09.03.2018 Aufrufe

Thermoverpackungen Isolierverpackungen bedrucken lassen

Thermoverpackungen Isolierverpackungen Katalog. Verpackungen mit individuellem Logo Druck. Thermoverpackungen bedrucken lassen für Marketing und Verkaufsförderung.

Thermoverpackungen Isolierverpackungen Katalog. Verpackungen mit individuellem Logo Druck. Thermoverpackungen bedrucken lassen für Marketing und Verkaufsförderung.


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-- elosing options I Differents types de [ermeture --<br />

Button VelcI'o Automatie: Manual:<br />

• blaclc 0' white • whlte . Hot-melt adheaive • Bj·adhesive tape<br />

Bouton pr.$I';ol1 V.IC.fO Autom.tiqu. Manu.l:<br />

• noi, ou bI.ne ·bI"ne .p,t.a..~s.... .P.t.S..adh<br />

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extra rl')i'Sl.1t'lte ,"XII' f S f.ttlle<br />

-- Up $hape I Patt. de f.rmetur. --<br />

Straight<br />

Dro;te<br />

Dia90nill<br />

cOI'ne,OUt<br />

En diagonale<br />

Autom:.tic:<br />

·lOrr'nmperside<br />

Au-romatiqu.<br />

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ManueHe:<br />

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Features / Caractenstiques<br />

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customisnblo water resistant anti-shock Mtt-d,rt thermal 1(~~,::CYcl.bIO<br />

p.fJOl'In,~ubl. '" .u.,nt d /'e..t

Bubble<br />

Envelopes<br />

Enveloppes abulIes<br />

Our products are made of metalized PEr<br />

film with air bubble on its interior. a thermal<br />

isolanon that ensures ternperatcre and<br />

shock control.<br />

For our line of packaging, envelopes and<br />

bags, it Is the perfeci way to assore safe<br />

transportation. As it is plenty of srnall air<br />

pillows, any product maintains its natural<br />

temperature. and in the same time you will<br />

ensure distinction to any product and let<br />

the brand speak through the package or<br />

envelope.<br />

Main advantages;100% recyclable,thermal,<br />

water and fungus resistance.<br />

Tousnos produits sonr fabriques avec du<br />

film abulIes en polyethylene recycle<br />

eccoupt« avec du PET alumine. assurant<br />

ainsi protectioo anti ehoc mais auss.<br />

thermique.<br />

Ces emballages, enveloppes er sacs, sont<br />

le moyen ideal pour assurer secur;te er<br />

disrinction duranr le transport des vos<br />

objets. Nos produits etant munis de milliers<br />

de bulles d'air qui agissent comme une<br />

chambre a eit. aident au maintient des<br />

ternperatures er sont anrichoc, assurant<br />

protection er distincrion a votre produit.<br />

Vo[re marque parlero ä travers cer<br />

emballage ou enveloppe.<br />

100 % recyclable, thermique, resistant a<br />

I'eau er anrifungique.<br />


6\<br />

• opttoftt

Options<br />

used .in Ih,s prodlJe.<br />

U!,JISee5 SVf ce prodl.UI<br />

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Options used~nthi$ prcduct .<br />

ct-nsees sur ce prodvn<br />

~t""onaco.co~<br />

\f,SI ".<br />

+ option, p.agt2<br />

•<br />

Options u"~dIn this prcdcct .<br />

u,,"'6cs 5ur co produ'f<br />

+ optionsp~ge2<br />

Options used!n trusproducc<br />

Ul1I,sees SO"ce pfod,,/!<br />

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lengend on page 2I Legende page 2 / 7

