14.12.2012 Aufrufe

Universität Osnabrück, Graduiertenkolleg Mikrostruktur oxidischer

Universität Osnabrück, Graduiertenkolleg Mikrostruktur oxidischer

Universität Osnabrück, Graduiertenkolleg Mikrostruktur oxidischer


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Computer simulations of defects in KNbO3 and KTaO3<br />

Beginn des Projekts: 01.02.1997<br />

Ende des Projekts: 31.03.1998<br />

Dr. Roberts Eglitis (Postdoktorand)<br />

Betreuer: Prof. Dr. G. Borstel<br />

Zusammenfassung<br />

Semi-empirical Hartree-Fock calculations using the intermediate neglect of differential overlapp<br />

(INDO) method, for self-ordered cubic symmetry clusters of seven Nb ions in KTaO3 are performed with the<br />

aim of verifying the cluster model [1] of second component-induced phase transitions in ferroelectric perovskite<br />

matrices. It is shown that such a seven-particle cluster in KTaO3:Nb has two types of quasidegenerate states of<br />

different nature. Namely, the state with the equilibrium full-symmetric dilatation and off-center displacements in<br />

[111]-directions of the central Nb-ion in the cluster, and the state with the equilibrium full-symmetric compression<br />

without any off-center effect. The consequencies of such cluster structures on the multi-well potential are<br />

discussed. In particular, an avalanche-like behaviour of the temperature dependence of the ferroelectric order<br />

parameter is obtained. The results of semi-empirical INDO calculations of a seven-impurities cluster of Nb-ions<br />

in KTaO3 confirm the key assumptions of the cluster model of induced phase transitions.<br />

The LMTO and INDO methods are used for a supercell study of F centers in cubic and orthorhombix<br />

ferroelectric KNbO3 crystals. Two electrons are found to be considerably delocalized even in the ground state<br />

of the defect. The absorption energies are calculated by means of the INDO method using the ∆SCF scheme<br />

after a relaxation of atoms surrounding the F center. As an example of another type of point defect in perovskite,<br />

an isolated Li impurity in KTaO3 as well as interacting Li pairs are considered in the supercell approach. The<br />

off-center Li displacement, reorientational energy barriers and the lattice relaxation around impurities are calculated.<br />

The results are compared with those obtained earlier within the shell model, revealing the relaxation pattern<br />

somehow different from the shell model estimations.<br />

We used INDO method for large unit cell calculations of hole polarons bound to a cation vacancy in<br />

partly covalent perovskite KNbO3. In KNbO3 we predict the existence of one-site and two site (molecular) polarons<br />

with close absorption energies ∼ 1 eV.<br />

Ergebnisse<br />

The exploration of the Nb-clusters in KTaO3 was performed using the periodic LUC method, as it is implemented<br />

in the updated CLUSTERD computer code [I,II,2,3]. In order to calculate the Nb clusters in KTaO3, we<br />

replaced in our 4×4×4 times extended unit cell, containing 320 atoms, seven Ta atoms by seven Nb atoms. After<br />

this, in order to find the energy minima of Nb clusters in KTaO3, we allowed to six Nb atoms to relax towards<br />

the central Nb atom. The results of our calculations show that for six Nb atoms shifted symmetrically towards<br />

the central Nb atom by 0.187 Å, the total energy per LUC is lowered by 0.088 eV. Moreover, the outward uniform<br />

displacement of six Nb atoms from the central Nb by 0.073 Å is also favorable and lowers the energy by<br />

approximately 0.03 eV. In the case, when 6 Nb atoms are shifted outwards from the central Nb atom, the central<br />

Nb-atom moves off-center from central position in the [111] direction by 0.27 Å, further lowering the total energy<br />

of system by 0.09 eV. These configurations correspond to a ground-state vibronic multiplet. The Nb atom<br />

reveals also an instability in the [100] direction. The shift of the central Nb ion along the [100] direction by<br />

0.192 Å lowers the cluster energy additionally by 0.056 eV in the same case when six Nb atoms are shifted<br />

outwards from the central Nb atom. The total cluster-structure induced energy lowering in the ground state,<br />

which corresponds to the situation when six Nb atoms are symmetrically shifted in the direction from the center<br />

of the Nb cluster, and the central Nb atom is off-center in the [111] direction is 0.12 eV [III]. According

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