14.12.2012 Aufrufe

Gesundheit Healthcare - M2M Alliance

Gesundheit Healthcare - M2M Alliance

Gesundheit Healthcare - M2M Alliance


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e extremely difficult. Tel-Tron had been<br />

looking for a reliable wireless technology<br />

for years and finally chose ZigBee mesh<br />

technology. The company determined<br />

the self-healing, node-hopping nature of<br />

ZigBee technology was the most reliable<br />

solution for its needs and selected Digi<br />

International’s XBee ZigBee modules.<br />

XBees provide reliability for<br />

mission-critical application<br />

In a Tel-Tron emergency call system,<br />

assisted living community residents each<br />

carry a pendant 24/7. The pendant allows<br />

the resident to call for help if he / she falls<br />

or needs any kind of emergency assistance.<br />

Additionally, fire, security and other safety<br />

alarms are scattered throughout the<br />

community. When an alarm is triggered or<br />

Anwendungen und Referenzen Applications and References<br />

XBee ZigBee-Module von Digi Inter national<br />

gewährleisten die zuverlässige Funkkommunikation<br />

zwischen Empfänger und<br />

Leitstelle.<br />

Digi International’s XBee ZigBee modules<br />

enable reliable wireless communication<br />

between the receiver and the control<br />

equipment.<br />

a resident presses the button on his / her<br />

pendant, a wireless signal is sent to a receiver<br />

which communicates this information back<br />

to the control equipment being monitored<br />

by emergency response personnel. In the<br />

wired version, the receivers are connected<br />

to the control equipment using CAT 5<br />

cable. In the wireless set up, each receiver<br />

includes an XBee module to enable wireless<br />

communication between the receiver and<br />

the control equipment.<br />

If someone has a heart attack or someone<br />

falls down and breaks a hip, a call for help is<br />

not an optional communication, but rather<br />

it has to be fail-safe, therefore a reliable<br />

vendor is vital. The receivers are positioned<br />

to create redundancies within range of each<br />

transmitter. Multiple receivers allow for<br />

multiple routes back to the transmitter. This<br />

maintains system integrity if any node fails.<br />

Self-healing is an important feature of a<br />

ZigBee mesh network. Mesh networks are<br />

decentralized in nature; each node is selfrouting<br />

and able to connect to other nodes<br />

as needed. This allows a ZigBee mesh<br />

network to repair itself if there is any node<br />

failure or communication breakdown.<br />

A strong partnership<br />

The first wireless installation was deployed<br />

in November 2008 and currently seven<br />

wireless configurations are installed<br />

that feature XBee technology. One of the<br />

installations features 165 XBee ZigBee<br />

nodes scattered over 100 acres. They not<br />

only needed good technology, but also<br />

proper layout of the technology. Digi added<br />

features and functionality to the XBee<br />

modules to ensure it met their specifications<br />

and critical communication needs. Digi is<br />

actively interested in its customers and make<br />

permanent enhancements to their products<br />

to allow niche applications. Whether<br />

firmware support or physical packaging,<br />

they understand how people are using<br />

their products and are flexible, helpful and<br />

interested in their customers’ success.<br />

Contact<br />

Michael Pohl<br />

Digi International GmbH<br />

Email: info@digieurope.com<br />

www.digi.com<br />

Talk2M – Fernwartung<br />

im Dienste der <strong>Gesundheit</strong><br />

Talk2M – Remote Control for Health<br />

Das Unternehmen IBA aus Belgien ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Lösungen<br />

zur Diagnose und Behandlung von Krebskrankheiten. Dazu gehören auch Teilchenbeschleuniger<br />

zur Produktion von Radiopharmazeutika. Um eine noch hygienischere<br />

und sicherere Produktion von Fluor-Deoxyglykose (FDG) zu ermöglichen,<br />

wird der neue Rhodotron-Teilchenbeschleuniger mit Hilfe der Fernwartungs-Komplettlösung<br />

Talk2M in Verbindung mit der Hardware eWON aus dem Hause Wachendorff<br />

überwacht.<br />

The IBA Company of Belgium is a leading global provider of solutions for the diagnosis<br />

and treatment of cancer. This includes particle accelerators for the production<br />

of radiopharmaceuticals. In order to enable a more hygienic and safer production of<br />

fluorine-Deoxyglykose (FDG), the new Rhodotron particle accelerator will be monitored<br />

using the remote maintenance solution Talk2M in conjunction with the eWON<br />

hardware from Wachendorff.<br />

In der Universitätsklinik von Gand, Belgien,<br />

ist ein solcher Teilchenbeschleuniger<br />

von IBA im Einsatz. Er dient zur Produktion<br />

von FDG, einem Glucoseabkömmling, der<br />

in den Zuckerstoffwechsel von Tumoren<br />

eingeschleust wird. FDG kann vor und nach<br />

der Therapie zur Verlaufskontrolle eingesetzt<br />

werden. Damit gelingt es, Tumore<br />

nachzuweisen oder auszuschließen.<br />

Im Falle eines vermeintlichen oder tatsächlichen<br />

Maschinenfehlers oder bei sonstigen<br />

Fragen, möchte IBA schnellstmöglich<br />

zur Stelle sein. Die bisher 80 ausgelieferten<br />

Teilchenbeschleuniger sind weltweit<br />

<strong>M2M</strong> Journal 04 | 06/10 17

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