Options<br />

used.n "'" p.odutt<br />

CM"®(i(jJY.<br />

8 / Lengend on page 2 I Legen depage2

Options<br />

lJ,ed In this product<br />

utll.sees sur ce prodtl.t<br />

,\ /<br />

/~:::: Thermal / Thermique<br />

•<br />



Imagine par vous, concu pour vous<br />

o ti<br />

pans<br />

used N't th-s produ. t<br />

uh1rsees SUt Ce ptodu t<br />

l~nqend on page Z/ Ltlgende page 2 / 9

Metallized Envelopes / Enveloppes Metallisees<br />

Our newest line 01 envelopes has no bubble, they are made 01<br />

PEIPETmaterial, 100'JI. recydable ,very lightweight but with great<br />

resistance and durabilIty.<br />

Metallized color. give our envelopes an attractive vlSual<br />

presentaüon, \'/Ith po$sibility to personalize accordlng tc<br />

the needs 01our d,ent such as size, type 01closing,<br />

color and dIent logo or pattern, translorming thls<br />

common uem Into an extraordinary advel'tising product.<br />

Encortt ddrlS ,., gamma d'enve/oppes, la creation Ja plus<br />

recenteesrI'enveloppe plasr/quesaosbulles d'al(, fabflquees<br />

en PE/PET, mar/ere 100 % recye/able, rreslegere, reslslanlo<br />

el urab/e.<br />

eurs merallisees offrent une presentarion visuelle rres<br />

arrrayan Une immens/re de personnalisarions sont possib/es<br />

pUI5que ro esr fabrique sur mesure selon les besoins du dient<br />

11est possible e personnaliser la dimension, le formar de I. parre de<br />

fermeture. er 1', fession. transformant ains; ce produtr commun an un<br />

~~iig-~i~%~<br />

ine par vous, concu pour vous<br />

+ option, p*go2<br />

Lengend on page 2 I Legende page 2 / 11

BOTTlE<br />


Wine market is growing and quality is improving all over<br />

the world. Countries without long tradition on this field<br />

have registered this new trend last years. as offering bottle<br />

of wine becarnea proof of good taste.Different models of bottle<br />

packages in our range can make your effer even more special.<br />

Le marcM du vin eSI en Iranchecroissance el/a qua/ile s'ameliore<br />

partout dans le monde.<br />

Des pays n~ayantpas cerre tradition cufturelle s/y mettent petit<br />

ci petit et cette nouvelle tendance ne fait qu'augmenter. en effet.<br />

ollrir une bouteille de vin est de plus en plus une preuve de bon<br />

goüt.<br />

Les differenfs mode/es d'emballages pour bouteilles, pcuvent<br />

tendre votre cadeau encore plus special.<br />

cuercmisebte weter resetent enti-shock<br />

~liNbko rki:$IIIIlCiI'NIol fltllidloc'<br />

I~I<br />

enti-dirt<br />

.-<br />

~<br />

thermal<br />

i_<br />


,eI 35004 3<br />

used,oth ••product<br />

Opttons<br />

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uhlisfflSUfC4tprodu"<br />

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WINl C;-.oI,U'<br />

,VinSd.<br />

Bergerac<br />

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.:.Oft. ~<br />

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WITH THE<br />

PACKAGE ...<br />

Communiquez a travers I'emballage ...<br />

,eI 35044<br />

Options used Inthis prcduct<br />

ur,t $Öft$

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rllf<br />

~~)- r *<br />

35072 1used in !his product rt<br />

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Options ur ~sU(cept<br />

Lengend on paqe 2 I Legende page 2<br />


or. 35005 used in thi'$ prod~"'it<br />

Options Uh'. ees SUf ce pr;<br />

•<br />

+ options ~ge2<br />

rel 35036 Wld onthlS produclodltit<br />

Options Uflll$~ surce P"<br />

~<br />

+ option. p.g..,2<br />

16 I Lengend on page 2.<br />

I Legende page 2

el, 35030 I d<br />

used in t lis pro uct<br />

Options ut,l~ >Ur ce ptoci..Ar<br />

@Q)<br />

+ opUons pag 2<br />

y<br />


Wine<br />

rel.<br />

Bag5<br />

measures (Cx~<br />

