24.04.2017 Aufrufe

DSP Jahrbuch 2016

Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria Yearbook 2016

Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria
Yearbook 2016


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ALUMNI<br />

Bianca Gevers<br />

Engineering student ranked<br />

among top ten in SA at<br />

GradStar awards<br />

Paul Ssali, a Mechanical Engineering<br />

student in the Faculty of Enginee<br />

ring, Built Environment and<br />

Information Technology at the University of Pretoria, was ranked<br />

among the top ten students in South Africa during the Gradstar<br />

awards ceremony which took place on 27<br />

September <strong>2016</strong>. Each September, Black-<br />

Bark Productions and GradConnection,<br />

in partnership with key role-players, employers<br />

and universities, hold this national<br />

competition to recognise students who<br />

show potential as South Africa‘s future<br />

leaders.<br />

The GradStar programme selects the top<br />

100 university students from across South<br />

Africa and connect them with poten tial<br />

employers, stakeholders, graduate recruitment<br />

agencies and business mentors who<br />

will assist them in getting ready for the<br />

workplace. In order to be awarded a place in<br />

the Top 100, candidates need to survive four rounds of eliminations.<br />

Workshops with potential employers form part of the judging<br />

process. The ten top candidates are selected on the day of the main<br />

event after a final round of assessment.<br />

Giles Harmse, a second-year Mechanical Engineering student at<br />

UP, and Bianca Gevers, a final-year Chemical Engineering student,<br />

were among the top 100 students recognised as future leaders in<br />

South Africa.<br />

The Faculty is proud to be associated with these students who<br />

will make a difference in the world through innovative leadership.<br />

Alexander Hollender<br />

Zur Zeit studiert Alexander Hollender<br />

Tiermedizin an der Universität von<br />

Pretoria. Er hat bereits drei Jahre seines<br />

Studiums erfolgreich bewältigt. Seit<br />

letztem Jahr (2015) ist er wegen seiner<br />

akademischen Leis tungen Mitglied der<br />

,,Golden Key Society”.<br />

Außerdem ist er auch in dem<br />

,,Onderste poort veterinary and paraveterinary<br />

student council”. Dieses<br />

Komitee repräsentiert die Studenten<br />

der tiermedizinischen Fakultät und der<br />

Universität von Pretoria und ist unter anderem für die Leitung der<br />

Fakultät ver ant wortlich. Das schließt das Organisieren von ,,social<br />

events” und Ansagen machen ein. Alexander ist vor allem für das<br />

,,infor ma tion management” verantwortlich.<br />

Golden Key Society 2015<br />

Letztes Jahr wurden folgende Altschüler des Abijahrganges 2013<br />

zur Golden Key Society eingeladen.<br />

• Alexander Hollender<br />

• Tanja Haar<br />

• Christine Baggeroehr<br />

• Lisa Wiswe<br />

Zaheera Layloo<br />

My name is Zaheera Layloo and I was in matric at the <strong>DSP</strong> 10 years<br />

ago this year. Like many of you right now, I wasn’t quite sure of what<br />

I was going to study. All I knew was I wanted to go to the University<br />

of Pretoria. I knew I liked chemistry but loved economics so I applied<br />

for chemistry, even if my first choice was economics.<br />

So at the end of my matric year I finally decided on a Bcom degree<br />

in Economics. When I got to University economics was much more<br />

complicated than what I had learned in Mr Mashazi’s class, but it<br />

was extremely fascinating.<br />

I completed my degree and stayed on for Honours in Economics,<br />

and in my honours year I had the opportunity to go the United<br />

States on an exchange program at Fordham University in New York<br />

City. I was there for 6 weeks and completed a certificate in emerging<br />

markets.<br />

After the Honours degree, I started working at the South African<br />

Revenue Services as a Graduate Economist and stayed there for<br />

almost 2 years. While working, I received a Fulbright scholarship to<br />

complete my Master’s degree at Fordham University in New York<br />

City.<br />

I was in New York for 2 years and then came back to South Africa<br />

at the end of 2013 and started job hunting. I started working for<br />

the Public Investment Corporation as an Investment Analyst. The<br />

PIC invests funds on behalf of public sector entities, such as the<br />

Government Employee Pension Fund. It is the largest asset manager<br />

in Africa managing over R1.8 trillion in assets. It has a division that<br />

focuses on developmental investing - investments that will make<br />

a difference, and that is why I decided to join the PIC, because I<br />

wanted to use my degree to improve the lives of others.<br />

My job entails identifying whether a particular investment<br />

opportunity is viable. Thus, a potential client who needs funding<br />

will send me information on their company; they will send company<br />

background information, financial information etc. I will then<br />

analyse all of the information based on our criteria - whether the<br />

company’s reputation is intact, if they aremaking money, if they<br />

are creating jobs and what social impact they have. Based on that<br />

initial information we will then decide to investigate the company<br />

extensively and then we present our findings to the executive<br />

committee. Finally, an investment committee decides whether to<br />

invest in the company or not.<br />

I must say I wasn’t really sure what an investment analyst does,<br />

so I spoke to -Professors at Fordham University. I also did my own<br />

research to ascertain what exactly it is I would be doing. I spoke to<br />

people who I knew worked in the finance/investment profession<br />

and made sure I got tips on everything from how to dress for my<br />

interview to how to conduct myself in the work place. So, there<br />

were many people who helped me along the way. This made me<br />

realise that one should never ever be afraid to ask for help.<br />

I know many of you have heard that school doesn’t really prepare<br />

you for real life or that you are never going to work in the field you<br />

studied, but that’s not necessarily true. As a graduate economist<br />

at SARS I stood out, because my schooling at the German School<br />

set me apart from my peers, and because I had proficiency with<br />

Computers. My English language skills were also a key component,<br />

as writing reports was and still is critical is for my current job. So -<br />

high school is very important, as it is a stepping stone for University<br />

and ultimately your career.<br />

Zaheera Layloo<br />

160 <strong>DSP</strong> <strong>Jahrbuch</strong> <strong>2016</strong>

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