24.04.2017 Aufrufe

DSP Jahrbuch 2016

Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria Yearbook 2016

Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria
Yearbook 2016


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The Musical Outreach evening was held on the 13th of May <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

There were performances by the Deutsche Schule Pretoria, Partnership<br />

Schools, Tshwane School of Music’s Jazz Band and Just 6, an<br />

award winning capella group.<br />

Mr Matthias Leeflang (Head of the New Secondary School at the<br />

<strong>DSP</strong>) and Mrs Chamel Paul who were masters of ceremony opened<br />

the evening with style and did fantastic jobs. Anita Ohl-Meyer the<br />

Head of Cultural Affairs for the Embassy of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany gave a speech on behalf of the German Government.<br />

Nantes, Boikgantsho and Norridge Park Primary schools all gave<br />

breath-taking cultural performances to the amazement of the<br />

audience.<br />

The Aula was fully packed with an excited audience that consisted<br />

of people from all walks of life. They clapped their hands,<br />

stamped their feet, danced along and ululated in appreciation<br />

of the excellent performances. Food and drinks were served and<br />

everybody had a splendid time.<br />

When the award winning cappella group, Just6, gave the closing<br />

performance, everyone was on their feet dancing the night away!<br />

This was truly a memorable Musical Outreach Evening!<br />

By Saturday School Teachers<br />

Musical Outreach Evening <strong>2016</strong><br />

Ein abwechslungsreiches und kurzweiliges Programm erlebten die<br />

Besucher des Musical Outreach Evenings <strong>2016</strong> in der Aula der <strong>DSP</strong>.<br />

Die Marimba Gruppe, unter Leitung von Renate Streier, eröffnete<br />

den Abend farbenfroh und beschwingt. Gewohnt souverän<br />

und charmant moderiert von Chamel Paul gab es anschließend<br />

kulturelle Tänze von Schülerinnen und Schülern der Partnerschulen<br />

der <strong>DSP</strong>, einen Beitrag der Klasse 3 sowie einen viel be ach teten<br />

Auftritt der a cappella Forma tion Just 6. Darüber hinaus zeigte die<br />

Band der Tshwane School of Music, dass Jazz nicht nur etwas für<br />

ergraute Herren ist. Die Jugend lichen im Alter zwischen 10 und 16<br />

Jahren aus Eersterust brachten echte Klassiker zu Gehör.<br />

148 <strong>DSP</strong> <strong>Jahrbuch</strong> <strong>2016</strong>

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