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VOL. XVI (2010), NO 23 - The International Newsletter of Communist ...

VOL. XVI (2010), NO 23 - The International Newsletter of Communist ...

VOL. XVI (2010), NO 23 - The International Newsletter of Communist ...


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Communist</strong> Studies Online <strong>XVI</strong> (<strong>2010</strong>), no. <strong>23</strong> 267<br />

http://mouvement-social.univ-paris1.fr/<br />

Left history. http://www.yorku.ca/lefthist/ UK Journal<br />

Les Cahiers d’ADIAMOS. http://www.codhos.asso.fr/Adiamos.htm France Journal<br />

Les Cahiers du C.E.R.M.T.R.I. http://www.trotsky.com.fr/ France Journal<br />

Lettre du Centre d’études slaves. http://www.etudesslaves.paris4.sorbonne.fr/<br />

France <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

L'homme et la société. http://www.editionsharmattan.fr/index.asp?navig=catalogue&obj=revue&no=20<br />

France Journal<br />

Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch [formerly: MEGA-Studien].<br />

http://www.bbaw.de/<br />

Germany Journal<br />

Marx-Engels-Marxismus-Forschung. http://www.cpm.ll.ehimeu.ac.jp/AkamacHomePage/<br />

MEMA/MEMA.html<br />

Japan Journal<br />

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps.<br />

http://www.persee.fr/listIssues.do?key=mat<br />

France Journal<br />

Memoria e Ricerca. http://www.istitutodatini.it/biblio/riviste/l-n/memric2.htm<br />

Italy Journal<br />

Mir istorii. Rossiskij elektronnyj žurnal. http://www.historia.ru/ Russia E-Journal<br />

Mitteilungen des Förderkreises, Archive und Bibliotheken zur<br />

Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung.<br />

http://www.fabgab.de/mitteilungen.htm<br />

Germany Journal<br />

Mitteilungen der Gemeinsamen kommission für die Erforschung der<br />

jüngeren Geschichte der deutsch-russischen Beziehungen.<br />

Germany Journal<br />

Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen Bochum.<br />

http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/iga/isb/isbhauptframe/mitteilungsheft/mitteilheft.htm<br />

Germany Journal<br />

Mnimon. Greece Journal<br />

Mundos do Trabalho.<br />

http://www.ifch.unicamp.br/mundosdotrabalho/<br />

Brazil Journal<br />

Nationalities Papers.<br />

http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/cnap<br />

USA Journal<br />

Naučno-informacionnyj bjulleten' RGASPI [ceased publication].<br />

http://www.rusarchives.ru/federal/rgaspi/nsa1.shtml#1.1.3<br />

Russia <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> NEP Era. Soviet Russia 1921-28.<br />

http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/NEPera/<br />

USA Journal<br />

Neprikosnovennyj zapas. http://magazines.russ.ru/nz/ Russia Journal<br />

New Left Review. http://www.newleftreview.org/ USA Journal<br />

New Political Science. A Journal <strong>of</strong> Politics & Culture.<br />

http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/carfax/07393148.html<br />

USA Journal<br />

<strong>Newsletter</strong> Social Science in Eastern Europe.<br />

http://www.gesis.org/en/publications/magazines/newsletter_eastern<br />

_europe/<br />

Germany <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

North West Labour History.<br />

http://www.workershistory.org/<br />

UK Journal<br />

Novaja i novejšaja istorija. Russia Journal<br />

Novyj istoričeskij vestnik.<br />

http://www.nivestnik.ru/<br />

Russia Journal<br />

Nuevo Topo. Revista de historia y pensamiento crítico.<br />

http://nuevotopo.wordpress.com<br />

Argentina Journal<br />

O Olho da História. http://www.oolhodahistoria.org Brazil Journal<br />

Osteuropa. http://osteuropa.dgo-online.org/ Germany Journal<br />

Otečestvennye Archivy.<br />

http://www.rusarchives.ru/publication/otecharh/<br />

Russia Journal<br />

Passato e presente.<br />

http://www.francoangeli.it/riviste/sommario.asp?IDRivista=98<br />

Italy Journal<br />

Perseu. História, Memória e Política.<br />

http://www2.fpa.org.br/portal/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=1<br />

Brazil Journal

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