27.10.2017 Aufrufe

Bremen 3 17

Event: Ischa Freimaak · Personality: Bremer Köpfe · Interview: Angelique Kerber · Travel: Südafrika

Event: Ischa Freimaak · Personality: Bremer Köpfe · Interview: Angelique Kerber · Travel: Südafrika


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finest gourmet | 27 b<br />

Fish is always in season<br />

Autumn is on the way, and<br />

the season brings with it delicious<br />

soups and other dishes to warm you<br />

from the inside. But if you would prefer<br />

summer to linger a little longer in<br />

the kitchen, Tristan Brandt, head chef<br />

at the 2 star restaurant Opus V in<br />

Mannheim, recommends a very special<br />

recipe. Red mullet with tomatoes in an<br />

escabeche stock is ideal for gourmets<br />

who appreciate good fish and enjoy the<br />

taste of the French cuisine. The exqui-<br />

Ingredients for 4 persons<br />

■ Red mullet<br />

✔ 2 red mullet, each 300-400 g<br />

✔ Oil for cooking, salt, pepper<br />

site taste of this fish combines with<br />

the fruity flavour of tomato, served<br />

Red Mullet · Tomato · Escabeche<br />

Preparation<br />

Clean, scale and fillet the red mullet.<br />

Bone the fish. Season with salt and pepper,<br />

lay skin-side down on baking paper<br />

and bake until crispy, then turn over and<br />

let it simmer until done. Cut the fennel<br />

into small cubes and steam gently with<br />

chicken stock. Season with salt and pepper<br />

to taste and glaze with butter. Pull the<br />

leaves off the tarragon and stir in before<br />

serving.For the escabeche stock, cut the<br />

vegetables into thumb-sized pieces and<br />

sweat in olive oil with the spices. Douse<br />

with the white wine vinegar, wine and<br />

chicken stock, then reduce to 1 litre. Pass<br />

together with an acidic stock, resulting<br />

in a perfect composition. Bon appétit!<br />

through a fine sieve. Stir in the olive oil,<br />

add the thyme and let the mixture stand<br />

for 15 minutes. Blanch the cherry tomatoes<br />

briefly in boiling water until the skins<br />

burst, remove and quench in iced water.<br />

Peel off the skins and drain. Spread the<br />

tomatoes out on a baking tray, add salt<br />

and icing sugar. Drizzle with olive oil<br />

and add the herbs. Dry for approximately<br />

1 hour at 65°C. Cook the salicornia briefly<br />

in the pan over a high heat. Then place<br />

the tomatoes with the escabeche stock on a<br />

plate and put the fish with the fried skin<br />

side on top of the vegetables.<br />

■ Fennel ragout<br />

✔ 1 fennel bulb<br />

✔ 200 ml chicken stock<br />

✔ 2 sprigs of tarragon<br />

✔ 30 g butter, salt<br />

■ Escabeche stock<br />

✔ 30 ml olive oil<br />

✔ 1 tomato<br />

✔ 3 onions<br />

✔ 4 cloves of garlic<br />

✔ 20g ginger<br />

✔ 1 tsp pink pepper<br />

✔ 1 tsp white pepper<br />

✔ 1 tsp coriander seed<br />

✔ 2 bay leaves<br />

✔ 1 pimento<br />

✔ 1 juniper berry ✔ 15g salt<br />

✔ 50ml white wine vinegar<br />

✔ 750ml dry white wine<br />

✔ 1 litre chicken stock<br />

✔ 100ml olive oil<br />

✔ 4 sprigs of thyme<br />

■ Cherry tomato confit<br />

✔ 12 cherry tomatoes<br />

✔ 50ml olive oil<br />

✔ 1 sprig of basil for each<br />

✔ thyme, rosemary<br />

✔ 10g icing sugar<br />

✔ salt and pepper<br />

■ Salicornia<br />

✔ salt and pepper<br />

✔ 50g salicornia ✔ 1 tsp oil

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