14.12.2012 Aufrufe

Universität Osnabrück, Graduiertenkolleg Mikrostruktur oxidischer

Universität Osnabrück, Graduiertenkolleg Mikrostruktur oxidischer

Universität Osnabrück, Graduiertenkolleg Mikrostruktur oxidischer


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energy surfaces determined for LiNbO3 look very similar to those of LiTaO3. As a consequence, the difference<br />

in the transition temperatures in these compound can be ascribed to the differences in their energetics at the zone<br />

boundary. Similar results were obtained later by Yu and Park [10].<br />

More recently, Parlinski et al. [11] derived the dispersion relations for both paraelectric and ferroelectric<br />

phases of LiNbO3 using the direct method [12]. From their study, the phonon frequencies are also available,<br />

whereas the eigenvectors were not calculated.<br />

Ergebnisse<br />

Within the framework of density functional theory (DFT) [13], we optimized the equilibrium groundstate<br />

structure of paraelectric and ferroelectric structures of LiNbO3 using the full-potential linearized augmented<br />

plane wave method with the addition of the local orbital basis<br />

functions [14] as implemented in the WIEN97 code [15]. Besides the calculation of the theoretical lattice parameters,<br />

the structure optimization included also the relaxation of the atomic positions according to the symmetry<br />

constraint imposed by the crystal symmetry. The computational setup used in our calculation as well as the<br />

values of the lattice parameters and the relaxed atomic positions were reported in Ref. [16].<br />

The ferroelectric instability in LiNbO3 was investigated with respect to its fully optimized paraelectric<br />

structure. The total-energy profile calculated for atomic displacements described by A2u symmetry showed that<br />

this phase is energetically unstable (with respect to the symmetry-lowering atomic displacements). This result<br />

agrees with those of Inbar and Cohen, but it was obtained without any a priori assumption regarding the experimental<br />

pattern of the ferroelectric transition in this material.<br />

Using the frozen-phonon method [17], we proceeded with the analysis of the zone-center lattice dynamics<br />

in the ferroelectric phase of LiNbO3. The Γ-TO phonons are split by symmetry into four A1, five A2 and nine<br />

E modes. The A1 and E modes are both Raman and infrared active, whereas the A2 modes are silent. The<br />

motivation of our study resides in a controversial attribution of the displacement patterns corresponding to<br />

different modes. As was emphasized in Ref. [18,19], the physical properties of LiNbO3 depend significantly on<br />

the presence of both intrinsic and extrinsic defects. Particularly, the Raman spectroscopy is very sensitive to the<br />

stoichiometry of LiNbO3 crystals, and this could result in the appearance of new lines or in the shift of some<br />

frequencies. Thus, only limited experimental information regarding the atomic displacements was available by<br />

means of isotope effect [20] or from the comparison of Raman spectra recorded for LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 [21].<br />

The measured Raman frequencies [18,20,22] for congruent and nearly stoichiometric samples together<br />

with those calculated [11,23] for perfectly ordered LiNbO3 crystal are presented in Table I.<br />

Table I. Calculated and measured frequencies (cm -1 ) of four A1-TO modes in LiNbO3<br />

calc. 7 LiNbO3 exp. 7 LiNbO3 calc. 6 LiNbO3 Exp. 6 LiNbO3<br />

[23] [11] [20] [18] [22] [23] [20]<br />

TO1 208 239 256 251 251 208 256<br />

TO2 279 320 275 273 273 299 289<br />

TO3 344 381 332 331 331 344<br />

TO4 583 607 632 631 631 583 637<br />

The agreement of our calculations and experimental values is very good for TO2 and TO3, which thus are largely<br />

harmonic. The average difference of 45 cm -1 between the computed and experimental frequency for TO1 and of<br />

50 cm -1 for TO4 clearly indicates that these modes are highly anharmonic. A detailed discussion of the corresponding<br />

displacement patterns is reported in Ref. [23]. Also, in this paper the frequencies and eigenvectors of<br />

A2 and E modes are presented. The calculated normal vibration coordinates for these modes can be used in constructing<br />

the reliable lattice dynamics models for this system doped with various impurity ions.<br />

In the case of LiTaO3, we investigated the origin of the experimentally observed hardness of the Γ-TO3<br />

frequency in LiTaO3 by a comparison with those in LiNbO3. The calculated Γ-TO frequencies within frozenphonon<br />

approach and the experimental data are presented in Table II.

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