A is less

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