7.5x7.5. 42em<br />

7.5x7.5. 4gem<br />

7,5 x 15 x 42cm<br />

7.5x21.5x42em<br />

"Vins ..<br />

BergeraC<br />

Wine Bag5<br />

re1.<br />

measures(ClClM)<br />

350042 -260

Bag with Handle<br />

Cube Box<br />

rel. measures (C~ rel. measures (C.Lx.A;I<br />

~ 35005 3Sx 7.5x2Sem 35046 10x 10x tücm<br />

!!Y<br />

35007 26x6x31cm 35059 12x12x12cm<br />

35063 11,5Ä 11,Sx.9cm<br />

Use: ccsmencs. textile. jewelery<br />

35040 7.Sx7.Sx42cm<br />

Uso: v&fious<br />

Pyramid box<br />

measures~<br />

12x 12)( lOcm<br />

Usa: cosmetks. je ..... elery<br />

Box<br />

(ef.<br />

350171 29x 13,5xllcm<br />

measures(CxL.lfA)<br />

350172 28.5l( 17 x 17em<br />

U$O: cosmencs, textile. jewelery<br />

end meny others<br />

Lunch Box<br />

rel. measures<br />

35036 20)( 12)( 14cm<br />

35045 31l( "~x16cm<br />

35069 29x 14x 1()em<br />

35070 33x 18x 12c::rn<br />

(CilitA)<br />

Use: textile, sweets, souvenirs<br />

ond m,)ny Oth.cts<br />

Tablet bag<br />

rel. measures (Cxl.xA)<br />

35033 2ox2Qcm<br />

35041 20,S x 26cm<br />

Use: tablets, IPad's, others<br />

Lunch Box<br />

rel. measures~<br />

35075 27,Sx 15,5x 10,Sem<br />

Use: textile. sweets end OlMrs<br />

measures<br />

(C x Lx Al We develop project and<br />

execute prototypes<br />

according to your needs<br />

[]}<br />

Nous developpons vos projets ainsi que les<br />

prototypes selon vos besoins<br />

Lengend on page 2 I Legende page 2 / 19

Features / Caracteristiques<br />



Imagine par vous, concu pour vous<br />

With ye.rs 01knowtedge producing thermal insvlationlar build,ngs, \'Ie<br />

eam the e>epenencelor special packaging development,<br />

We created 2 linesof packaging (singlelayerand double I.yer)ded,cated<br />

to vmo is looking for protection from temperature variations and<br />

waterlhumidlty resistance.<br />

Here we prove that wh.t is functional and technicallyadvanced can be<br />

also visuallyappealing, able to create marketing spot and 3dvertise the<br />

brand throughout the entire product logistic.<br />

Ayanrplus da vingrans<br />

d'experienee dans la<br />

fabricariond'isolation<br />

rherm,que pour 1&<br />

bariment. naus avons<br />

applique le saVOI(f.lfe<br />

acquis duranr ces annees<br />

af,n de dt'velopper des<br />

emballagas rherm,ques<br />

Innovantes<br />

Deex "gne5 d emballages (simple<br />

cooche er dOOble couche) onr "r"<br />

crees pour ceux qui cherehent<br />

protection contre les variations de ~<br />

temperatur9 mais dussi contre I'humiöte.<br />

Avec ces carsses naus prouvons que<br />

memo cn orant un produ;[ fonctionnel er ~<br />

technlquement tres aVdtlC~, ce dernjer peut<br />

aussi creer de I. valeur ajoure el faire de<br />

I. publiciltlll vorm morque .1 trovers toure<br />

10 ehaine log,st,quc.<br />

Doblo Loyer<br />

Air Bubble Air Bubbio<br />

650 9rl m2 6509rl m2<br />

Lengendon page 2/ Legende page 2 / 21

\-~<br />

Thermal / Thermique<br />

Our products also olfer impact protection and are 100% recyclable.<br />

Due to the strenght of the bubble material the boxes are reusable.<br />

beside they are easy tOfold.The material is anti-dirtand cu'tomisable<br />

with d,fferent prinling lechniques according 10 requusments and<br />

needs of (he chent.<br />

Ces prodtJOfsoffrem ega'ement prorection anr,·shocker sen! 100%<br />

recyclables. Grke au materiauen filmä bulles metall,s,; rres robuste.<br />

ces ca'$ses sont retltil,sables. facilement nettoyab/es er entlerement<br />

pe(sonn~J;sabte$oü differentes techn;ques d'impression peuvent eIre<br />

appllquees selon les besoms de ehaque client<br />

22 / Lengend on page 2 / Legende page 2

L.<br />

, L ~e d<br />

/23<br />


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