14.12.2012 Aufrufe

Abstractband zum 16. Kongress des Bundesverbandes Legasthenie

Abstractband zum 16. Kongress des Bundesverbandes Legasthenie

Abstractband zum 16. Kongress des Bundesverbandes Legasthenie


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<strong>Abstractband</strong> <strong>16.</strong> <strong>Kongress</strong> <strong>des</strong> Bun<strong>des</strong>verban<strong>des</strong> <strong>Legasthenie</strong><br />

Dyslexia: Research and Current Perspectives<br />

Margaret J. Snowling<br />

Department of Psychology, University of York, United Kingdom<br />

Ten years ago, the field of dyslexia was dominated by the phonological deficit hypothesis,<br />

researchers were investigating causes of individual differences in dyslexia and<br />

studies of children at high-risk of dyslexia were burgeoning. This paper takes a look at<br />

progress in the field and discusses the current research agenda. I will argue that the<br />

standard model of dyslexia needs to be modified to take account of a number of key findings:<br />

dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder and its manifestations differ according<br />

to age and language background. Dyslexia is often co-morbid with other learning disorders,<br />

and oral language skills act as both risk and protective factors in the development<br />

of dyslexia. These findings have important implications for theory and practice.<br />

Korrespondenzautor:<br />

Margaret J. Snowling<br />

mjs19@york.ac.uk<br />

++44 1904 433162<br />

The role of phonological short term memory in reading acquisition. A comparison<br />

between regular and irregular orthographies<br />

Giacomo Stella<br />

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy<br />

Behavioral studies indicate the prominent role of phonological working memory (WM)<br />

in reading. This role is evident during reading when assembling phonology strategy is<br />

used in regular orthographies ( Patterson and Coltheart V. 1987). Phonological WM is<br />

less involved when addressed phonology is used to read irregular words. In this case our<br />

hypothesis is that the visuospatial sketchpad is more used than phonological subcomponent<br />

of WM.<br />

We try to verify our hyptothesis studyng efficiency of visuospatial sketchpad, and phonological<br />

working memory in children at early stages of reading acquisition in English and<br />

Italian setting.<br />

Preliminary data will be presented on a comparison between Italian and English first<br />

grade children.<br />

Korrespondenzautor:<br />

Giacomo Stella<br />

giacomo.stella@unimore.it<br />


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